Jack of a Trades and Master of None | Jordan Peterson

Jack of a Trades and Master of None | Jordan Peterson

Choose Truth

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Aeric Amerel
Aeric Amerel - 26.10.2023 17:46

Everything except for the religious part.. you or I could write a book full of meditative practices and parables and call it a religion... Crazy how that works.. but apparently that is exactly how it does.. yet somehow I still believe in something or someone greater than myself.. entirely too many synchronicities.. go figure.

Manic Hispanic
Manic Hispanic - 25.10.2023 05:38

I get this, 100%. I always had one main job but on the side I took a photography class, a painting class, i cut hair, i fixed the plumbing in my house, learned to do basic work on car, I tinker on the piano. Even though I kept 2 jobs for over a decade each, on the side I was also a cook, security guard where I can go to free concerts and see sporting events, I did marketing that took me to all kinds of fun parties. My side gigs were a way for me to have fun or learn a new skill. But a part of me also really values security. Now at 42 I wish I would have buckled down and maybe got a more stable career. I don't like what I do and I have no idea what I want to do next, sometimes I feel stuck. I never really had a passion for one certain thing. But I also worked for myself long enough to know that I don't like having a boss lol. I think I have to start my own business, but doing what? I'm the queen of starting over, I guess I'll figure it out.

METTI1986LA - 12.09.2023 22:03

I specialized myself in a mix of graphic design and 3d design and what I learned is I can’t just focus on just one thing! I love to create or try new things

Kuro Kai
Kuro Kai - 04.09.2023 17:36

I have beeen listening to professor peterson for a long time and i always am left with a lot of self analysis and set for better life if I focus on the idea that was discussed but this clip is probably the one life changing video I'll see that left it's mark on me, I have always been creative and I've known that and I've been facing the consequences, I've not been able to actually sort out and organize my interests and put some discipline in my life, which left me with many interests and no results to show,. But now that I think about it i know what my main discipline is, I go to college for it damn it, and I know my other important and fun and necessary discipline /interests that I want to develop. Now I need to only focus and direct and implement discipline in life so that I give more importance to my primary discipline and also somehow give some time to my other disciplines and interests. This is the plan now. I hope I stay on track and discipline only becomes stronger from now on. God help me. Jai shree ram. Jai shree banjrangbali. Om namah shivai. Radhe radhe. Hare krishna. ❤

Rapho Silva
Rapho Silva - 02.02.2023 08:00

Lion is the king on the land, shark king in the water, the eagle is the king in the air. But the duck, the duck can walk on the land, can swin on the water and can fly in the air. 🦆

Dariush Baez
Dariush Baez - 04.01.2023 12:46

The problem is that in a modern digital economy where the game is always changing being a ONE TRICK PONY will get you rich but not keep you there.
You'll be out outclassed by the one who can learn multiple things on the fly and pivot, like Elon Musk.

Many people who were high earners in Detroit factory jobs had a wake up call when their industry collapsed right before retirement and now they had to start from the bottom in some new and completely unrelated industry.

CMAG - 02.01.2023 13:43

Jordan is lost in the game not knowing the full quotation smh

EXTRANGHERO BANKAI - 18.11.2022 17:02

Me can communicate in this vast earth both with have physical and spiritual ,man in action and also a jack of all trades that's it's what they surveyed me my personities by the ocultist but looks like no enhancement no progress and undeveloped ,I think I never did good to help my self.

Trevor J
Trevor J - 16.11.2022 18:11

What's the damn quote pertaining to a master of none or one or what the ****.

B Suryasaradhi
B Suryasaradhi - 09.11.2022 18:18

I believe, Jack of all trades, Slave of none

John Hague
John Hague - 29.10.2022 22:21

Not ending up with the end of silent running film. Let you book learners do the work I sought out what is useful from any where on the planet. I'm church of England and the Union Jack is the priority. I've been doing this since I was 5 in 1987.

Mayra Rios
Mayra Rios - 11.10.2022 05:31

To me being a Jack of all trades is a positive thing. Who says I can't be excellent in a lot of things? Being a Jack of all trades has allowed me to work in different areas or cover for those who only work in the same area over & over again, How Boring 😴...Being creative on the other ✋️, has given a chance to renovate an old house & pay if off in no time, make furniture, grow organic food, make my own personal items &...The list is endless....If we are created by One who created the Universe, I'm sure we are capable of doing many excellent things & not just one....The Universe is the Limit not the Moon!

eKasi Mind Tricks
eKasi Mind Tricks - 09.10.2022 12:45


I'm 24 years old guy and honestly, I believe that I can master ANYTHING that I want within a week if I can focus ONLY on it.. But I can't because I have to practice and learn chess, practice magic tricks, improve my PUBG mobile TDM skills, practice transcribing and subtitling, writing rap lyrics, hacking, practice ambidexterity, practice ventriloquism, learn songs in foreign languages, practice my typing skill, learn digital marketing (for my social media accounts), practice photoshop 2020 cc, logos and posters designing, edit videos for my instagram account(s), improve my rubik's cube speed, be creative for my next fashionable instagram photoshoot or reels, learn mentalism, learn psycology, learn finance and investment strategies (for smart investments), and mooooooore that I have even forgotten that I can do. I'm doing at least 4-5 of these things in a day and I can see an improvement in everything that I do & the progress is really good. Trust me, I'm never bored because I have tons and tons of things to do. I'm an extrovert and a social butterfly but I really enjoy being alone because I can practice or improve SOME of my skillS, or I can even learn something new lol. I recently graduated from Molecular Biology and I'm apparently looking for job. I'm scared for this new chapter of life because I think that i'd never get a chance to do practice or improve my skills, or rather learn a new one. Not to brag or anything, if any jack of all traits if offered a job it's either they will not last longer working there or they will be better than anyone else within a short period of time. I bet no one is as creative as a jack of all traits, humbly so.

Alejandro Rubio
Alejandro Rubio - 14.09.2022 18:23

Jack of all trades is master of none, but still always better than mastering one.

Mathin3D - 15.08.2022 14:39

Master of all trades and jack a s of none

Pyromaniak - 15.08.2022 05:24

People tend to forget the original quote. “jack of all trades, master of none is oftentimes better than the master of one”. I think the last part got cropped out over time due to jealousy. People having a sense of envy towards those who are quite talented in many different trades and skills. What I think

A Sous Chef From The 6ix
A Sous Chef From The 6ix - 06.08.2022 10:57

My grandma and great uncle always told me from the time I started working at 14 to not just stick to one job and to try doing diffrent jobs in different industry's or just a different role in one industry. I was young enough that i could try to do diffrent jobs and be able to retain the information (before I started to party and do other stuff that messed with my long and short term memory) and not to stay with the first job i find or one that was easy or if i let my ego and pride tell me that im to good for this one type of job or role or ill never work that kind of job. In a sense because of there views or advice on trying out diffrent jobs i became a jack of all trades master of none, but the none part dosnt apply i wouldn't say I'm a master in each of the jobs and skills I've picked up from diffrent jobs. I don't want to sound over confident or get in my head that I'm amazing at everything but I would say I'm at a reseal journeyman level or just getting to that point some things I'm a master at and other things not so much

Incredible Lino
Incredible Lino - 22.07.2022 05:30

The video I never knew I needed

CandlemanFX - 08.07.2022 15:15

I appreciate this exhortation!

Folklor Wonder
Folklor Wonder - 02.07.2022 23:27

This was extremely useful for me!
I've been "focusing" on so many things at once that are my interests/hobbies. Dancing, drawing, workout, studying useful facts of many subjects(vague I know), languages, etc.

If I still haven't fully understood feel free to let me know.
