Bipolar Disorder & Bipolar Depression Treatment with TMS

Bipolar Disorder & Bipolar Depression Treatment with TMS

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Using TMS to treat Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Depression

Dr. Robert D. McMullen is a psychiatrist who went to Georgetown Medical School and then completed his residency at Columbia Presbyterian. Dr. McMullen has been in practice in New York City and in Mount Kisco for the last 36 years.

In this video Dr. McMullen talks about treating depression and bipolar disorder. Dr. McMullen has over these years in his practice concentrated on treating people with medication for a whole gamut of psychiatric illnesses like panic attacks, depression, manic depression, schizophrenia, and others. Five-and a half years ago Dr. McMullen added a new modality in the office known as TMS or transcranial magnetic stimulation. The pulses go on and off and the magnetic field easily goes through the skull and that changes the electrical activity underneath the coil and it is possible to either excite or inhibit under the area and in different places. The response rate has been extremely high in regular unipolar depression where people have been treatment resistant and have not done well on medicine for many years. There have been approximately 50% of people who have come all the way to normal and then they stay there for a long time and when they relapse they do not need another 30 treatments, just another 5 or 6.

The hardest thing to treat is often bipolar disorder and it can be either bipolar I or bipolar II, but in either case sometimes it is almost impossible to use a standard antidepressant because it just fires things up, it is stimulating them too much. The patients can either be treated the standard way, with excitatory treatment on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Dr. McMullen though recommends the new therapy to the right-sided inhibitory treatment, a quiet treatment on the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

Dr. McMullen cites an example of a 29-year-old lady who Dr. McMullen has treated since she was 15. She had chronic depression and lot of anxiety back then. All her life she had fluctuating depression. On medication, she was better but she was never quite up to normal. She almost became suicidal. Dr. McMullen immediately started the treatments. After 25 or 30 treatments she would be completely normal but it would only last a couple of days and she would start to go down again, and may be even get suicidal. At this stage, Dr. McMullen was doing the treatment twice a week just to keep her head above water, and Dr. McMullen was beginning to worry and wondering if he was going to have to keep doing this her whole life, keep giving her two treatments a week and then there was a treatment she had and unbeknownst to Dr. McMullen and his teat that was the last one. She stayed fine.

In summary, TMS works for a lot of different neurological and psychiatric disorders and we are finding more and more things that it may work for, but one of the big ones is depression in the context of bipolar disorder, which is a very hard depression to treat often, and this seems to be able to treat it without causing more cycling and also with having a long-term benefit.

TMS BrainCare
Address: #2, 171 W 79th St, New York, NY 10024
Phone: (212) 362-9635


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