SwiftUI Custom Alignment with Alignment Guide

SwiftUI Custom Alignment with Alignment Guide


3 года назад

403 Просмотров

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Abel Demoz
Abel Demoz - 17.03.2021 17:01

Best explanation I’ve seen anywhere. Liked video.

Astro Physics
Astro Physics - 03.09.2020 00:34

Hi there, I have a view that has an Image & Bio . I want to lock the bio to the bottom of the screen so that the text of each bio pushes from down to up. I'm not worried about the position of the image as long as the Bio is aligned to the bottom of the screen.

I've put both the Image & Bio in a VStack. The Image on top and Bio at the bottom of the VStack

My issue is that the Bio contains different amounts of text in them, So some might be 2 paragraphs and some 1. How do I align the stack so that the VStack always starts from the bottom and pushes up.

I've trying to use padding but because the Bios is different text, the positioning looks different for each card.

Should I even be using a Stack? Please let me know if you can help, greatly appreciated.
