The REAL reason why nepo models bother everyone so much

The REAL reason why nepo models bother everyone so much

Lisa Fevral

5 месяцев назад

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@beccac.4923 - 11.11.2024 00:12

Did not expect this video to be a persuasive and pissed off indictment of capitalism and the class system it creates but it sure was a pleasant surprise

@SubSalicylate - 11.11.2024 14:30

I’m a could-have-been-nepo-baby. Essentially I refused a family member’s offer to let me take over their (quite lucrative) business after graduating. The road that lies ahead is obviously more challenging and I’ve regretted it from time to time, but I know I’ll be more fulfilled once I get a job with my own efforts. (Also I don’t know jackshit about running a business.)

@lucisventusnoctis - 12.11.2024 03:19

Lol harvard university professors casually appoint their own kids as research associates or teaching associates to buff their resumes. These are roles the rest of us submit shit ton of resumes for.

@skyesnaysia9504 - 14.11.2024 02:05

im a history phd in one of the most prestigious programs in the u.s and while some programs give out good stipends, ours doesn't. so if you have student debt, don't have rich parents, don't have a spouse that can support you, you have to work part time, in addition to your course work, ta'ing, researching, writing your thesis then your dissertation etc. so I'm out here just about working myself to death and then I see those in my program who have an extra 15-20 hours a week and no financial stress and how much more they're able to accomplish than me and it just. like some of them are my friends and I don't hold it against them but it's so frustrating knowing i could do better in a different system

@winwin24-7 - 14.11.2024 03:54

Thank you for your thought leadership and contextualizing current and systemic issues.

@benjaminperez1149 - 14.11.2024 13:26

What about the ugly clothes.

@kosmo_klub - 15.11.2024 04:29

I’m french, 24, AuDHD, and I just stopped my freelance as photographer in press/culture/live cause, even with my father’s financial help, I’m so fucking burnt out. I found myself crying in front of my laptop on lightroom, knowing I’m not even working for the minimum wage, clients will be late, leaving me in fianancial stress, but I’m not graduated because of my disabilities, so grieving this “bold moment of doing what I was loving but you’re an adult now, and passion works are for the true talented and ableist ones.”. It was the right time to quit, finding a part time job by night, as I use to do in addition of my freelance. That’s where I could rest, even if it’s more “boring” : cause I prefer to be bored at the garderobe at 3am that having a panic attack at the same hour cause I couldn’t have a breakfast the next morning. We don’t live in the same worlds with nepo.

@gintongaparador999 - 15.11.2024 12:41

I'm a woman pursuing a career in engineering. Since my first year in college, the first thing people asked me is if I have connections or a backer. I told everyone, the Universe has my back. 🙏

@knewlon - 16.11.2024 02:34

anti nepotism to class consciousness

@miroslawamarkowska3637 - 17.11.2024 21:13

Honestly I don't care she's 16, she deserves all the critique. That's life.

@kidhfajuhi - 18.11.2024 20:22

It's amazing that these 90 lb girls can look so heavy when they walk. Ouch...

Who cares their ages? They're walking in professional shows, they deserve to be judged as if they are professionals. They all look awful and no one should sugar-coat it. These little girls need some actual feedback

@rootsm3 - 19.11.2024 00:52

If college was free nepotism would not exist. I never wanted to get a liberal arts degree, I wanted to go to film school but I felt pressured to pick something that was going to make me money. But that didn’t work either because I couldn’t afford to do unpaid internships after graduation. So lol…

@ivansyuu - 22.11.2024 07:02

honestly the reason i dont like nepo babies is bcs they just dont have that quality deep down... models back then were self made

@erdbeere1987 - 22.11.2024 14:25

I agree with most of your points but you lost me when you said education in the west is expensive.
It's such an American centric view and opinion. It shows your lack of understanding of the world. I see it so much on here it's getting annoying.

@Ria-vj3ch - 22.11.2024 22:47

In the end, honestly idc as long as those nepo babies put in the effort to get batter at their craft/job/etc

I only have an issue with it when they get a job/role after x many years and they still suck

@jo22k - 25.11.2024 06:56

nepotism is growing too much in america depriving actual talent of opportunities, this is how you ruin and cripple a country too. From Nepotism to corruption, it all ends up affecting the average middle class people only synching them into more economic stress, and only further impacting the country's economic status.

@doviart-fashiondesignersli5161 - 25.11.2024 15:51

I am a small brand fashion designer and I am struggling. It is so disheartening to create collection at a cost of having gas, water, electricity disconnected, survive on crackers and have stolen thousands of dollars by unscrupulous industry people and seeing someone just swooshing by you because of rich family or name. I stay and slowly do stuff, yet many times I question my sanity. Why I keep doing this. I've been many times approached by people telling me how I changed their lives, how awesome I made them feel etc. yet I am struggling and every time I buy fabric, or pay a photographer, or a producer I feel like I am stealing from my family and now I am afraid I might become homeless... all this because I love creating clothes so much, it's my life. I am happy when I conceive the idea, figure out how to execute it and then just make it. Thank you for talking about this, because everywhere I go, when I say I am a fashion designer people immediately assume I am super rich or come from a super rich family because the prices for simple services are ridiculous and I really don't want to go fast fashion way.

@rayshelld791 - 25.11.2024 17:26

ALL of Hollywood is the definition of nepotism. Its been this way for generations.

@Romanticanime4ever - 26.11.2024 02:51

This explains the Ai thing like, alot alot

@tailgatecarpenter26 - 28.11.2024 11:47

Nepotism is as old as mankind. It's just hard to feel it for the first few times before you realize you really aren't going to be part of an old school family fortune fund from the 1800s. We are all working for the 1% regardless of how much we make, well, except for the 1% WHO DON'T HAVE TO WORK TO GET THEIR PLACE IN LIFE. Unintentional capitalization there yet in the right spot.

In the construction industry nepo rides high especially in smaller companies. Making 120K back in the 1990s didn't make nepo sting any less but at least we had our pensions to look forward to after 30 years. We only had to work for children fresh out of high school because their parents owned the company.

@transationalien - 29.11.2024 04:48

In their mind, they're not "just" mocking her.
They're pointing out objective factors for why she's unworthy of the position she was handed.
Is it mean? Yes.
But it's also not "just" hate. It's not "just" venting frustrations.

@transationalien - 29.11.2024 05:28

Around the second half when you started talking about doctors, that really resonated with me.
I used to love AI and linguistics from the academic perspective. But now ChatGPT ruined it absolutely.
It's all business, buzzwords, investor capital, start-ups...
I ended up quitting that field.
My advice: find your niche, and don't be afraid to travel for it.
Don't be afraid to go to lesser known places if you get an offer. Many projects outside the mainstream struggle to find talent and are more than happy to see people who are genuinely interested.
You won't be a world star, but you might become a local hero.

@annesamson5489 - 29.11.2024 16:22

Regardless the money-shakers sure push that "diversity" in when it's public facing. WE have to witness it constantly and it's SO fake

@rantallaboutit - 30.11.2024 08:18

So many of us speak as if nepotism is new, like a current trend- Nope. Look at any royal family from past centuries. People became Kings, Queens, Priests, Empresses, Chiefs, Pharaohs, etc. just because they were someone’s child, sibling or cousin. Never-mind if they were actually fit to run churches, a treasury, and entire countries. Same with politicians, bankers, cartels, big corporations, places of worship and even small family owned businesses today. Outside of the entertainment industry… Nepotism is all about keeping it in the family: to have control, bring in money, maintain an image, and keep secrets close. Nepotism is probably as old as humans; has to be since the first humans were all close relatives.😂 “Despite having no hunting skills… Googie Oogie got to lead the woolly mammoth hunt because the primary hunter (his dad) said so.” -Oonga Boonga, .0001 BC

@BeeDeeASMR - 30.11.2024 08:59

Good, and terrifyingly put :(

@dunceandco - 30.11.2024 20:49

Nepotism is especially prevalent in politics too. The amount of people who get jobs as staffers for Congress because of their family connections is ridiculous. A lot of them lack the necessary experience and knowledge. If you’re also attractive, you immediately get the job.

@GuacamoleyNacho - 03.12.2024 11:15

All these girls or non-girls walking the runway in your video shows that anybody on street can be pulled and instantly walk the runway just like them!

@dimitrarena5643 - 04.12.2024 03:06

I think the nepotism is intentional so that the brand appears even more elitist. I think it is an audacious way to market exclusivity. I have done a lot of luxury business courses. It is not a directly labeled strategy but high fashion has always a negative societal impact because without it, it can never be outstanding during this era of clout and mass production.

@MistyMaize - 14.12.2024 18:05

Nepotism should not be in Politics and the medical field especially

@RS-xx9ve - 17.12.2024 15:55

Nepotism is abhorrent beyond words. It should be seen for what it is. A form of corruption, a form of criminality. People should NOT "celebrate" the beneficiaries of this corruption. They should be shunned and held in utter contempt. Cucking and simping and fawning over the silver spooned perpetuators of this corruption is something to be utterly ashamed of.

@grimperpl - 21.12.2024 21:11

At the same Miu Miu show there was Elliot Sumner -a child of Sting

@blutygar - 26.12.2024 06:36

It's capitalism, the root cause is unregulated capitalism.

@qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq54 - 05.01.2025 19:35

see lisas always fresh too me kiwigami

@SG-1-GRC - 06.01.2025 16:53

Some nepo babies have talent, like Benedict Cumber batch but he still annoys me because he refuses to acknowledge that his family's wealth and acting connections helped him. Of course they did! Why can't people like him admit they had benefits most other actors don't? Benefits that definitely helped him make it in the industry.
Currently most of the UK's top actors (if they are not from acting dynasty's or similar) come from exceptionally privileged backgrounds, which has really helped them get a foothold as actors. Such wealthy people never have to worry about how they can afford to travel to an audition, or what family members they can ask to look after their dependents, or how to explain to their day job boss that they need time off to try out for a role. Also the BBC and many other media companies casting staff and directors etc (who are also from privileged backgrounds) often if went to the same school as a posh actor trying for a role, or if they didn't, their kids did. Nepotism and the old school tie is at is absolute worst currently. I mean much worse than it was decades ago. The UK has regressed back from the 60s and 70s, where anybody could make it in acting etc, to the 1930s where all of the actors had cut glass accents and went to posh schools, or thanks to how difficult it was to trace people's backgrounds back then, were good at pretending that they had such a background.

@L-Ondee - 08.01.2025 15:25

In this case the nepos perfectly represent the fashion they are walking in. This is very honest. Were the designer a bit more interested in making the clothes look fabulous, they would have chosen real models. Obviously they are aware that their clients don’t have good taste any more and fall for the marketing strategy more than for real style.

@doug1066 - 12.01.2025 21:49

Honestly, you need to work on editing your videos and tightening up your script. Many of the edits were jumpy and there were a huge number of "filler words".

@ibarf24 - 20.01.2025 06:40

I don't think it's just MODELING but acting and basically anywhere in the entertainment/celebrity business I see a lot more people taking the blindfolds off and calling these out. I mea M nights Daughter is Directing multimillion BS movies atthe age of 23, Beyonces Daughter got the part for the new Lion King movie, while thousands of other very talented actors/models/influencers with so much more talent and experience are struggling.... THERE'S JUST NO EXCUSE!

@natashaf.8597 - 21.01.2025 17:28

Honestly every inch of how clothing gets made/sold is violence against women.

The women who turn raw material into fibers are exploited and often poisoned via chemical exposure in the process
Women hand sew every article of clothing in terrible conditions for less than what they need to live while another woman watches their children
Fashion labels run on underpaid overworked 22 year olds and told they're "lucky to be there"
The label (almost always run by a man) then uses underpaid sexualized children (models) to convince grown adult women that they could fix made up flaws if they could just revert themselves and the'r bodies to a child again- but not just any child.... a child that has also been convinced to go into debt pumping foreign substances into their face so they look 25 and 15 simultaneously.
The model child is demeaned and told they're not good enough by every adult who's in charge of their career while also being told to go get strangers to "like them" on the internet to prove their worth. But if they get too many likes and gain influence they're "entitled" and "difficult to work with" which really just means less vulnerable.
Then the grown adult woman who has been told to look 15 is sold the idea that she needs to buy 400% + markup while she makes 70 cents on the dollar so pedophilic men only attracted to people without a frontal lobe will still find her attractive.
Then we're convinced by other women in marketing to throw the thing away and start the cycle all over.

It's really heartbreaking to feel like you have to participate in your own abuse via a medium that CAN be really joyful and supportive of mental health. Expression is vital and clothing can be such a beautiful tool to figure yourself out. There's just this poisonous structure at the heart of it all.

@Djceo_official - 02.02.2025 05:02

The entertainment industry in every aspect is 25% what you know and 75% who you know. It’s always been like that and always will be, if you don’t like it either be indie or choose a different industry

@hellocamy7 - 02.02.2025 05:08

A lot of the most innovative creations were able to happen because of public funding.

@cecille5833 - 06.02.2025 02:46

The amount of relentless social networking I’ve seen stem majors do. Is concerning. And we’re talking from like intro classes, and there are people that haven’t grasp the basics of programming and they’re doing networking in class, while not knowing python😢 sad

@adeleaslan8182 - 08.02.2025 08:03

Nepotism may be the downfall of so many beloved yet problematic industries. It’s the same with Bollywood- even though the industry has always boosted nepo babies, it’s gotten to such a point that all huge directors are only casting untalented young actors of industry powerhouses. It’s embarrassing honestly

@ludlowaloysius - 09.02.2025 20:54

I don’t worry too much abt it. Nepo babies are just a subsection of rich people wasting their lazy, meaningless, talentless lives poorly imitating their parents careers.
Honestly, I pity them.
Kidmans daughter could have a fulfilling life as a Firefighter or Dentist or whatever. Instead, she’ll float through life in her parents shadow, meaninglessly repeating the same things her parents did without the desire and desperation that drove them.

Nepo kids have short shelf lives. They peak early and end up useless addicts in due time.

@FV-le3ip - 10.02.2025 08:53

The difference between the nepos of the past was that they still had something about them that stood out that made them able to earn their attention and position. Now they can be completely bland, boring, ordinary, and/or untalented and still get positions that they definitely don’t qualify for.

@jackrabbit1surprise - 12.02.2025 07:22

“Nepo” models will almost always be more interesting…

@ricardoheinsar3105 - 28.02.2025 18:16

How did she book that😭😭 like she can’t even walk if she had Naomi’s legs.

I feel like she’ll have a “gigi/bella hadid” storyline, hated at first and then goes onto actually doing amazing in modelling..

@blockofgrass7928 - 02.03.2025 22:09

Interacting to attract the right crowd!!

@catherinegearhart2102 - 04.03.2025 18:24

The United States is currently being destroyed by two sociopathic, unqualified, criminal, and in one case un-elected, nepo man babies.

Nepo baby models are just part of the problem.
