Convincing My Doctor I Have Schizophrenia In 2002

Convincing My Doctor I Have Schizophrenia In 2002

nednednerB the Schizophrenic

55 лет назад

487 Просмотров

She glanced at the first few pages and handed it back to me:
"Yes you have schizophrenia.." I thought my research would be heard and verified.
I turned out to be correct. I got sent back to the psych ward that day!!! All due to my word salad example!

This has been a production of
nednednerB the Schizophrenic

Mostly, in my videos I discuss schizophrenia, mental health, and philosophy.
To ease suffering through mental health education.

Music I made or helped make:

Rebels of Terra

Thanks for watching! If you learned something interesting today, please share the video so some else can learn too! #shorts __
#schizophrenia #psychosis #livedexperience #livingwithmentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness


#schyzophrenia #mental_health_shorts #psychsocail #scizophrenia #psychoative #mental_health_education #schizoprenia #mental_health_awareness #nadnerb #schitsophranic #skitzofrenia #word_salad #psycosis #psychosoical #skitsofrenic #pschosis #psycharist #skizophrenic #nedned #psycholocy #skitsofrenia #psychosical #psycholohy #nednednerb #schizopernia #pyschics #shorts #mental_health #language_disorder #lived_experience #scitsofrenic #pychosis #psychosial #shizoprenia #psyhcosis
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