The FIRST 5 THINGS you should do at max level in Guild Wars 2!

The FIRST 5 THINGS you should do at max level in Guild Wars 2!

Caffeinated Dad Gaming

1 год назад

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Montana White
Montana White - 18.09.2023 08:15

How do you join a guild? I’ve been asking in map chat while leveling, and in LA. Not one response. Been trying for 3 days now. This is nothing like guild wars 1 or WoW.

rtheactech - 11.09.2023 14:25

Owh i guess i need to go for exp hero challenges...and mounts.

Andreas Lundström
Andreas Lundström - 08.09.2023 23:33

Female Human Warrior

Bernhard Maierhofer
Bernhard Maierhofer - 02.09.2023 01:29

The take that you should get the mounts first, before doing anything else is – while very common – terrible.
You'll never experience pre-PoF content, especially the jungle in the Heat of Maguuma (Heart of Thorns) the way it was intended.

One can always come back when they've gotten the mounts as they come up in the story. It will be nice to have them when doing achievements in HoT and season 3, but I'd urge everyone to give themselves the chance to experience HoT and S3 as they were designed.

Ghote - 31.08.2023 19:35

Hello, thank you for the vid it's great. So i just hit 80. Followed your instructions and have made it to the path of fire q-line. i'm getting smoked out there brah. I can't search the camps in the mainline without dying. This is ok and challenge is good. I need to get better but it seems crazy. any advice?

CloudSpotter - 28.08.2023 21:14

My first profession was engineer, since i like sentry guns from my time playing TF2, it was hard but i think mastering the tool belt has made every other profession skill easy to manage in comparison.

I quickly got rid of the turrets since they were kind of boring, then i started playing scrapper and never looked back, if i use my abilities propperly i have nearly 25-50% of my HP in barrier, and permanent quickness and strength, also i have 4 skills that stun or daze (and easy access to the dazing strike combo).

In still getting into holosmith, it is flashy as hell and super fun to play so far, these Specializations are so fun and i find it kind of sad so many people stick with mechanist, even if it is strong.

Darklet - 28.08.2023 16:35

I wouldn't search for gear by typing 'mar' for marauder, 'ber' for berserker etc.
Search by stats that these types have, buy the cheapest option available with these exact stats (because every piece has the same stats)
It can save you a lot of money you desperately need early game
I learned about it the hard way by buying things that costed me 4-5g piece when I could buy them for 30-60s

PsychoT1985 - 28.08.2023 00:53

Good suggestions in video would also say do living world achievements if you have them and is you have season 4 for both those mounts which is beetle and skyscale

PsychoT1985 - 28.08.2023 00:51

My 1st and oldest character is my norn warrior

Happy卵 - 28.08.2023 00:18

I want to try the game but sounds like a long grind to get most useful stuffs and for someone like me who barely have less time to game I guess joining raids and dungeons will take a long time 😢

Yunus Emre Guney (Alumni)
Yunus Emre Guney (Alumni) - 27.08.2023 21:37

GW2 PvE stands out as exceptional, but the PvP aspect falls short. The attempt to achieve equality among all players in PvP isn't suitable for an MMORPG game. This approach transforms the PvP experience into something resembling a MOBA, diverging from the satisfying traditional MMORPG PvP encounter. While horizontal progression has perfected PvE, it fails to provide satisfying results for PvP. You cannot disregard the sense of satisfaction derived from swiftly defeating opponents with your diligently acquired equipment and striding about with a commanding presence.

Alt Hehe
Alt Hehe - 27.08.2023 07:04

What griffon skin was that?

Katzun Kaimoto
Katzun Kaimoto - 27.08.2023 00:53

Getting to know how to do achievements and track them is also incredibly useful, if yall are very new and wondering, open your hero panel, go down to achievements, from there you can search any of the achievements and the collections attached to them, for example you can learn how to get the warclaw for WvW

Ecrous - 22.08.2023 16:41

How do you get those thick nameplates - both friendly and enemy? I tried figuring it out and Googled it etc but I'm at loss

Jacob Pinson
Jacob Pinson - 16.08.2023 10:58

Norn Necromancer

Rept7 - 15.08.2023 15:50

One thing I want to point out, technically, you don't need to do the PoF story to unlock the mounts. Thats more of a EoD thing. But all you have to do in PoF is do the first mission of the expansion to access the region, but once you are free in the world, you can just beeline to every mastery point and mount you can get.

It might be easier on you if you do the story so you'll be rewarded mastery points from that, but if you really need those mounts but also want to do the story in order as much as possible, then you only have one required mission.

Brady Cone
Brady Cone - 11.08.2023 16:14

It is a big omission to leave out how to get named exotic gear. You can save A LOT of money on exotic armor by filtering your search with the little gear next to the search box. Instead of saying the prefix of the armor, search for the stats that armor increases, lol 80, exotic gear. Then sort by price low-high. Many armors have named counterparts that are exactly the same, just SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper. Vipers and Celestial are noted exceptions. But Berserker's does have a named counterpart.

Tristan Evangelist
Tristan Evangelist - 09.08.2023 17:03

I started out playing a human warrior and i just switched over to a Norn Guardian...way better

Pix-Elated - 09.08.2023 10:41

Mesmer. This was back when the game first launched, which as anyone knows Mesmers were INCREDIBLY PAINFUL to level back then xD Still have that character, too. Good video mate!

Miguel Barbosa Cantos
Miguel Barbosa Cantos - 09.08.2023 02:40

Elementalist sylvari. Best decision ever, still my main character 😊

STANK FARM RECORDS - 07.08.2023 23:26

I started and stuck as a Sylvarian Elementalist. Grew into Weaver and i love it. Thanks for the vid!

Tanner Fraser
Tanner Fraser - 05.08.2023 19:55

My first profession/race was a Sylvari Mesmer. I ended up swwpping to a human mesmer when the racial skulls became obsolete. Remember racial skills? Remember how badass "Charzooa"was? Charzooka thier! Anyways, i now main a human ranger.

Lucas Lustosa
Lucas Lustosa - 05.08.2023 01:20

I started as a Mesmer and I always tend to go back to it... unfortunately i feel kinda lost and lonely playing after lvl 80.

Medusa - 04.08.2023 18:02

A Sylvari Soulbeast was my first and is still the main one I play. I only have three total, the other two are a Norn Firebrand and a Human Virtuoso.

Satori - 04.08.2023 04:36

I got to lvl 80 and had nothing to do, and no clue what to do. So I just made other characters and leveled them. so yeah I have a few lvl 80's and now nothing to do. I don't do dungeons or raiding - not my thing.

Daniel Popa
Daniel Popa - 02.08.2023 22:57

charr revenant

Kirzan - 02.08.2023 07:14

A really useful thing when you're starting out is to look up for stats on the trading post rather than prefixes. There are a lot of "unique" armor sets and weapons that have the same stats as the set named with the prefix, but cost peanuts. For example, if you're medium, "Nika's" is a Berserker set that costs under 3-4g for the whole thing. Do note that this isn't for all prefixes though. Search for stats, not prefixes ;)

Atari the Paladin
Atari the Paladin - 01.08.2023 03:27

My first character was a Norn warrior but the one I’ve taken to 80 first is a Charr ranger.

Hndryx - 29.07.2023 12:02

Thank you @caffeinatedad as a new player, this helped a lot. A big reason I couldn't get into World of Warcraft for example was because of players, especially veteran players. They are very toxic and won't help you at all. In fact if you're a new player trying to do end game content, they'll just kick you from the group. And they still wonder why their game is dying. On the other hand in Guild Wars 2, everyone is so welcoming and helpful. Thank you guys. I've been playing for about 2 weeks now and im enjoying the game so much.

Teddy The Great
Teddy The Great - 29.07.2023 06:29

hi im new player here.just wanna ask where should I get mounts after buying pof+hot bundle?my trial mount just ended after 10 hrs gameplay...

Olivier Voegtlin
Olivier Voegtlin - 28.07.2023 22:29

I just want to say thank you. I love your videos even if i‘m a new player. Keep the grind and live your life❤

Xeando - 24.07.2023 12:48

anyone got tips for dealing with like 25 bday gifts across all my characters?

Raed Derbel
Raed Derbel - 23.07.2023 05:49

a quick question : how did you make your game look this good? Guild wars always gave me eye pain so It'd be awesome to have your secrets <3

MercilessHobo - 22.07.2023 21:11

Thanks for this tips video! This game is absolutely awesome. My only MMO experiences are OSRS, Runescape, Warframe, and many years ago MapleStory. Coming to GW2 it's like a brand new feeling. Beat the main story and got past level 80 within 60 hours and I am absolutely loving every second of exploration. Bought every DLC and plan to beat those stories before ordering the upcoming one. Subscribed to get more content for this great game!

TheWanderer03 - 20.07.2023 01:51

The very first thing I did when I hit 80 with my first character was to unlock the mastery which let me auto loot enemies. Also a great suggestion is getting a foot into fractals (and the masteries belonging to them) for some steady gold income. Discovering the whole map (with the character I wanted to use for all the open world content) was also one of the first things I did. I think if you had honarable mentions, these three would be decent :) But I agree with your points aswell.

Joseph Viola
Joseph Viola - 18.07.2023 03:52

Do you have your own guild/community? I’m a new player loving the game. 🙋‍♂️

Lord Emeth
Lord Emeth - 17.07.2023 22:14

I just got a 80 character and immediately used a 80 boost because I wanted to play bladesworn but I really need HP train so I can switch to the elite

Abyssal86 - 16.07.2023 01:10

I'm a female Sylvari Mesmer virtuoso.

ThereAreNo AvailableNames
ThereAreNo AvailableNames - 12.07.2023 15:53

Do you need to have all of Living World 4 to get the Skyscale?

Bogrin - 12.07.2023 05:27

First character and still my main is a Sylvari ranger!

Yuuki - 09.07.2023 16:52

first i played was recently, i got a Thief to the mid-40's only a few days after starting since me and one buddy got into the game and played like maniacs the first 3 or 4 days. of course, i used my 80 token on him to instant finish the leveling and start PoF immediately.

We've played lots of raids in other games so endgame is looking awesome on this game.

(subbed for the coffee :D )

Major Glitch
Major Glitch - 06.07.2023 03:15

As a new player hitting endgame, I'm gonna just do everything in order. Sure, I'm going to miss out on mounts till later, but I'm a firm believer in playing the game the way it was meant to be played and getting the authentic Guild Wars 2 experience.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones - 05.07.2023 17:53

Something else to add is if you want hero points play world v world. Join a zerg and collect the skirmish chests and use them on jade testimonies than you can use them to buy hero point completions which is extremely useful for the maguuma hero points

J Moore
J Moore - 05.07.2023 16:44

My first toon was and still is Asura Ranger. Currently playing a Sylvari Elementalist and loving that too! As a past WOW player, mage was my favorite so ele is mage on steroids! In WOW I had to choose and spec for either fire, arcane, or water. GW2 lets me be all three at once! I love that!

gian - 27.06.2023 12:13

I cannot believe how good this game is. I started playing a week ago and I am having such a blast. I can't wait to explore the expansions

Steve McLain
Steve McLain - 27.06.2023 03:26

I played a human elementalist, but eventually played every class. My necromancer has emerged as my number 1 played and geared.

OVER DA ROAD - 26.06.2023 10:04

But besides that do i even do the story at all

HordrissTheConfuser - 26.06.2023 01:41

Huge male charr mesmer

S N - 18.06.2023 17:16

It’s easier to ask in map chat if there is an hp train going on in the map you’re in, as most mentors & squads won’t bother to lfg for an ho train.

Alternately, if you need help, (like in any of the HoT maps), you can:
A) ask fir help with a specific hp/mastery point, in map chat.
I’ve always gotten at least 2 or 3 people to help.
B) turn in your mentor tag (assuming you don’t have a commander tag), and announce in map chat that you are doing an hp/mp train, and you will usually get anywhere from 5-15 people to join you, almost immediately.
