[Black Desert] What is the Best City in BDO? Where to Set Up Your Home Base!

[Black Desert] What is the Best City in BDO? Where to Set Up Your Home Base!


3 года назад

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@sousuke7980 - 16.11.2023 00:00

nerd dog

@Lothkru - 30.07.2023 04:29

"Someday that'll open up as an expansion..." Well, that aged quite well actually haha

@ichigozangetsugrimmjozgqp9439 - 23.07.2023 20:50


@ichigozangetsugrimmjozgqp9439 - 23.07.2023 20:43

I bought a house by where the khruto enemies in the castle town overlooking the water

@TheDarkAztek - 14.07.2023 09:10

I was wondering, what happens to housing in seasonal servers when it ends. What happens to your items inside the house, furniture, and so on.

@coreywho2972 - 02.07.2023 15:24

Why no Valencia love ?

@xxxxxx2610 - 29.03.2023 19:17

Is this still up to date?

@townseljoshua1274 - 28.03.2023 23:24

Need help in finding a character name i got this game a week ago and I still can't get a name

@roseorchid7981 - 18.03.2023 17:00

Can anyone help me with house? I see how to buy one with CP but how do i use it/enter it? I want one for storage for now. Whats this list on the doors of rooms? How do i find the house i just bought? And can your alts use the same house? Thanks in advance

@mikaachten5922 - 05.03.2023 21:38

Velia is my home base

@mobshu0681 - 19.02.2023 11:07

I hate living in duvencrune for the exact same reason I love it: The people that's there is mostly AFK

Even though I like the fact that imperial boxes never run out (because no one makes imperials in duvencrune) sometimes I'd like to meet people I could suddenly speaking to him, Duvencrune gets extremely lonely at times

@Rewsse - 17.02.2023 00:03

Heyyy, to clarify, I am a newbie, why not live in altinova? (makes sense to me cus of all the storage available, and the many grinding spots around, you got most of the NPCs you need right there, I get its not central, but still.

@pulchritude0222 - 30.11.2022 14:15

Why not Altinova??

@Swordmaster757 - 04.11.2022 02:09

Cities that I've built in:. (I'll add a couple that I like, but haven't built in and some I hate.)

Duvencrune:. One of my main bases. As you stated, Horse taming and I honestly like the aesthetic and feel of it. Plus I'm a fan of mountains and dragons. Also, lending to Duvencrune is that it does have some nice houses in it as well (some of them is on par with the larger Heidel houses.)...some of the best designed houses and it really has a nice soundtrack that fits it. Plus, to me....in a world filled with monsters, battles and massive bandit camps, it's location and design just makes sense....A walled mountain area, far away from most things and difficult to get there on foot. It would be a pain to lead an army up to Duvencrune to try to assail it. In short, it makes the most sense to me, design-wise of all the cities.

Grana:. My other main city. I really love the aesthetics here also, and the way it also gently merges with nature. It has the biggest house in the game, so although Duvencrune is my main city with an extremely good house, the best house is located at Grana...and I consider it my vacation manor as a result.

Heidel:. Central location. One of the biggest houses. Did I mention it's central? At various points, you WILL cross Heidel. So it makes sense to have a residence here. House wise, Heidel 9-4 is the first large house you have access to, and it will remain one of the largest houses in the game. Oh. Did I mention it's central? Enough said.

Calpheon....I may have misspelled this:. I come near this city often enough to purchase a nice house in it. Most of its houses are on the small size though. The city itself is large, fortified and it does one of the best jobs of feeling like an actual city. Some things aesthetically don't make sense, regarding it's surroundings, but it's definitely a very useful city to have a hub at.

Veila:. Tutorial house for a quest, but not a bad location. Fairly central and by a port. Also, quite a few quests and events do happen by or near Veila, allowing it to remain an important location, despite being a beginner area.
Extra shoutouts:. Epheria port. A nice port town, has a nice feel to it. You have to go through a literal battle a few yards from Calpheon to get to it, but it is a nice little location and anyone involved primarily with sea-life should acquaint themselves with this location. (I can't speak on the houses here....just the aesthetics.)

Island ports.... You're far away from civilization and far away from most monsters (as far as how realistic the world is...not everyone is a strong adventurer like us afterall. Small little towns and I can see people may choose to live here.
The ones I don't like....

Alttinova,... A maze. Most of its houses are small. For a higher end area, it's got wooden Palisades. It does a good job of feeling like a city though and it does have a nice aethetic. Alttinova is the gate town before....

Valencia....let me say first that the city is beautiful. It's well defended....because who's sending an army through the desert of Valencia. And many aspects near it are unique to it. It also is a city that doesn't make sense .... And honestly it would starve out. It's a large scale city in the middle of the desert, surrounded by lions and elephants. Their crops would be trampled and their trade routes attacked. Also, it's Valencia, so it's the biggest pain to get to and the Valencia 2 questline was the worst experience I had in this game...to the point that I refuse to ride through it, even now. When I came through, it was during the oasis....now that the desert is back in full bloom, I want nothing to do with it. I haven't been back to Valencia since I returned to the game. I will only go to Valencia by airship or boat. There is a side path I know to get to Valencia, and even that is annoying. I just don't like Valencia.

@macreyes9474 - 27.08.2022 18:40

what is your guardian's outfit?

@mari-annie - 10.08.2022 00:46

me who set up in duvencrune because I wanted a nice looking big house:

@Smokey4President - 08.08.2022 19:40

Pre she ate it. Oh some wee de oh!

@minoarno7415 - 22.07.2022 01:06

can we have an update? now that Odraxxia has been out for a while and with the new region?

@hespersidesiam1659 - 02.07.2022 22:32

Veilia& heidel are the best

@mandachrona - 06.06.2022 17:53

Funny. I live in Heidel because I'm too lazy to move lol 😆

@chadjohnson7676 - 05.06.2022 02:52

How do you get inside your place that you purchased? For me it only allows to to look at other players homes which pissed me off sooo fucking much

@Lunamana - 18.03.2022 18:37

Great video, couple of points though: Altinova is great if you're into gathering rocks over at pilgrim's, i usually drop off my junk there before/after rock gathering and move on to Calpheon which is the main city i use for alchemy because it has access to so much storage and lodging. Altinova also has the advantage of having access to plenty of good nodes, having cheap housing options and being the place where i make silver embroidered clothes. You also mention that the new region is the only place where you can make master matchlocks which is wrong, you can set up a workshop in duvencrune as well which is what i use.

I'm pretty much all over the place though, I use Velia as my main storage city, i have the storage there completely maxed out and all the enchanting/cooking stuff goes in there. I use olvia as my hunting/imperial box city. And i have duvencrune to craft advanced stations and of course for storing horses. Calpheon is where my main residence is, it's got a nice view and it's only 1 CP, I'm very stingy with my CP usage ;c

@alinvornicu7734 - 28.02.2022 14:12

You forgot treant

@generalawareness101 - 16.02.2022 07:13

I have had a home in Calpheon, and Heidel, and after about a month I left Caltheon to barely ever go back. I am a Lifeskiller and just preferred the convenience of Heidel over the big city.

@SothasilX1 - 15.02.2022 19:35

Just starting on this game and thank you

@-jankiv-6259 - 13.02.2022 23:30

I Think Most Beautiful City Is Duvencurve,Butt Only Bad Thing It Is Far Away From Other Cities!Butt Beautiful As Hell🌚

@Vzduch2 - 26.01.2022 03:54

port ratt got more screen time than altinova xdd

@Me-th3gj - 22.12.2021 19:06

LOL! So that's the infamous Port Ratt.

@nobodyspecial596 - 30.11.2021 20:00

I actually love altonova its been my home city since day one the city of theives!!

@Lusor_Elges - 23.11.2021 14:38

Farming in Velia,
Coocking and alchemie in Odraxxia
Grinding in Valencia
Main Storage in Altinova because i can story my worries there

@deenn376 - 05.11.2021 14:08

Someone was in a really good mood here :D
One joke after another hihihi

@joshuabixby2776 - 02.11.2021 15:58

Long live calpheon!

@aritrakarmakar2245 - 22.10.2021 17:58

Odraxxia has the cheapest storage available, 5 level-5 storage houses for 1+2+3+4+5 CP, best for a dump storage. Valencia has a Turinng Gates villa inside the city, very very very good for a free-to-play player who is into lifeskill.

@Antonin1738 - 16.10.2021 12:50


@Michas333 - 10.10.2021 13:14

i'm more of a roamer wanderer nomad vagabond.
call me what you will

@redrhino3041 - 17.09.2021 20:33

Tariff because I'm the only one there

@Ishongar - 16.08.2021 21:53

little late poster here, but I really like all the cities. Atmosphere wise Grana, Duvencrune, and Altinova are my pics. But for convenience, I set up in Heidel. I really really really wish they would create a new zone with a south-east asia flair. I'd be there in a heartbeat!

@ether6521 - 14.08.2021 23:22

Port Ratt lol

@saikyue4462 - 14.08.2021 19:21

im in velia, bought all the storage there and set up my fences at loggia farm, probably gonna move to heidel for imperial cooking purposes

@xcman93 - 06.08.2021 16:32


@Ondar007 - 05.08.2021 11:43

I did moved from Haidel to Duvencrune. Is not that far away and its great for pega-diving from cliffs :)

@jetreef8549 - 12.07.2021 07:09

I havent decided yet.... Guess im a NOMAD 😅

@Gingerbread22 - 07.07.2021 18:32

I'm posted up in Hiedel just like so many others. Great location for bringing all my alts together to exchange stuff. Good spot for Kzarka spawn (you can get the notification and almost make it before its dead). Kinda have a fun idea to pair off all my characters and set them up in different locations depending on life skills and grind with their own houses. Would be a fun time waster.

@qwerryuuui - 20.06.2021 18:29

2 houses in Hiedel and the Grana4. Relatively new but run horses and run them from Grana to the desert and back. Only once afk overnight did it get a interrupt from lag/zone/whatever you call it. Artisan 2 or 3 and not a money making venture at all. Horses in bdo are like real life horses.

@adamjames5077 - 17.06.2021 06:52

Heidel and O'draxxia forever for my home bases. Love both of the cities and they are great for my life skill & grinding needs. Plus the homes I have are the double floor ones and they look amazing with furniture and incredible views out of the windows.

@kristiguillermochamorro1996 - 12.06.2021 01:32

What locations is the most isolated place in bro?

@MrDeathknight1 - 03.06.2021 04:23

didn't know u could set 50k times awesome

@Pixiwish - 09.05.2021 07:10

I feel slighted since my home city just got laughed at! For Altinova!

@binaryc2256 - 04.05.2021 08:26

Hey EvilDoUsHarm!
I started this game a couple days ago and fell in love with it. I see you recommend Velia as home base but then you have a different city as a home base in the video. Do you recommend Velia for startes like me or should I go with the town where you have your base?
Left a like on the majority of your videos and subscribed as this helps out a new player ALOT - Thanks for all the work you put in!

@casfacto - 02.05.2021 03:55

I'm watching this for the fourth time to increase your view time
