Meet the Mansfields: Mansfield, England

Meet the Mansfields: Mansfield, England

Visit Mansfield

1 год назад

4,086 Просмотров

We skip across the pond to the original Mansfield, located in Nottinghamshire, England!
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@Dad_Life_Marine_Vet - 02.07.2023 10:58

Mansfield England residence here.

@deborahwalker2094 - 07.08.2023 01:00

Hi Mansfield texas residents, from another Mansfield uk resident 👋

@Martin.chapman - 13.10.2023 02:20

Steal from the rich and given to Mansfield chev's and druggies do that now 😂😂😂😂😂

@grahamboffey457 - 01.12.2023 22:56

I’m from Mansfield, it’s been neglected since the rotten (extremely rude word) Thatcher. It used to be a thriving community.

@paulnicholson1906 - 05.02.2024 17:08

Being from Derbyshire this is the Mansfield I know about 😀

@321itsshowtime - 20.04.2024 18:54

Sorry but our Mansfield uk is an absolute dog hole now! You are free to rob, smoke weed freely in the street and half the shops are shut or turned into fast food shops.

@becks4910 - 02.06.2024 23:22

I live a few minutes away from Mansfield England

@laraisthecroft - 28.06.2024 00:39

Stay away from Mansfield England it's full of zombies 😂

@laraisthecroft - 28.06.2024 00:48

All the time on FB we get ads and selling shite about Mansfield TX. Anyway you need to come and see our run down town. I have a few friends in TX Mansfield and I cant wait to meet them one day. I also have distant relatives that live there apparently from ancestry. 😮

@jamestaylor7106 - 30.08.2024 08:58

Mansfield UK, what can I tell you?

The name is Anglo Saxon in its origin. The river Maun runs through the town and when it first became a trading place it was likely called Maun Felt meaning field by the river Maun. Not a huge leap from Maun Felt to Mansfield.

The industries that grew around the area was coal mining and textiles.

Unfortunately for Mansfield, miners due to their strong links to trade unions put them on Mrs Thatcher's most hated list, along with video nasties, football hooligans and Argentinians!

The mines were closed and the men were put out of work.

Not long after, M&S (clothing store at the time) took all their hosiery business away from the area and placed it on China. Now all the women were out of work.

It wasn't easy for the Mansfield workforce to find work away from the town as Mansfield was officially the UK's largest town without a train station.

The area suffered greatly, just like others, in the 80's & 90's but enterprise zones breathed new life into a declined area.

Today Mansfield is par for the course when compared to other towns up and down the UK.

The main retail stores have moved out leaving large premises empty due to high rent/rates so if you want to make a decent purchase you need to go south to Nottingham or north to Sheffield for the major stores. Ironically, M&S remain in Mansfield but half the store is a foodhall, if you can afford the prices.

It's like everywhere else, lots of good honest hard working people earning a living who are frustrated with what the town has become and the low life "world owes me a living" scumbags and smackheads that ooze onto the town centre like puss from a boil, just like every other town.

Unless you are from Chesterfield (local football rivals), you will receive a warm welcome by friendly folk.

There is nothing worthy of going out of your way to visit Mansfield but withing a reasonable distance from Mansfield is The Major Oak at Edwinstowe, the beautiful Derbyshire Dale's and Chatsworth House. Hardwick Hall, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem pub in Nottingham (Uk's oldest pub, argued)

Within a couple of hours drive from Mansfield are the historical power houses of Lincoln and York.

Safe trips to all who wish to visit my local area.
