Fable the Raven | How do Ravens speak like humans?

Fable the Raven | How do Ravens speak like humans?

Falconry And Me

2 года назад

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E. B.
E. B. - 16.09.2023 16:53

Amazing. Also are their ears not sensitive at all to people screaming directly into them from no distance? 😮

Im M
Im M - 12.09.2023 09:26

What a wonderful video! God bless you and Fable! Praying for you

Toasty Noneofyourbusiness
Toasty Noneofyourbusiness - 07.09.2023 05:21

Makes me think that all those old tales of voices in the woods were just corvids fucking with people

Meggy Farnsworth
Meggy Farnsworth - 07.09.2023 03:58

Love love……❤

Rikki Harcourt
Rikki Harcourt - 25.08.2023 00:33

I don’t know why but I said Boopboop to my two young cats and they seem to like that noise and answer with a big purr. I wonder what it means in creature chat! I love see you two play together what trust.

Tyler Johnston
Tyler Johnston - 15.08.2023 00:37

Most people don't realize how awesome these animals are. . .they are a 'songbird' and extremely intelligent. Dont mess with them cuz they WILL remember who u are

Orange - 13.08.2023 17:14

i knew that ravens(and many more) could mimic

Leticia Acosta
Leticia Acosta - 13.08.2023 03:36

Thank you for educating us...i do however feel Fable is exceptional 🙏🏻 Your interaction is incredibly powerful ❤

Leticia Acosta
Leticia Acosta - 13.08.2023 03:32

Gotta say her practicing is so cute bur....her sing-song ...in humanistic tones...is quite disconcerting to me....almost otherworldly 😮 Whatever...she's amazing 👏!

dan deribas
dan deribas - 13.08.2023 02:33

wow i lov u

dan deribas
dan deribas - 05.08.2023 18:53

are you married

Brian Michael
Brian Michael - 26.07.2023 19:22

Where I live, the ravens are in groups of 3, not pairs.

miriam castro
miriam castro - 26.07.2023 10:07

This is a cool channel, these birds are fascinating, thanks! I've only ever seen crows in Illinois. I must say though, Fable seems intimidating to me but beautiful too!

Scott RICHARDS - 25.07.2023 23:40

No way. I believe she's a great ventriloquist

Jesus wins / birdofmichigan
Jesus wins / birdofmichigan - 24.07.2023 13:04


Citizyn - 23.07.2023 11:25

That was so cute

Aurora C
Aurora C - 23.07.2023 01:23

Oh, I love your Fable! Such intriguing and beautiful creatures.

Heidi - 19.07.2023 18:02

I live in the wilderness as a result of homelessness in the United States and I often hear ravens and crows as a raven that wakes us up everyday right on key between 8 and 8:30 a.m. he's outside or she is outside honking at us and waking us up anyway I told my son one morning that they were all of these birds that collectively chattering back and forth and there was chickadees and finches and yellow finches and Ravens crows Blue Jays and it seems that they were all having a conversation together and my son looked at me like I was crazy but now that I'm seeing this I definitely heard the Raven making sound back to these birds or at the at a minimum cranking back at them in the same amount of tweets that the birds were tripping at him so if the bird trip three times the ravenwood trip three times back if the Birchwood five times then the Raven werchter back five times and I was just absolutely stunned by the intelligence and how much they communicateand I said to my son like he thought I was crazy that dirt all talking to each other and I feel like I'm a crazy person but they truly are communicating with each other and this raven is like the leader of this area as far as language goes because I don't hear the responses from the other birds when it comes to the Ravens sounds put the Raven is absolutely and unequivocally mocking number of troops in tweeds to the other birds or literally making sounds like the other birds and so my question is is the Raven and the crow related to or in the family group of the mockingbirds or vice-versa are the mockingbirds related to Ravens and that's why they're able to do so many different sounds so my question is do you know if mockingbirds are able to form language the way that a raven can or a parrot can

Sonny's Mom
Sonny's Mom - 18.07.2023 23:46

The intelligence of corvids is humbling to humans

Fang Slaughter
Fang Slaughter - 09.07.2023 22:11

I love how careful she is with her beak.

Divine Grace Colon Hydrotherapy and Massage Reno
Divine Grace Colon Hydrotherapy and Massage Reno - 09.07.2023 16:54

You assume you are smarter than a bird as a human. It is only an assumption

Houali Slimane
Houali Slimane - 28.06.2023 17:52

C'est magnifique merci pour le partage

Katherine - 22.06.2023 14:45

God,me too.

Leanne Zezeski-Sass
Leanne Zezeski-Sass - 17.06.2023 22:27

There’s a raven at my local pet store, he gets free range of the store. He does this thing where he snaps his beak as if he’s biting the air and it makes this really loud sound and he likes to follow customers around the store while doing it

Mark C M
Mark C M - 17.06.2023 16:41

They have a TONGUE, dummy.

NoDebut - 16.06.2023 22:19

She's gorgeous :)

Robz - 16.06.2023 15:39

u made a wonderful video

james clark
james clark - 16.06.2023 05:00

My Raven is saying "Don't bite the dogs"
Not what I was trying for as far as talking! Definitely what I wanted in behavior! LOL! They actually get along well!
I've been recording our interactions! Blessing and Experience of my lifetime!

Mike Tee
Mike Tee - 15.06.2023 03:29

Although the subject has me watching, the perfect explanation is very nice to see. Knowledge like this only comes from someone with real commitment. Interesting to see those that are well spoken and informed in their passions.

Din Bee
Din Bee - 14.06.2023 23:53

How does the raven choose the words or sound effects to say/mimic?

Sockpoppet - 14.06.2023 05:51

Who is really making the other speak on command? xD

marion craig
marion craig - 14.06.2023 03:38

I thunk they are spiritual wonderful bird

It's Matt
It's Matt - 13.06.2023 21:45

Alaskan here, plenty of ravens around here, I've seen them flying around at -40, vocalizing like they didn't have a care in the world. The effort from flying might have generated heat but to be breathing in the extra air required for vocalizing didn't make any sense. Yet there they were, flapping along like it was no big deal.

Scott Campbell
Scott Campbell - 12.06.2023 21:23

In a place on the west coast of BC Canada that I lived years ago the ravens used to sit on the rooftops of the town. They made sounds like purring, babies giggling, and a "Mr Bean" sound like "Ohh-ohhohoh". The locals said they watched everyone and were the biggest town gossips. Funny monkeys!

Nigelrathbone1 - 12.06.2023 05:57

Firdt time I ever heard a Raven mske a popping sound. Nit only dors he imitate the "muah" kissing sound, his tone sounds like your voice quality - amazing! Sounds human, not a parrotish tone quality. Like a lyre bird.

Sussane NAJIMADDIN FLOD - 11.06.2023 23:50

Thank-you ❤

Sussane NAJIMADDIN FLOD - 11.06.2023 23:50

She seems like she want to coudle

kath morgan
kath morgan - 11.06.2023 21:39

It's interesting that her mimicry is so accurate, but she's not as chatty as some less skilled birbs. Our budgie talked like a little robot, clearly not a human voice, but he had a lot of words.

Marc Angelo Chiapco
Marc Angelo Chiapco - 11.06.2023 12:05


MountainMist - 11.06.2023 04:31

Birds are God’s Most Wonderful Creatures, put here for us to love and enjoy❤

Bruce Martini
Bruce Martini - 10.06.2023 14:12

i think i want one

holet - 09.06.2023 20:54

What a gem of a channel to stumble upon! 🖤

JLE - 09.06.2023 08:57

No wonder why Poe lost his mind over a bird

Mike McNair
Mike McNair - 08.06.2023 18:58

Rush’s 2112 temple of syrinx is that much better a song after having watched this.

Defhrone - 08.06.2023 13:21

This video started my interrest in birds and particulairly corvids. I've since made friends with a jackdaw in the park behind me house. Doesn't talk to me with words yet, but will sit on me, eat from my hand and we understand eachother thru non-verbal communication. And the reason I believe this bird is no scared of my anymore, is because every time I did something the bird didn't like and signalled to me that he didn't like it. I respected that

Terri Meakin-rosario
Terri Meakin-rosario - 08.06.2023 09:03

wow that bird loves you so much! youre a lucky scientist..

Steve Bull
Steve Bull - 06.06.2023 23:01

Gorgeous bird.

Strings n Notes
Strings n Notes - 06.06.2023 20:08

Who's the raven in this video? Raven's talking exactly like a human!!!
