Do You Have Emotional Wound? Here are 7 Signs

Do You Have Emotional Wound? Here are 7 Signs


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theblackblade - 21.09.2023 08:56

Hey ever since I saw you last you know on good terms you seem much more pale and thin. Heheh after you move go outside a little more ko?

HankDude HD
HankDude HD - 20.09.2023 16:39

welp as a man i can confidently say i cry at least 20+ times a month at least

Dazai - 20.09.2023 00:39

I think that I'm officially emotionally wound
But thanks for that video

Hi Bye
Hi Bye - 19.09.2023 22:17

I hate

Hi Bye
Hi Bye - 19.09.2023 22:17

I hate everyone

Hi Bye
Hi Bye - 19.09.2023 22:15

It just makes me dumb disappointed at myself

Hi Bye
Hi Bye - 19.09.2023 22:15

My life would be better without school

Hi Bye
Hi Bye - 19.09.2023 22:14

School ruined my life

happywarfairy - 19.09.2023 03:41

This video just explained my whole life in just a few seconds.

Ezablox - 18.09.2023 17:37

I actually felt all of it.. but I think I’m just a dramatic person, nothing more

Cameron Woods
Cameron Woods - 17.09.2023 05:20

Remember, everything is personal. Take everything personally and never trust anyone.

Juni Tongchangya
Juni Tongchangya - 16.09.2023 21:16

What do you call that crying at night so hard for no reason that you feel eyes swollen

Yes lol
Yes lol - 15.09.2023 05:35

After seein this video, I think I am basically emotionally wounded because everything that was listed here happened to me in the span of a few years, the thing is that I dunno what to do exactly do all bout it all even after seeing everything, but despite that ima do everything I can to try to be myself, thank you

Itz_Mei_Amei - 14.09.2023 13:49

Hiii!! I'm little girl from one your older videoss!! This was very inormatiwe, Thanks you! I am sych2go fan! You very nice girls and boys, Whoever suffer from this bad things don't deserve, Everyone has good inside them, I will help anyone suffering from this, As i suffer from some of this too, i love your channel! You're very special whoever resd this!!

Chlo Bear
Chlo Bear - 14.09.2023 02:53

I’m only 10 years old and I think I have depression, anxiety, and an emotional wound.. it’s true tho.. I the video explained that I do have an emotional wound.. like.. I cry easily over small things.. and I’m not normal in my school.. I am a women so yeah and then the other thing.. I losted interest to the things I’ve enjoyed, when I was 7 years old it stopped, the other thing is I get angry easily by stuff people do… then after I cry after I let my anger out.. another thing is the worthless thing you showed..

I always feel sad always and also I feel like no one likes me plus.. I get yelled at by my dad when I do small cry’s and also more he yelled at me when I was very little.. my bad and dark memories always come when I’m sad and it makes me cry more and after when my dad yell’s at me I’ll think of what I did which makes me cry more, every time I go to school I got a stop sign from.. making ppl laugh to loud.. and just grabbing a pencil from my backpack.. like.. what?.. just for that.. it made me feel super bad I slightly cried but I just kept it in so no one can know.. but it isn’t healthy that you cry to much also depression is a really bad illness…

I always feel bad for others but I always think they don’t feel bad for me which makes me feel lonely and my best friend is a little abusive to me but to other friends she’s always .. funny .. happy .. fun .. while with me she kinda acts rude which makes me feel really alone same with my other bestie she sometimes hurts me and as the other too.. their names are.. Amelia .. and Izzy.. and some how I always fall in love with the ppl I hate like.. how did I? I feel trapped sometimes because of the stuff that happens.. I always act happy in front of people and in school but at home or if I’m alone id always cry from the days been..
plus I always wear black everywhere and even at school.. is that a sign of depression? I’m only 10 and I feel like that’s unfair and because I’ve been depressed (I think) for 3 years and I always forget stuff.. and I feel like I’ve never been happy ever in my life again.. but I did.. after I moved my interesting of biking and more got lost.. because I had to leave my best friends.. at the neighborhood.. I’d never been so alone in my life.. plus my other bestie moved and also my other other bestie is in grade 7 so she’s not really interested in me anymore but I did see my other bestie when I travelled but that was the only time I got to see her again..

I’d feel like no one likes me and there’s always a close friendship between me and someone but it always breaks when something goes wrong with us and I’d feel like I’m nothing anymore and also when I refuse to give my dad a hug or refuse him to kiss me I’d tell myself in my mind ( I’m such a bad daughter) (I miss those old days) (I hate my life and myself) (why did o refuse?) (I miss when I was little) and after a little bit of thinking of those I’d cry and go to the room where no one really goes in my house.. I have not many friends now but I never will give up on life but even if I say in my mind.. (I should die..) (I hate my life) (I want to die) (I wish to die..) I’d always have a good ending after but tho I’m not fully happy.. but no matter what I’ll never give up..

Hopefully you seen this.. and thank you for the video.. it really made me a little happy and not alone.. thank you..

Huburt Nelson
Huburt Nelson - 14.09.2023 01:03

I miss the times when we were kids and didn’t have bad thoughts about themselves and didn’t care what people thought. Oh wait- I didn’t have that.. ever.. my dad drilled things into my head until it stuck there.. thanks dad.

RamboCrusader - 13.09.2023 08:55

Only been about 2 years being emotionally numb. Idk if anyone else has this kind of experience where being numb is like the best option out of all the others because you’re still powering through the weeks, months and years. Being more numb for me just feels like a 5 ton weight being lifted off my shoulders.

Humna Nadeem
Humna Nadeem - 12.09.2023 22:26

can you plz make a video that why we suddenly start hurting ourselves physicaly or blaming ourselves for our mistakes or some negative thoughts pop up in our mind suddenly Can you plz tell me why this happens?

Death💀Angel😇 - 12.09.2023 11:15

6/7 omg im going to cry 😢

jasper .
jasper . - 11.09.2023 01:05

Calling me out in 48 different languages wtf

Pumpkin_spice_art - 10.09.2023 23:55

I have them all :/

Xandoooy vr
Xandoooy vr - 10.09.2023 23:35

I just feel dumb about it. It happened a year ago but still feel like I can’t get to close to people and open up to them or their use it against me or talk about me behind my back or something idk it’s just dumb

Desly Schippers
Desly Schippers - 10.09.2023 16:18

When i cry i dont like to talk about it and i also try to avoid crying.😅

s0trnlyz - 10.09.2023 08:41

Thank you so much i watch this every day and i feel like that when i think about sad stuff✨

Bidus - 09.09.2023 23:42

I have gone through all of what was mentioned in the video and I don't wanna seem like a stan degen when I say Andrew Tate was the reason I got through it and became a normal person, after 1 year of struggle.

『Mochi』 - 09.09.2023 22:45

I have all off those thanks for sharing!❤

ScotsmanDougal - 09.09.2023 20:21

44 years old, single, never married, no kids. This video really struck a chord with me. I cried all the way through it. I don't know what to do.

Danimation - 09.09.2023 18:12

this is me as of right now. my parents want me to talk to a doctor about it and see what or who i would need to talk to. theres the slight chance i will have to go onto anti-depressants and thats something I REFUSE to do.

Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro - 09.09.2023 03:49

Wow... The first one is me.. I cry not only over virtual characters... But just by my parents, or a teacher talking to me.. K cry like a baby and I don't understand it!

andilynnhy - 09.09.2023 02:13

I told myself I was just really really really sensitive…….

thug-nuggets🏉😎 - 08.09.2023 17:08

I do me and my boyfriend broke up last year 💔

Studenty_4.Lifes! - 08.09.2023 13:18

Actually... i just need to hear ur voices and watches ur cute animations to cure my trauma and angerness... i already understand my trauma, its just too scared to came out from myself so i just need to prove that im a growth and don't even need a trauma and be a suckers that only care about someone life TOO much and losing times on myself!

I use my trauma to be my friend that actually MORE better then any of my friend at school! I can do anythjngs i wanted and get a freedom of my life!🎉❤

PurpleFlame - 08.09.2023 11:53

Why do I realate to all of this 😭😭😭💀💀

timothy kearns
timothy kearns - 08.09.2023 08:12

As a person with borderline personality disorder, this video helps a bit. Extreme sensitivity, major depression (Some have diagnosed me with bipolar 2), lack of interest in things I used to love, and a general feeling of not being well are my symptoms...Also, I'm very upset when things that don't even matter cause bursts of anger and madness. I'm on several medications, but they don't work well anymore. I'm at wit's end most days. My shrink and therapist do a fair job at helping me, but I still feel frustrated with them at times. I'm doing the best I can.

BlueiNotFound - 08.09.2023 07:51

I don’t wanna state that I’m straight up autistic because that’s not enough. People are always laughing at me or ignoring me so I keep my mouth shut. I’m got yelled by my teacher and made fun of by my classmates in third grade just for liking science. I loved glasses when I was 6 so I pooped out the lenses but people at my after school broke them. People called me stupid and other names like a watermelon. Sometimes people don’t include me in anything just because I’m me. People wished for other people to kill me. I’m getting sick of it. I’m so stressed out and alone that I don’t know how to talk to people anymore. I don’t know what real friendships are anymore.

gtagsharkvr - 08.09.2023 05:53

I always think that no one cares about me and I should just die

Frankie Sarabia
Frankie Sarabia - 08.09.2023 04:47

I do

How's the look
How's the look - 07.09.2023 09:12

I got a major emotional wound and whenever I try to forget it there are people who never misses any opportunity to give me a new wound 😔 I was a very bright student but now I can't even study peacefully due to my worst family not even a single person is in my favour

Abi Larsen
Abi Larsen - 07.09.2023 07:42

I really relate to al of those is that bad??

Moonlight - 07.09.2023 04:29

You just described 7 things in my life, especially since i just lost a friend close to me..
I gonna try to get over it but still..

vuk pro
vuk pro - 07.09.2023 01:30

At this point i have max level emotional wound

Onna Lee
Onna Lee - 07.09.2023 01:10

I been through most of these.

niko niko
niko niko - 06.09.2023 22:20

It would be funny if the title would be : do you have emothunal damage ( sorry for my bad gramma english is not my first language

Limonadik_Lol - 06.09.2023 14:35

I can use these to my advantage.

Wolf gamer girl
Wolf gamer girl - 06.09.2023 12:48

thank you for helping e wheen ever my parents yelled at me i remember past trauma which makes me sad

EndlessAware - 06.09.2023 03:08

I just cried on this video... now it explains why I'm hesitating when speaking with people...

Frostborne - 05.09.2023 23:03

I’m emotionally damaged from how stupid society as a whole has become 😂

2Chooks - 04.09.2023 20:51

This vid really hit home. I won't go into details 'cuz the story started over 20 years ago. I will share one detail. I wasn't there for my dad when he passed. Everything reminds me of him. He was supposed to live forever. I've often thought of just ending it, but always chickened out. I just want my dad!! All the meds in the world aren't helping......

Big Chungus
Big Chungus - 04.09.2023 12:01

What if I almost completely lost the ability to cry?
