How Sociopathic Narcissists Set You Up For Hurt

How Sociopathic Narcissists Set You Up For Hurt

Surviving Narcissism

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@BarbaraMarshall-jr5mm - 31.01.2024 19:07

This is my mother in so many ways, she can't see what she has done to hurt me and others and she has never apologised to anybody ever, which would make her a psychopath as well. My mother wants to be included and spoken ro and not ignored like she doesnt exist. How do I get around this, i dont want my kids around her but tqo are adults and one is 16 and they all have special needs. I have no intention of meeting her for a discussion because it's pointless and I'm not taking the blame for her rages.

@sgueymard - 20.01.2024 06:44

My anxiety level drops from 9/10 to 3/10 after watching Dr. Carter's videos.
I often watch him in the middle of the night whenever i can't sleep.
He makes the difference in my life. Without him, i couldn't sleep and work.
I watched ALL the channels on the subject, but this one is the only one required: videos are short and sweet and they replace anxiety pills.

@ystbent1 - 17.01.2024 23:02

Great info

@nicholecornes1915 - 17.01.2024 02:52

Omg yeah

@martadelgado2733 - 16.01.2024 23:52

Spot on Dr. C! Would you say these type of people are evil?

@ItsSoarTime - 06.01.2024 10:36

there's the doggie in the background chillin'!!!

@Cass_772 - 25.12.2023 18:48

what do you do when it is your son and he's having fun destroying your reputation and your life with lies? Sometimes I wish I can disappear, change name and just vanish

@TheeyeOftruth-yx2np - 11.12.2023 18:59

Thank you so much for this DR Les, You're absolutely beautiful, You speak truth, Peace, love, Respect to you, Gus and everyone, Thank you universe 🎨❤😘🌹🐉🌌🌈💜💛💚😃🐶🐎🕊☘💜💛💚😃👁😍👽🌝🖼🦄💙

@rowen2799 - 11.12.2023 12:30

You Sir, are a life saver. Thank you.

@TheMichrelle - 30.11.2023 17:34

Does a sociopath dyssocial dysfunctional person discard and hovering back from new supply?

@user-qv9nw1dq2f - 05.11.2023 16:12

When we see the signs that we are dealing with sociopaths we should RUN! Thank you dr Carter❤ God bless you❤

@tammyrobinson5249 - 05.11.2023 02:55

After listening to this and while here because I have a narcisstic sociopathic adult daughter, this also perfectly describes Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Don’t dare disagree with him or a plethora of hurtful and illogical names get thrown out. He himself, he definitely believes the laws and the rules don’t apply to him. I can liar 40 plus things he has done or that he has instructed his minions to do. Charged with multiple ethics breaches, no regard for anyone but himself despite saying he is always there for Canadians. He also harshly punished those that dare to challenge him. Just look what he did to our peaceful truckers protest. Everything he does is to benefit him first or those that stand up to fawn over him or adore him. People like this should never be in a position of power. If they are we reap their full wrath. He and people like this are wilfully blind. Canada has had it with him, the international world has to. He is free falling in the polls, members within and on the outside of the Liberal Party have said it’s time for him to go before he takes the entire party down but he insists on staying. Trudeau immensely abuses his power and when caught people are afraid to come forward because he can and will ruin you or try really hard to do so. This guy has decimated and divided this country in just 8 years. Everything he does is for personal gain. He definitely has a spending problem too. He thinks budgets balance themselves. He openly admitted he admires Chinas basic dictatorship
He has said our borders are open because old white European’s and their off spring disgust him, that we must be replaced and he will replace us.
He is a guy that has way way too much power and now fame. It stoked his egoAnd we here know it.

@tammyrobinson5249 - 05.11.2023 02:12

This validates so much for me. I have kept thinking that my adult daughter would just grow out of her ways as she matured but it’s actually been the exact opposite. I used to have a proxy of just forgiving and forgetting but after more than 2 decades of being harmed and berated and lied about I just can’t have it in my life anymore.
If I were to write out the story of the last 26 years and the things she has done to me it would read as a tale of horrific abuses.
So I have to cut her out of my life, my grown child or not because the attacks never stop and it has reduced me to feeling so bad about myself. I have lost every friend I had because of her because they just didn’t understand why I kept letting her attack and abuse me.
I am now 57 and signed up for a depression and anxiety work group. I need to rescue myself.
Thx again for this video validating so much for me.
God Bless you and thx again.

@tammyrobinson5249 - 05.11.2023 01:59

Thank you for this. I have a 26 year old daughter. She is a full on narcissistic sociopath. She has abused me in horrific ways. I have had 3 full mental health break downs that required hospitalization. She has lied her face off about me to others, she has physically attacked me and harmed me. The police have been involved with her over 300 times.
She is a professional and pitting one against another.
My own mom passed away 7 years ago. My daughter asked to have my moms ashes for just two weeks after mom died. Well now it’s been 7 years and she refuses to give the ashes back. Now my moms family won’t even talk to me because of it.
My daughter has caused me immense pain and suffering. I have been with my spouse, her father, for 40 years. and she puts him against me.
Our lives have been a living nightmare for over 2 decades now.
I am so grateful I found this channel. It validates so much for me.

@PaintWithWheat - 23.10.2023 18:33

So great!! A counselor told me once to read up on Sociopaths after being informed by sources other than me about the man I was with. When I read up on it I was stunned, it was what I had experienced but didn't know how to express. He is long gone now. Thank you so much for sharing, it continues to support and validate my choice to leave. Life is good now!

@r.bishop1127 - 16.10.2023 04:03

Once again you've proved I am NOT schizoid. Thanks lol

@janm9610 - 15.10.2023 01:21

Thankfully I only spent 3 years. 2.5 pretty ok, 6 months of betrayal, discard, divorce, selling home, moving, financial loss,leading to rebuilding. Still hard to accept due to cognitive dissonance and trauma bond. Thankfully I've not engaged with him since April 2023. Saw him in zoom divorce July 2023. Oct 2023 and I found out he's engaged for quite a while already 😂🎉 the funny thing is I was told he and his supply break up weekly. His drama continues. He projected so much crap onto me....🤮

@silverlakegirl9078 - 05.10.2023 18:16

I have to keep listening to the same videos to pull me out of my personal 911 days......or more realistically, hours, not days.

@janebeatty9472 - 30.09.2023 02:35

Married to this man for 38 years. The manipulation, coercion, gaslighting, lying, stress, lonliness and being unloved was hard enough. He just threatened me with physical violence in front of our 3 & 5 yr old grandsons over a cancelled VUDU account. I’m done. I waited for proof so I wouldn’t loose my daughter. I have witnesses now and she knows her Dad is not who he appeared to be all these years.

@user-ws9tb7zt1h - 21.09.2023 18:13

🦈🐬🕊TY & GOD BLESS ⚘️

@apeshitphilosophy5221 - 20.09.2023 17:04

Great video

@Hopper11 - 13.09.2023 15:50

You are so kind to share this information with us…it is making a difference, and it is saving lives, Dr Carter. Thank you. I am forever grateful.

@ClarkHolbrook-jk1kv - 12.09.2023 21:20

I need help! When I got married I brought my wife to my mothers house thinking she would not violate the santity of marrage and respect my marrage. No!! My mother set me up with a bogus conversation and un mid stride she took of her wedding ring and demanded that I put it on my wifes finger. For it that was a simble of complete control as I recieve nothing but domination and abuse from her. Plus her second husband was dead and was a tyrant. She became violent putting her ring in my face screaming like the crazy person she was all the while my newly wed was watching. When as I tried to walk away my wife teamed up with my mother, they both were in my face. I put the ring on my wifes finger and ar tjat moment something inside of me died. My spirit and love for my wife. That moment destroyed my marrage and my life. How do I other come this trama?

@patricialevie7142 - 12.09.2023 02:26


@samme1024 - 11.09.2023 01:02

Thank you.

@silvia22d - 30.08.2023 17:42

You just described my boss. I had a lot of problems because of her in the last 15 years, my workmates, too. I developed high blood pressure, glaucoma, panic attacks, an ankle fracture but I'm OK recently. There were also premature deaths, others got autoimune diseases and a lot of flu cases. I'm lucky to become a retiree after 2 years.

@joshualeardini9501 - 30.08.2023 05:44

They are never wrong, even if you show them the evidence in plain sight, they dont believe they have a problem.

@emersonandino8710 - 25.08.2023 16:47

Is not like sociopath are looking for trouble is because your not giving them what they want. They put in the work, time, and effort they deserve right way. For example a promotion they work hard they should get that position. Or they deserve a raise give them a raise.

@emersonandino8710 - 25.08.2023 16:41

Sociopath are special so they should get what they want. And you should listen to what they say. Or else things will get ugly. And you cannot outsmart a there. Because there invincible and there no way you could defeat. So don’t be stupid.

@ianmclaren9721 - 22.08.2023 12:35

My narc colleague couldn’t back up his physical threats. I told him I would tear him limb from limb and he started crying. Thanks Damien.

@izawaniek2568 - 19.08.2023 09:02

This is exactly the case. Covert narcisists are often sociopaths they know the difference between right and wrong and know exactly what they are doing. Thank you dr Carter.

@user-em3np4vr8c - 17.08.2023 10:02

I know now not to mention this to my psych, have to be careful who you tell because most think it's you! They have never known people like this, they don't recognise it
When they meet it, but I do!

@user-em3np4vr8c - 17.08.2023 09:56

I thought that was npd, my sister is like this, but she pretends, but sometimes she comes out full blown, I keep contact to a minimum! My other sister is better but I suspect
She is pretending too! All traits you spoke of are there, but they do follow rules but they both very secretive, both users and no love, it's all a pretence or just plain cruelty!

@Hopper11 - 07.08.2023 07:59

I am so thankful for you, Dr Carter. Your videos are informative and lifesaving.

@joh569 - 06.08.2023 02:47

So grateful for your channel Dr. Carter. You are a blessing to so many, the encouragement means so much.

@ArthurGraham-vy1ze - 31.07.2023 20:49

I've had countless people lose their shit with me when I refused to undermine others at their request. A lot of narcissists have read The Book Of Five Rings. When I try to reason with retaliatory people I often quote Musashi who said "Do nothing which is of no use." with my subtext being that it's useless to retaliate against others. This isnt the olden times, where retaliation useta' could get you somewhere. Retaliation only yields reduced future opportunities, I tell them. But they retaliate anyhow.

@Doctor_Squidward_Burr_Earp - 31.07.2023 17:37

Howdy, Sir.
Is there a term for individuals who follow all the Social Norm established Rules (more often than not, to a "T," so to speak) in order to establish reliability to manipulate the perception of trustworthiness, so as to lie, cheat, steal, & betray... And get away scott free... And if/when the mark/scapegoat speaks out about it, well, they're the "crazy" one?

@amothergoddess2774 - 27.07.2023 03:42


@whiteorchid5412 - 26.07.2023 00:20

Narcissists compulsive need to control everyone else can in some cases make them try to set victims up by luring them into some type of compromising behavior they can use later to blackmail or smear their victims. So if anyone encourages you to cheat, lie or steal beware!

@Circuit7Active - 23.07.2023 10:18


@heatherpesterfield8121 - 21.07.2023 17:25

They are like good and bad
They will appeared to care and act like they have changed and love bomb you,,then they can turn round and make you feel like your the promblem and your mental and you are the one that has unresolved issues
You may start to question yourself and say you lack self esteem and this can bring you down lower ..what they don’t like is you standing up for yourself …you being strong and you not being affected by them or stone walling as they not have anything to throw back in your face
I know sometimes it’s hard but even if they have upset you ..try not to show it because if you show it ..they willl repeat again and again
They have no emotions …they do not care….it don’t matter who you are….no one escapes a person like this…not even if your related or there partner or a family member
Don’t listen to there nasty words as these are meant to bring you down … this is not who you are ..this is them telling you what they are ..
So be happy be you and if they don’t like you ..then you have your answer to not be with this person and be with people that make you happy and good luck on your choices in life 😊

@Humblebluegalaxy - 07.07.2023 17:00

Excellent video. I love that adorable puppy dog on the sofa! Allah Akbar!

@symbolsandsystems - 21.06.2023 14:31

narcissists are evil

@symbolsandsystems - 21.06.2023 14:28

morality: to consider the consequences

@symbolsandsystems - 21.06.2023 14:26

narcissists and sociopaths are seldom lone wolfs
they are organizing

@symbolsandsystems - 21.06.2023 14:21

sure sounds like your discussing guvernment.

@Greavesy - 18.06.2023 17:18

I know one who likes giving people pain and making them cry etc, yet plays the victim and acts like I’ve killed someone when I make a simple mistake. It’s crazy.

No getting through to them either to fix any issues, like talking to a brick wall.

@Sietskefeitsma - 18.06.2023 17:10

What if the people in your Goverment are Narcicists,and won't realise new elections? This is happening in Holland and in lots of other countries.
