9 Alternatives to Thingiverse for 3D Printing Files

9 Alternatives to Thingiverse for 3D Printing Files

Uncle Jessy

4 года назад

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@groundskeeper5292 - 02.04.2020 15:26

Yeah. Noticed Thingiverse has been acting strange. Took 10 hours to upload some of my files. Got messages asking for file details. Looked almost like spam. Deleted them. Thanks for the list of alternatives!

@Catchmyep3 - 02.04.2020 16:02

Its makerbot, they're a money hungry and greedy, greasy group. Of course they're site is made for the ads.

@slyder2k6 - 02.04.2020 17:35

Stlfinder is also a good site for model files.

@uglypinkeraser - 02.04.2020 21:53

My favorite part is when you search for something and none of the relevant models load, but the embedded ads do!

@ceegeester - 03.04.2020 00:49

Hey Uncle thanks for the info. Quick question - Are there any sites that specialise in car/motorbike parts. I am doing some restorations of a couple of old vehicles and am always looking for smaller items to replace. For example I just modeled up a 1934 Buick horn button but I reckon there would be much better models out in the cloud. I am happy to put my STL file out there but where would you suggest.

@John_Ridley - 03.04.2020 19:45

Seriously no mention of Youmagine? I've been using them as my preferred posting spot for years.

@potter2702 - 03.04.2020 23:34

Great list of alternatives to thingiverse, thanks!

@Mottersmotters - 03.04.2020 23:40

Hello there great news and thank you.
I've had the same problem with the desktop site. How ever the Thingiverse app seems to work but can be slow 👍🏻

@TheShoeJr - 03.04.2020 23:44

Good grief, thingiverse had a stroke and almost died.

@4funrc11 - 04.04.2020 05:14

WAIT... What!? Why would thingiverse go ahead and use ANY so-called UI / website upgrade if it doesn't work? That doesn't make any sense...

@alexhetherington8028 - 04.04.2020 15:15

Nice informative video thanks.

@sandragon2714 - 05.04.2020 02:02

Hi Uncle Jesse, what would you chose between a new 3d machine or a resin machine? I already have a Creality 10s and it works great. I am currently printing face shields for our local hospitals. Maybe your great fans can help out too. Everyone stay safe out there.

@patprop74 - 05.04.2020 06:27

Yeah Thingiverse AKA MakerBot AKA sellouts, Just another way that Bre Pettis let the opensource community down, seems to be a recurring theme with him. Bla blaa blaa MakerBot this blaa blaa blaa Thingiverse with always be free for the community Bla blaa blaa......., he just can't help himself lol

@MrJefferson105 - 05.04.2020 17:10

Spot on Jessy

@jiml.9026 - 05.04.2020 18:38

I hate the new interface on thingiverse. Not sure why they changed it so drastically. Just give it little visual updates....clean. Simple. Not overhaul it and make it visually unappealing.

@DamienBoath - 06.04.2020 12:47

I have a pihole on my network so all the ads appear blank on their site. :)

@jackson2210 - 06.04.2020 23:24

Thingiverse gave me a virus and now I have to restart my computer. I know it’s thingiverse because it’s the only site I’ve been on since the outbreak. I also haven’t downloaded anything.

@CeesMeijer - 07.04.2020 23:00

Such a pity this happened. Invested a lot of time in taking my designs to Thingiverse, but you're right, it's definitely broken. I'm still not able to find my designs, even if search for my name and explicitly the name of the design. I'll put my bets on PrusaPrinters this time.

@ThisPossumKnits - 08.04.2020 04:10

Thanks for the vid! Search hardly works, half the ads are sleazy and like you said what happened to the filters! :S
Careful running other peoples G-code! prusa does try to scan it but I think your safer just slicing it yourself.

@son12509 - 08.04.2020 06:02

Thingiverse never worked well anyway.

@IamG3X - 09.04.2020 19:34

took away the 3d viewing feature. there are less files now on the web whenever i search.

edit: i recently discover grabcad so I don't know if this is a good site.

@luisjimenez8424 - 10.04.2020 07:52

hey uncle jessy, i hope you and your family are fine, you have not published a video since March 25, I hope that where you live the situation with the covid-19 is not bad, hope to seeing another video from you.

@samuelgonzalez7783 - 13.04.2020 08:05

At the moment it doesn't thingivers is a mess. It doesn't show very much and it's slow on both firefox amd chrome.

@3DPrintscape - 14.04.2020 22:40

Awesome, I’ve been looking for more Thingiverse alternatives. Thanks for putting this together for the community.

@hotwykinger6889 - 15.04.2020 02:58

Yeggi and Pinshape can be alternatives but prusa is more a sort of comunity and the others....lets say, shops,cause they mostly try to sell objects

@richardmacleansr8341 - 15.04.2020 04:44

You are full of shit. I am sorry that you lack the ability to learn how to use the site.

@DarrenHughes-Hybrid - 22.04.2020 22:35

It looks like no one pointed out that you skip over CGTRADER from your list, so... when you said this was 9 sites you can get files from... actually it was only 8, but thankfully you put up the whole list of 9 in the beginning.

@igorschmidlapp6987 - 25.04.2020 18:11

What if you have files, but just want the damned thing printed? Any straight printing services to list? (I know, Google is my friend, but I wondered if you or your viewers had any experiences that you/they could relate/recommend)..

@Noble569 - 07.05.2020 16:19

Great post... New subscriber!

@andrewfortus2629 - 11.05.2020 22:43

Thanks for the video Uncle Jessy. Also wanted to mention GrabCAD

@carllockett5647 - 13.06.2020 13:31

Gambody is excellent

@GrimmGitz - 15.06.2020 03:11

I’ve been trying to work with thingiverse for ages now.. they just delete my models without any notice.. pretty sick of it, I’m ready to shift to a new platform.

@mavemaggulle6677 - 12.08.2020 16:05

Great video

@ThePudgypug22 - 16.08.2020 14:44

Cults 3d has issue's with paid files

@kylemorgan1819 - 25.08.2020 02:31

THINGIVERSE the site that used to be good

@toepunch001 - 06.09.2020 07:09

Thingiverse app doesn't work at all

@thomashallmark4065 - 17.09.2020 17:48

all of these are paid for alternatives to something that is free. doubt paid for will kill free. just sayin.

@rob7439 - 01.10.2020 06:16

Thingiverse should die its a haven for thieves stealing peoples models. If i see the artist in the comments linking to their page with the original model I'll go there.

@makewithmegma - 22.10.2020 20:13


@lexzbuddy - 23.10.2020 13:24

Patreon = a handful of good and a mountain of crap.
So many won't even show you what they have until they get money. Seriously, whomwould give money to someone without knowing what you are going to be getting.
Some won't let you get stuff that was done in the past, only the unknown going forward. Seriously, how stupid is that? It's like saying, here is the stuff you may like, want or need, well you won't ever get that. You will only be able to have things we won't tell you about that may or may not be of any interest.
Then there are the ones that are now "complete". You only just heard about it. You can't buy their s models anywhere and you can't have them now because it's now closed. Genius. I can't even give them money if I wanted to for something that would essentially cost them nothing.
The last one... they let you get all the new stuff each month but old stuff, you pay separately. They made their money already via kickstarted but to get those same files now, pay 10X as much for them. Not because they now have a legitimate web site and business to run. No, it's because they have them on some duff platform with a "shop".
Seriously, this is some seriously cowboy stuff going on.

@antoinegauthier78 - 03.12.2020 03:46

Thingiverse its still my favorite site

@tylersheehy3918 - 19.12.2020 02:35

its too emptey

@tylersheehy3918 - 19.12.2020 02:35

its too emptey

@chucksaduck - 24.12.2020 11:53

Bro I sub for the list at the start! And I stayed to the end for all the great info, thanks a bunch

@comedyclub333 - 06.01.2022 01:57

I know of absolutely no feature of thingiverse that's not buggy or lagging. This site might be the greatest disaster in computer science history.

@Yinco1 - 08.08.2022 07:23

2022 and still broken

@jamesdmc2928 - 24.10.2022 12:43

Does anyone know of a repo w/o adult toys . It's really infuriating

@goatelope7539 - 04.03.2024 21:20

Thank you
