George Washington’s Vision For America | History

George Washington’s Vision For America | History


4 года назад

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AmelaAmela Jiang
AmelaAmela Jiang - 19.08.2023 03:40

For you believe you come from .frist ...

AmelaAmela Jiang
AmelaAmela Jiang - 19.08.2023 03:39

For the chrild a prayer ..

AmelaAmela Jiang
AmelaAmela Jiang - 19.08.2023 03:38

No register . people respect Lost

AmelaAmela Jiang
AmelaAmela Jiang - 19.08.2023 03:37

The church need me to register the bible.......

Verihim The Red
Verihim The Red - 17.08.2023 04:10

I'm starting to doubt President Nixon was as bad as y'all been saying he his.

Yasser Alsaidi
Yasser Alsaidi - 01.05.2023 16:33

Re inforce old visions and ambitions

Don Y
Don Y - 16.04.2023 00:34

"Destany of unborn millions involved"
Like about 60 millon aborted. 😢

:julie-ann:♡-My-2&Colton - 21.03.2023 03:33

You left out a many things!!! I am not surprised!

Edward Dunlap
Edward Dunlap - 09.03.2023 23:37

me & many more , Believe that JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD ! we worship& praise him every day !

Austin Shannon
Austin Shannon - 06.01.2023 11:59

What’s crazy is that if cnn were in back in those days the British would say George Washington a wanted murder in the 13 colonies, a former British soldier is now wanted in America for disgraceful interests. Bad guys aren’t always bad guys. That’s why you shouldn’t judge. They might have been defending themselves from tyranny and wrongdoing.

Jim howkings
Jim howkings - 20.12.2022 14:37

the man who killed millions

FunnyLucinaVidz - 03.11.2022 14:21

This video goes so hard

JasperCat - 16.09.2022 22:02

GW would loathe what the GOP has done to your country.

Toini Moore
Toini Moore - 10.08.2022 14:29

I don’t think half of these youngsters going to school probably have even heard of him and could care less about our forefathers!!😢

christopher - 02.07.2022 06:46

We need to recover this spirit in the US, we are in a dire straight. The People of the United States need to fight back against the current tyranny of the political systems. Step one is for ALL PEOPLE to claim exempt on their W4. It's a protest against the mis appropriation of our money. We are over taxed, under paid and enslaved by the corporations that are vacuuming up all the peoples profits. Technology and ease of existence are not a true freedom. The politicians are laundering our money into their families accounts through corrupt ways and insider dealings.

Joseph Walder
Joseph Walder - 26.06.2022 01:55

The USA only exists today is because the most ingenious people to have ever lived on this planet were all in that tiny room in Philadelphia when we declared our independence and wrote the constitution. Our American experience is unique and special because of them. They did not create a perfect union but gave us the perfect means to create a more perfect union. God Bless the USA and our Founding Fathers(and Abigail Adams)

Ulosophy 2
Ulosophy 2 - 19.06.2022 02:59

We cannot get away from the fact that in this world there is evil.

if it was not for the United States, this world would be in chaos beyond measure.

people like Hitler or Stalin, Hussein etc would be the ones running the globe. extinctions of nations and races would be prevalent.

but because of America, that will never occur, as long as America and it's people stand.

And America will reign for 1000 years or more, and it's all due to the greatest national constitution ever written.

America having a military budget higher than any nation keeps everybody in line.

Any nation would have become a nation of dictators by this time because of that budget.

the reason it does not, is because of things like the 2nd amendment. if America ever decided to do a Hitler move or anything like it, it's citizens would not allow it. the military would have to get rid of it's own people first. and with the 2nd amendment it gives the people a fighting chance against a threat of corrupted dictatorship. that is why the founders put it on there, and is why most Americans will never allow the elimination of the 2nd amendment.

I understand gun violence etc. but if it was not for the 2nd amendment there would be more evil spreading than what we actually have or had.

that is why America will reign for a 1000 years, this here now in time is nothing to what America will become. it will become the strongest and most powerful nation ever seen on this planet and because of the constitution and it's people, this country will remain the strongest until the people decide.

only the American people and God can destroy America, nothing else including its own government cant destroy it. they can try, but will not prosper thanks to its constitution.

I was born in America by Mexican parents. but whether people like it or not I love the constitution and I am proud of saying I'm an American

BOT - 16.06.2022 20:37

Can you guys tell me whom narrated this?

Tyler Bushong
Tyler Bushong - 31.05.2022 05:12

“I did NOT defeat King George III to become King George I.”
The fact that we WANTED TO make him our Caesar, and he insisted on being our Cincinnatus shows he was a greater man than we deserved.

LaRue - 27.05.2022 18:54

Obama? 🤮

Joseph John
Joseph John - 12.04.2022 20:56

This is pretty woke George... Love it.

jeremy knott
jeremy knott - 09.03.2022 12:25


BellaSara3346 - 05.12.2021 01:56

Y'know this is so darn vague I'm not sure it's all that praiseworthy.

Joseph Nardolillo
Joseph Nardolillo - 28.10.2021 14:40

What Washington saw in his visions is happening right now . Read them

Rick Creighton
Rick Creighton - 11.10.2021 07:36

He said put all prejudices aside and look now. Our country is full of hate and extreme prejudice. What have we learned on all this time?

Matthew Hooks
Matthew Hooks - 26.08.2021 05:20


t3knoman00 - 23.08.2021 12:55

Really needed to hear that, the man who could have been king but said NO. LIBERTY!

Frank Ch
Frank Ch - 09.08.2021 02:27

Alguien habla español?

Wilder Wolf Man
Wilder Wolf Man - 30.07.2021 03:42

To all the people that say "oh if he could see it now!"

how little do you think of him? do you think he wouldnt understand the trials and hardships that brought us to this point?
do you think he is the type of leader who'd chastise america for all the great things it has accomplished?
we have faults, ones obvious to him even then. So do not for a second think he would not proud of our accomplishments and stern on our failures.

besides if he did come back now none of yall would listen to him anyway.
because in a second he strip the right to vote from 80+ percent of you.

Robert Rautar
Robert Rautar - 10.07.2021 13:00

Great video👌

Alex I Torres
Alex I Torres - 11.06.2021 13:41

My Mexican mom and grandma always side that America is the promise land

Brahim d
Brahim d - 10.05.2021 22:06

Logan Carpenter
Logan Carpenter - 11.04.2021 07:54

America today is not worthy of the men of this Era

Ace - 23.03.2021 05:05

RIP George Washington ❤️🇺🇸

Blessed Hope
Blessed Hope - 02.03.2021 20:09

Homelessness is rapidly rising, killing babies through abortions and crime has skyrocketed, weather that is off-the-chain. America the great USA in God we trust. Businesses are closing, high-unemployment ..Repent,Repent, and turn from evil and Love and forgive and obey God and maybe
We can be seal and spared from the wrath of God.

Caleb Donahue-Lobato
Caleb Donahue-Lobato - 12.02.2021 02:56

My boi George had a whole vision of Modern Day America

Lê Lợi
Lê Lợi - 27.01.2021 17:39


Thomas - 27.01.2021 09:03

But the left hates Wash. Remember they call
Him racist. Now they use this to support lefts movement ?

Judy Taggerty
Judy Taggerty - 26.01.2021 04:37

We are the Only Free Republic in the World. It is insane that so many want to throw away our Freedom and Independence as they are doing. Praying the USA wakes up before we become a One World Communist state with no Freedom.

Sooner Jon The Conservative
Sooner Jon The Conservative - 25.01.2021 22:53

I bet it had nothing to do with killing 62 million babies and becoming socialist.

FriedenFreiheitWahrheit - 24.01.2021 14:01

Don‘t lose your Independence to Globalism ! Ist will be your Destruktion!

Przemyslaw Budakiewicz
Przemyslaw Budakiewicz - 24.01.2021 11:06


Wild Salmon
Wild Salmon - 24.01.2021 05:25

Oh George if only you could see us now. 😈🤝💀🤝☣️🤝👹

Ronnie Bishop
Ronnie Bishop - 24.01.2021 04:27

Washington was a very spiritual person but he did think the white race was superior because of their accomplishments throughout history. All top university’s were founded by ministers, like Harvard, Yale, William and Mary etc., But now they’ve become totally secular and atheists. I believe that none of our founding fathers were perfect people at all but they have proven by the constitution to be much more intelligent than any in Congress today by far. We have made some great changes though by trying to teach our young to treat everyone else the same as the Bible clearly teaches, that God is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor male or female black or white. But you can’t force people to like you and if people don’t want to be with me or eat by me or invite me to the party is just fine with me. I will still like them anyway. By the way if science would have paid more attention to the Old Testament even though I know they can’t see it they would have used anesthesiologists sooner lol maybe. You can’t comprehend the New Testament unless you read it in the same spirit in which it was written.

LK 007
LK 007 - 23.01.2021 17:01

i liked the animation style alot!!

Mike Motteberg
Mike Motteberg - 22.01.2021 18:16

" E Pluribus Unum "

Dean Firnatine
Dean Firnatine - 22.01.2021 14:47

George Washington and the rest of our founding fathers are weeping in heaven at what has become of America, a country rapidly becoming a corrupt authoritarian one party police state where the Constitution is nothing but a scrap of paper.

Christina Waller
Christina Waller - 22.01.2021 13:35


Jimmy Agnew
Jimmy Agnew - 21.01.2021 09:06

From many, one!

John Doe
John Doe - 21.01.2021 04:00

The Founding Fathers are probably rolling in their graves now. May God rest their souls.
