How to Play On Mars - Official Tutorial from Gaming Rules!

How to Play On Mars - Official Tutorial from Gaming Rules!

Gaming Rules!

4 года назад

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CanHammer - 21.09.2023 14:54

watched this a few times now and only just realized the little movie box at the top right changes

SpielMill - 30.07.2023 22:42

Ok yes excellent work, we couldn't have learned this game without you. But let's talk about the dvds. Is that something you always do and we've just never noticed? We were highly amused and kept calling out when it changed.

글세흠 - 30.07.2023 06:00

설명 잘해주시네요 잘보고갑니다

MW - 17.07.2023 12:55

The best explanation of On Mars that one could have ever made. After trying to figure out how to play the game myself and to teach my friend later on, I realised how much effort was put in to make this video, The explanation is so streamlined and answer all of the questions that I had when I was reading the rule book myself.

Voyager - 12.07.2023 01:03

You Sir, are a machine :) Such a complex game explained crystal clear (as always). Each aspect is shown in great detail. I'm getting my copy tomorrow. I enjoyed this video a lot, and will probably be coming back to it for reference a lot. Thanks!

Robert Wegner
Robert Wegner - 24.05.2023 10:04

I have never seen such great tutorial videos for boardgames in my whole life!

What do you think of Gaia Project? Ever played it?

Also, the British accent sounds so wholesome to my German ears! The guys from the US always sound like a bunch of dying frogs in a pond.

Keep up the great work!

Bear Lee L ́Eagle
Bear Lee L ́Eagle - 18.02.2023 10:12

Thank you so much, Paul. Awesome explanation! Amazing how you manage to structure this huge amount of information in a way that (even) I can follow. Great work! :)

Portland Gamecraft
Portland Gamecraft - 27.01.2023 13:33

Nice work! Very helpful!

Tim S
Tim S - 22.01.2023 20:42

Perfect explanation, thanx a lot!

1frxns1 - 19.01.2023 14:22

Paul if you use a private ship to travel to orbit, are you allowed then to gain resources from your advanced buildings and can you replace workers from action slots and working area?! It seems like this is not written down anywhere very clearly. Me and my group seem to struggle with this everytime we play

Andrew Stroud
Andrew Stroud - 27.12.2022 12:21

Great video. Also, I do believe I saw the cover for War of the Worlds, as narrated by the one and only Richard Burton. Classic. Let’s go Thunder Child.

Stephen Lovell
Stephen Lovell - 21.10.2022 22:14

Vital Lacerda and Paul Grogan: name a more iconic duo. Thanks, legend!

Its_ya__boy_Ty - 20.10.2022 04:01

I got the game but what they didn’t tell me is that it would come with missing pieces a true work of art

Alexander Raach
Alexander Raach - 19.10.2022 15:41

Amazing excellent tutorial... thanks a lot for that!

Dennis Leung
Dennis Leung - 25.07.2022 11:53

Re-watching this again in 2022 for my 2nd game after a long search for my own copy! Thanks Paul for the rulebook as well as the tutorial!!

Rigel Rafuse
Rigel Rafuse - 22.07.2022 07:09

Amazing rules! Clear and helpful!

hiai - 11.07.2022 18:03

Thank you!

Jesse Irwin
Jesse Irwin - 15.06.2022 12:33

Absolute legend Paul! Absolute legend

Pop Gas
Pop Gas - 07.06.2022 01:03

Thanks to this video I'm more than willing to power through for this monster of a game. Just waiting for my copy to finally arrive. Thanks!

Mike Foster
Mike Foster - 06.06.2022 00:47

Walked past you at the UK Games Expo and bought On Mars right at that stand you were near :) Didn't say hi, as I didn't want to bother you. But I'm definitely watching your rules explanation. Good stuff.

Ryan Valencia
Ryan Valencia - 20.04.2022 11:36

Echoing all the comments here. Fantastic tutorial. Thanks Paul!

Troy W
Troy W - 15.04.2022 23:32

This is a great explanation video for a very complicated game. Nice work!

Dwight Powell
Dwight Powell - 11.03.2022 08:22

Well done! Well organized, clearly presented and full of helpful visual cues. Excellent work, Paul!

Anarchist_Parable - 25.02.2022 00:08

I watch a lot of channels and this was the most concise explanation of this game.

Tomplaysboardgames - 24.11.2021 21:57

Brilliant stuff Paul, just about to play for the first time. I have not felt so intimidated about learning a game for years but as usual you've produced a brilliant tutorial. Intimidation has turned to excitement.

ID - 15.11.2021 15:44

Wow, Paul what an outstanding teach. I feel like I could play this game now

Kr1stmas - 05.11.2021 04:45

God have mercy :S

klavier frühlingswochen
klavier frühlingswochen - 27.08.2021 17:11

Applause you very much!

Simon - 27.08.2021 01:13

Hi Paul, can you give me any good tips about writing a rule book please. I'm always creating new games but struggle to write the rules properly.

Glen Ford
Glen Ford - 02.07.2021 08:10

Really good How To Play breakdown. Nice work. Love how the movie on the shelf changed. (The Martian, Total Recall, Red Planet etc…) Nice touch! :)

Wade Bates
Wade Bates - 12.06.2021 19:22

Very well done video for a highly complicated game. Thanks for taking the time to do this and clearly pushing through the process of wrapping one's head around all the intricacies.

Jaime Lannister
Jaime Lannister - 04.06.2021 06:21

This is one of the best online gaming tutorials I have ever seen for any game. Great job.

James I
James I - 01.06.2021 20:36

Are there any limitations as to which executive actions you can perform depending on which side of the board you are on? Example, can you only use a build/upgrade executive action if you are on the colony side?

Assistenza H3G
Assistenza H3G - 11.05.2021 00:54

Great video but use of Scientists should have been more covered

Thomas Leuthard
Thomas Leuthard - 19.04.2021 11:15

Excellent Tutorial. We just recognized some mistakes from the first round we played. Thanks Paul.

Rebecca Jensen
Rebecca Jensen - 19.02.2021 21:52

This is a masterful explanation! Perhaps the best board game how-to I've ever watched!

All Around The Board
All Around The Board - 14.02.2021 03:16

Thank you Paul for this great video!

Wojtek Wiatr
Wojtek Wiatr - 01.01.2021 17:07

In the setup - how is order for placing and revealing starting buldings? First reveal starting building on the map, or first players places their starting shelter (and starting buildings are unrevealed)?

Sparky Helper
Sparky Helper - 06.11.2020 05:34

I don't even want to play this anymore based on the sheer amount of setup! XD

Tyler Dennis
Tyler Dennis - 21.09.2020 07:55

Read the rule book. Watched the video. Ready. Set. Solo.

MaroK - 05.09.2020 21:35

I have this game at home for almost a year now but we never touched it with my gaming group of friends because the rules are just so overwhelming and there is just sooo much info to swallow at once. Such a shame, game was expensive and it looks nice. Unfortunately not even this 45 minute long video made it easier. It's still too much.

T34 85
T34 85 - 20.08.2020 14:42

Yes....exemplary teaching.

Jassem Almulla
Jassem Almulla - 12.07.2020 01:54

thank you paul. you are great!

David Secretain
David Secretain - 26.06.2020 20:31

Is this the KS version? Wondering if that blueprint board is included in the retail version

Southern Fried Game Night
Southern Fried Game Night - 14.06.2020 02:25

This was an amazing rules explanation dude, nice job.

Виктор Невский
Виктор Невский - 27.05.2020 08:28

I personally think I could never got how to play the game without this video, just by the rulebook. Best regards from Russia!

Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez - 12.05.2020 18:54

Paul, sorry if this has been asked before. When the end game is triggered you say finish this round then play another round. Does the round consist of one turn for every player or does a round consist of a number of turns depending on where the shuttle is positioned. In other words if the Shuttle is at 3 do we each get another three turns after the end game was triggered or do we only get one more turn no matter where the shuttle is? Thanks in advance.
