How to Publish on the Unity Asset Store

How to Publish on the Unity Asset Store


3 года назад

96,603 Просмотров

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rivenblades - 24.08.2023 10:20

What if i want to publish a free version and an intermediate paid version of the same product with more features?

mental slime
mental slime - 25.07.2023 21:17

How do I view my store page?

Asset Arena
Asset Arena - 23.03.2023 11:23

For anybody unable to find 'Asset Store Tools' on the asset store. It has been renamed to 'Asset Store Publishing Tools' as of late.

Atezian Audio
Atezian Audio - 03.03.2023 01:47

This video is now outdated. You need to take it down. The portal looks completely different now.

KeelFly - 10.02.2023 14:28

How do we create a "sales" period on the store?

Alexander Baggett
Alexander Baggett - 12.01.2023 05:10

I can't find the Asset store tools package.

Franky Avery
Franky Avery - 03.12.2022 23:24

I couldn't find half the stuff that was covered. I would recommend being a bit more detailed about how you got to where you got to.

Aman k.yadav
Aman k.yadav - 30.11.2022 19:41

please help me it till end it show Technical Contact is missing i dont know how to fix it

Eszter Bata
Eszter Bata - 11.09.2022 17:42

In every case, I use the same website name what You use, or what? Thanks for the answers!!

Bamboodium - 31.08.2022 15:50

What if we don't have a website?

Sculpt0r - 24.07.2022 01:37

The blur on email adress is rather poor ;) Eventually you really used 'sample' email ;)

silver the lumbervacur
silver the lumbervacur - 22.05.2022 21:00

Pls help am get my Publisher assets pls😫👍

silver the lumbervacur
silver the lumbervacur - 22.05.2022 20:59

Guys pls help my created assets is rejeted pls help 😫

Christian Play
Christian Play - 08.05.2022 15:47

Everything is perfect but how do I update my asset. I dont know what to do someone please help me.

Franky Avery
Franky Avery - 11.04.2022 04:51

Great info but I couldn't find this publisher panel ha soooo yeah

Talha Gulbahar
Talha Gulbahar - 30.01.2022 19:39

Is there a way to publish my assets on my publisher page without downloading unity?

I am not creative enough for a name
I am not creative enough for a name - 06.01.2022 08:11

Can anyone help me? I filled every page with the information they needed but for some reason the "details" tab still has that warning sign that tells you that you haven't filled in the information. I have filled in the price and tags, what else do I need to do?

Archimed Production-Архимед Продакшн
Archimed Production-Архимед Продакшн - 13.12.2021 01:23

It doesnt work! I cant upload my project via Unity Editor because Asset store tools doesnt import in my Project

Heathen - 09.12.2021 14:43

You used to list the sizes for the marketing images and you used to provide photoshop template ... where did that go?
Cant find a link in the publisher site, on the submision guidelines and not even in the product listing ...

Efril - 21.11.2021 03:35

Useless as it doesn't cover the most confusing parts of registration. They require "fully functional website - at least 3 recent examples of your work and a contact page" and does not allow to put my social network links. I'm sure that 90% of people here doesn't have a website meeting these requirements, but in this video it is not covered at all.

Denys Almaral
Denys Almaral - 07.10.2021 23:27

The package validator displays errors information with section numbers that are not actually found on the Submission Guidelines. Looks like outdated.
It says a demo scene and prefabs for all meshes are mandatory, but that's not what the current Submission Guidelines say.

ChocoBoy - 03.10.2021 17:25

I've been waiting for 2 months and i'm still in "pending review", some people are still waiting after 7 months. A lot of people are publishing assets at the moment but i guess we're just bugged...

KittyLin - 18.09.2021 18:27

Submit > Website missing.

VEOdev - 06.08.2021 01:27

i submited my first project and then it shows 20 to 30 days to review lol .. guted

SMART CHANNEL 18 - 01.08.2021 20:04

What is the best size for the pictures in the media tab?

Krafter37 - 19.07.2021 12:09

why a website is mandatory if we have not ? Is it not supposed to be accessible for indies ?????????

Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker - 16.07.2021 11:29

I'm so confused. This entire process has literally taken me over 10 hours and I'm not getting an error saying I have a "website missing"?? Ummmmmm no clue.

Man, I just wanted to try out selling assets. Just try. That's all.

Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker - 16.07.2021 03:12

I'm just trying to find the publisher profile thing? All I see is the login screen and the store...

Muhammad Ather
Muhammad Ather - 16.06.2021 17:20

Thanks a Lot

1LS Gaming
1LS Gaming - 27.03.2021 14:34

Is there a version of asset store tools that will work with unity 5.6 32 bit?

Dar Tutorials
Dar Tutorials - 19.02.2021 19:00

Finally I can make MOney wiht all my Assets for my unfinished games!! 😂😂

zaid kiwan
zaid kiwan - 15.02.2021 16:55

this is very useful for new users like me, thanks!

Alin Cristian Militaru
Alin Cristian Militaru - 03.02.2021 15:23

Great Video! Thank you!

TeKniKo - 02.02.2021 22:11

Forgot to mention the six months of back and forth bs. Uploaded and made sales on CGTrader before I ever got one thing approved on Unity Asset Store.

BobbyOC - 02.02.2021 22:00

Has anyone tried uploading a mac app file in a zip and then downloading it in 2020.2? It comes back corrupted. What's going on?

thirstykoala - 02.02.2021 21:27

Hello. I am pretty new to C# and Unity can anyone help me with my Player Movement? heres my code.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMove : MonoBehaviour
public LayerMask LayerMask;
public bool Grounded;

private Rigidbody rb;
public float moveSpeed = 6;
public float jumpForce = 12;

public float maxStepHeight = 0.25f;
public int stairDetail = 10;
public LayerMask stepMask;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Grounded = Physics.CheckSphere(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y -1, transform.position.z), 0.4f, LayerMask);

float x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * moveSpeed;
float y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") * moveSpeed;

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && Grounded)
rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, jumpForce, rb.velocity.z);

Vector3 movePos = transform.right * x + transform.forward * y;
Vector3 newMovePos = new Vector3(movePos.x, rb.velocity.y, movePos.z);

rb.velocity = newMovePos;

for (int i = stairDetail; i >= 1; i--)
Collider[] c = Physics.OverlapBox(transform.position - new Vector3(0, i * maxStepHeight / stairDetail), new Vector3(1.05f, maxStepHeight / stairDetail / 2, 1.05f), Quaternion.identity, stepMask);

if(velocity !=
if(c.Length > 0)
transform.position += new Vector3(0, i * maxStepHeight / stairDetail);

Thank you! 😊

Kaizen Digital Interactive
Kaizen Digital Interactive - 02.02.2021 16:34

Anyone want to share how much you've earned in Unity Asset Store?
So people can motivate to submit their product.

j d
j d - 02.02.2021 05:20

I don't think I can be an asset store publisher, but it's a nice daydream. Thinking of the amount of competition and the interactions with customers and I get too nervous. I don't think I'll ever end up sharing anything I've created. I'll take it all with me to the grave.

Mohammad hussein Bayoumi
Mohammad hussein Bayoumi - 01.02.2021 22:04

hello i need help i am searching for a multiplayer games turtorial but i didnt find nice tutorial until now i hope anyone recommend for me a understandable tutorial

Rex - 01.02.2021 20:11

How to upload game on UDP. Please make a complete video

Turbo Makes Games
Turbo Makes Games - 01.02.2021 18:22

The new asset publisher interface looks great! Huge improvement over the last one 👌

TNTC - 01.02.2021 18:17

Thanks for sharing!

Sergey Patyuk
Sergey Patyuk - 01.02.2021 17:36

Two of my packages were rejected without explanation.

Lazy Solutions
Lazy Solutions - 01.02.2021 17:21

This one was created because of me? xD, I really needed this one, still, get 404 on payout tho. but i hope support can help me soon.

NiɡɦʇcʘʀəメϸΔЯΔdΙଌe - 01.02.2021 17:16

This is cool and all but I’ve been submitting stuff for a while and I still don’t know how to add links to the description.
