Valerie Harper as Holocaust survivor Mariya K. - THE SURVIVOR MITZVAH PROJECT'S Great Performances

Valerie Harper as Holocaust survivor Mariya K. - THE SURVIVOR MITZVAH PROJECT'S Great Performances

Survior Mitzvah

55 лет назад

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Valerie Harper reads Holocaust testimony of Mariya K. in Belarus as part of "Great Performances" - a series of readings of Holocaust testimonies and letters by famous actors for The Survivor Mitzvah Project's Holocaust Educational Archive,
Filmed at The Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance

Mariya was a child during the Holocaust. She and her immediate family ran from the Einsatzgruppen, the Nazi's mobile killing squads, who roared into towns and villages all across Eastern Europe, killing every Jewish man, woman and child in their path, and in most cases, burning the villages to the ground.

After the War, when Mariya's family returned to their town, there was nothing left but rubble. All other family members were murdered. Many were burned alive.

Mariya gives us a glimpse into life immediately after the War. She writes vividly about the greatest tragedy - the killing of all the old people. She writes, "Our lives were spared, but our roots were destroyed." The survivors were left with with no roots, no connection to their previous lives, no Synagogues, no schools, no one to teach them, guide them or care for them. She stresses the importance of her connection to The Survivor Mitzvah Project.

Will you help Mariya and others like her right now to give them the support and care they so desperately need?

Please make a generous donation today to THE SURVIVOR MITZVAH PROJECT at


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