Weekly Vlog #39 Portsmouth Comic Con, Blog On and BBQs - Dear Mummy Vlog

Weekly Vlog #39 Portsmouth Comic Con, Blog On and BBQs - Dear Mummy Vlog

Dear Mummy Blog

55 лет назад

166 Просмотров

Hi guys! We're back and cooking with gas!

We've had a bit of a break on our weekly vlogs recently but happy to report that we're back sharing our family antics in between Bella's awesome toy reviews.

Check out our recent visit to Portsmouth Comic Con (full review link in comments below). My mummy also went to Blog On Manchester, a conference dedicated to UK parenting/lifestyle Bloggers.

And... we chat about what else has been happening in our little world. Enjoy and we'll catch up again soon xx

Bella x

#BlogOn #PortsmouthComicCon #DearMummyVlog


Don't know who I am? Read on...

Hi I'm Isabella! I like making videos with my mummy, Dawn.

I’m a kid blogging and vlogging my way through life, sharing my travels, reviews and memories as an online diary. We're based in Hampshire in the UK. We run a successful blog at www.dearmummyblog.com

Our blog is written through the eyes of a child and we've been blogging for 4 years! Time flies when you're having fun!

You can find us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/@dear_mummy

and Facebook www.Facebook.com/DearMummyBlog

and Instagram www.Instagram.com/dear_mummy we'd love to see you over there too!

Love B x


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