How To Repin Into Group Boards on Pinterest

How To Repin Into Group Boards on Pinterest

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Dennis Ohuru
Dennis Ohuru - 26.05.2023 13:49

thank you for this, very clear and concise

Kerstin Willis
Kerstin Willis - 19.06.2022 21:28

Hi! I need help please!!! I am trying to make a collaborative board with my mother for my wedding, she can see what I pin in the board but I can’t see her pins in there. What’s the issue? What can I do to fix it? We have both gone through each of our settings, we have both created test boards to try it. She can always see mine but I can never seen hers. We have switched from a secret board to public, we have made sure all the rights are set for each collaborator. Any ideas how to fix this?? TIA!!

Tica Living
Tica Living - 05.01.2022 07:45

Thank you so much for this video! I really didn’t know how repin o save my pins in the groups I joyed until I watched your video. Thank you! This helped me a lots. I greatly appreciate!

Zukhra Rafikova
Zukhra Rafikova - 20.12.2021 14:41

Thank you dear :)

Laura Smith
Laura Smith - 13.11.2021 00:19

when I do this, it takes it off my board and posts to the group board... aka it makes it delete from my own board so it can't be pinned by me twice to two different boards :(

Jaime - 26.06.2021 10:49

Thank you! This was helpful!

Caro Mathini
Caro Mathini - 03.05.2021 01:02

Great post,
But mine it's not allowing me to choose from other people's board

Riya Kapoor
Riya Kapoor - 06.03.2021 14:00

That's what I was looking for. Thanks for sharing

ARPIT CHOUDHARY - 06.12.2020 20:14

Thanks for sharing. It really helped.

Ann-Marie - 29.08.2020 02:59

Thank you for showing me to simply, quickly and easier save a post to a group board.
