nice work, now plz go,back and do the back yard
ОтветитьGreat business model. help those who can'...t post the videos here. you make more on YT then doing lawns full time.
ОтветитьSean, I cringe every time I see you drive off with a load for the dump. Have you considered asking the city for a pass permit or at minimum a major discount for your civic VOLUNTEERED services?
ОтветитьGreat work! Love your work ethic! What are those Michigan vines called?
ОтветитьSean, you need to take a break from this. I can tell by watching you your heart isn't in it like usual. You exhaust me just watching.
ОтветитьIs there ever a "ripple effect" in the other yards in the neighborhoods you work?
ОтветитьAbsolutely amazing what a transformation just cleaning up that sidewalk in that fence line. Wow absolutely amazing!
ОтветитьTurns out to be a hidden gem. It's a garden with good bones. Nice job.
ОтветитьWhat do you do with all the yard debris you load on truck?
ОтветитьSuperman Sean
Always amazing God Bless always ❤
You should put some safety googles on when edging my dude. I did that once and a small rock got thrown into my eye and broke my contact lens in my eye. Had to drive to ER to get the broken pieces taken out. That contact likely saved my vision.
ОтветитьYou do need to take more breaks and not wear yourself out so much!! ❤
ОтветитьDifferent vehicle every time your family comes.
ОтветитьI wish more landscapers used rakes as much as you do!
ОтветитьYou are amazing!!
ОтветитьIt would be helpful if you had episode numbers for those of us who have come to party late. Thank you for all you do.
ОтветитьYou are so amazing to make this a more beautiful yard
Ответитьyou need to change up your intros they are starting to get boring
ОтветитьWhat amazes me about these type of videos is:
1 None of the neighbours ever offers any practical help.
2 Why does anyone install chain link fencing. They are always rusty, broken and end up looking like prisons.
3 Considering America is always portrayed as friendly & generous, you don’t see anyone out there offering coffee, snacks or a cold drink.
4 Why does anyone of you pay taxes, if the local council (city) can’t maintain the grass verges or clean the pavements (sidewalks).
5 As a renter, it’s your responsibility to maintain a tidy garden (yard). Leaving it overgrown is simply inviting vermin (human as well as animal) and rubbish to build up.
What a job last year! I needed a nap after watching the video. The guy should have given you the house after all that, Shame on him for not keeping the grounds up.
ОтветитьMaravilhoso trabalho 👏👏👏👏👏👏
ОтветитьHuge Job, well done!!!
ОтветитьNice work Sean ❤
ОтветитьIf you don't mind a critique, I haven't enjoyed this video. The result is beautiful, but the video was so fast and impersonal. It wasn't relaxing, which is why I watch. But, as I said, the end result is beautiful.
ОтветитьUnfortunately those evergreens won't grow back. They just pretty much stay brown 😔
ОтветитьSo where’s the owner in all this?
ОтветитьI love watching GOD work through you! Very well done.
ОтветитьYou didn't do the back and sides. What's up with that? I'm disappointed.
ОтветитьNice vid I enjoyed sounds and cleaning ..thanks ❤
ОтветитьWatching this today I noticed an evolution of how you perform different tasks. You have evolved into an efficient well oiled professional r hat never fails to achieve awesome results. Not to say that what you achieved here wasn’t amazing because it absolutely was Sean. Mission accomplished
ОтветитьOmgosh, those vines brought back horrible memories! We planted honeysuckle on a trellis once..... Never again, never again!!!!!
ОтветитьYou do a beautiful job you take a lot of pride in your work and I just want to say be careful because now you don't feel it but the older you get you're going to feel it it's going to take a toll on you sooner or later I know you love doing this work but let me slow down just a little because you're going to feel it as time goes on and you're doing all this work for free but your body is going to pay for it in the end so all I'm saying is you do a really good job but please slow down a little you don't realize it now but it will catch up to you I watch other videos of others doing what you do and I left a message with them also doing all this for free is nice and beautiful and wonderful but if it's going to affect your body down the road I would think twice and try to slow down a little bit this is a lot of work you do for free a lot !!! And I do believe some appreciate it and then some could care less and that's wrong everybody's getting all this free work out of you and you say you don't mind it but as time goes on you may thanks for all the hard work you do
ОтветитьThe guy that's staying there or was staying there or is staying there you mean to tell me he couldn't do anything couldn't lift a finger to do nothing but yet he's allowed to stay there wow you would have thought he would have done something to show his appreciation but no guess not he just left it overgrow while he lived there wow can't even lift a hand to show his appreciation 🤔 he should be out there helping since he's living there probably for free so he should be out there helping too but see where he is
ОтветитьI don't want to be disrespectful but most humans are lazy and they don't want to do anything for free you go above and beyond while these other people need to be ashamed of themselves for not even lifting a finger you're the better human because you go above and beyond where nobody else would do it THAT'S THE FACTS
ОтветитьJob well done 😊
ОтветитьHey Sean holy moly that vine on front fence was a doozy😂
ОтветитьI assume this is how you first received the nickname Vine Man!? That is a lot of vines!! Great job!!!🙂
ОтветитьWow... so much overgrowth. Glad you pushed through this one. We all enjoy the end results. 🌈☀️👏🌟
ОтветитьSpreading love all over the neighborhood
ОтветитьLove watching your videos here in the UK,you do a great job for the community, one question?,, why don't you have a mower that collects grass it seems you make work blowing it around? Keep up the good work
ОтветитьI have just started to watch you and I am In my late seventies I can't stand to see leaves in my yard so I go out and blow them out of my yard my grandson thinks I am crazy but I can't stand a nasty yard
ОтветитьCan you tell me about your weed whip? What is the brand and CC of motor? And what gauge of string are you using because you are mowing through stuff like a crazy man!
ОтветитьIncredible transformation Sean!
ОтветитьAw the grape vines...argh!! But I understand....😢