Scriptable Render Pipeline: What You Need To Know

Scriptable Render Pipeline: What You Need To Know


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sammmm - 08.07.2023 06:16

Is there any info regarding that multi pass, single pass, and deferred rendering in creating custom SRP?

Tomatech - 01.05.2022 17:50

Oh hey, its Game Dev Guide

kiririn 39m
kiririn 39m - 07.07.2021 19:58

i was searching scriptable build pipeline but found this. Nice naming Unity(not)

NoCultist - 08.06.2020 06:50

LWRP(aka URP) is forward rendering pipeline and therefore not suitable for what I set to make, while HDRP has too high requarements to make it playable and look nice on less moder hardware. As a game designer I'm frustrated XD No time to learn another skill and no people on the team to write me custum efficient deffered rendering pipeline stripped of all unnecesary bits.

But still I have nothing but praise for choosing this path. Keep at it dear Unity Team. I'll stay with you (because UE is not catering to my hardware XDDD)

Razor_SRT - 03.12.2019 12:29

Is traditional way to write shaders manually will be supported in URP and HDRP in future?

Debmalya Mitra
Debmalya Mitra - 25.03.2019 12:05

Is srp available for Linux builds? I currently use Ubuntu 14. 04

Jorr Bloodtusk
Jorr Bloodtusk - 14.03.2019 23:46

Really impressive guys!

Mee - 15.02.2019 05:58

My problem is as a beginner to shaders - they are so confusing and poorly documented to begin with i don't know how i will be able to learn this stuff properly.

I don't see why you can't find a way to make it beginner friendly much like you can with C# - if you put the effort in.

Also if its a lot of work - why even both use unity when unreal is far less work for high quality visuals, this is just silly....

Pavlo Henrikie
Pavlo Henrikie - 26.06.2018 20:25

Great video, very well explained for us dummys, it put a directional light in my little knowledge about it, I m already playing with that templates HDRP and LWRP, one of the best things I saw in unity and this guy is awesome, more videos with him.

Nathaniel GuggenHeim
Nathaniel GuggenHeim - 30.04.2018 15:53

I'm looking forward to the day Unity actually starts developing real world games instead of technology demos.
They would immediately learn why people wander off to UE4. We would get useful tools instead of the half baked (We read that tutorial and made a tool, use it or leave it) approach.
It's nice to get more control over rendering and what not, but what was the reason I'm using a premade game engine in the first place even if I'm a graphics developer? Ah yeah... lack of time to write my own stuff.

These things matter. Just had a look on a let's play of "Ghost of a tale". Sold pretty good, people liked the looks a lot. Point is, you get this out of the box in UE4 without even thinking about post effects like motion blur (what most reviewers liked a lot in the game). In Unity on the other side, you have to understand what it is you need to make your game look good, find it in Unity and learn to use it. Not easy.
Regarding rendering it should be possible to assign a "looks"-template to your project and tweak it.
E.g. in case of ghost of a tale that could be "Many lights with camera motion blur and anti aliasing". Experimenting with it would give you lots of new ideas and would be great for marketing the engine.Think of a tutorial where someone is clicking through different templates, making a scene as diverse and good looking as possible. Wow!

Lavi Mahal
Lavi Mahal - 30.03.2018 00:15

Where can I get the speedboat demo? Really want to dig into that. Any download link please?

Chief1337 - 25.03.2018 01:51

So Shader Graph only works with LWRP? And not unity built in?

Marcos Elias / MEP
Marcos Elias / MEP - 22.03.2018 06:02

Will it be possible changing between HD or LW at runtime? Currently I use lots of custom settings to allow the same game running on high end PCs and also on mobile, changing many settings depending on user configuration between Forward or Deferred. I hope that we can start a scene and change it during play mode (even restating the game is OK, I just don't want to build two versions)

Romeo Moore
Romeo Moore - 18.03.2018 08:30

Great for low powered VR headsets like the Oculus Go

Gennady M
Gennady M - 21.02.2018 19:34

I do hope after a while legacy is removed. I think it be best that everyone moves on.

eobetdisajn - 13.02.2018 23:53

So which is suitable for VR? Can they all be forward or deferred?

Айрат Насыров
Айрат Насыров - 13.02.2018 21:42

IMHO strange decision to create custom render pipeline. If I understand right custom pipeline will allow me to create custom shaders and lighting? In a previous version, I can manually choose which type of material or lighting will be used in a project. Maybe I miss some points, correct me if I'm wrong. I want to see custom render pipeline as beginner graphic developer, but this feature will give me an option which texture or shader I will create (include post-processing shader).

Silver Neon
Silver Neon - 13.02.2018 12:04

I haven't used this new feature yet but....
I don't understand the need for what might be the most complicated feature ever introduced. The real-time lighting in Unity is already pretty good with changes in Ambience (Skybox, Gradient and Color), well positioned lights, textures and post effects. I just don't see anyone but the rare deep digging GPU programmer using this feature.

However here is what's funny, I could say but where's the animation and game play tools....then I see Cinemachine and Timeline (Looks pretty good, haven't used yet.)
Wheres the new Beast Lightmapper....then I see the Experimental Lightmapper (Used it, pretty good so far)....
Hmm....maybe now it makes sense why they brought this feature in, it might be the end game of the Engine in terms of core features which is kind of INSANE if you think about how far this engine, the user and the team have come.
They recently really upped their tutorials in making some really good ones too-much more complete ones.
I think we still need a good tutorial for jumping though, maybe scrap the character controller by now, since platformers are finally coming back.

MidWalker - 13.02.2018 08:15

Never see that LW Speedboat demo, is that available somewhere? would like to try that one

Chris Y
Chris Y - 12.02.2018 21:36

So great!

Lucas GnR
Lucas GnR - 12.02.2018 19:45

great!!, now add rumble for joysticks, and sunshafts Unity!! is really needed!!

slojanko - 12.02.2018 18:48

Why is the Shader Graph not supported with the built-in renderer?

Inheritech - 12.02.2018 18:11

How curious, the checkers texture used in the Retro 3D Custom Pipeline, is the same I use for test levels :D
Also, thank you Unity for the new SRP, I believe it will be very useful for VR applications taking in account the LW Speedboat Demo
I'm looking forward to the official Unity 2018 Release!

EliteFusionZ - 12.02.2018 18:10

What Should I Buy From Their Website To Learn To Game Develop In Their Engine?

0Bennyman - 12.02.2018 18:03

Love it when this guy does a video. Always so clear and to the point. New render stuff sounds interesting and will have to try it out.

K I r I L L S t a n d o f f
K I r I L L S t a n d o f f - 12.02.2018 17:51

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