Sony RX0 II Review: The filmmaker's GoPro

Sony RX0 II Review: The filmmaker's GoPro


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@ferndaleee6840 - 11.05.2019 05:00

I love you 3000, YugaTech.

@bullbull9050 - 11.05.2019 05:01


@bullbull9050 - 11.05.2019 05:01


@alesterpadua7884 - 11.05.2019 05:32

You should fix your microphone. It sounded distorted when using a headphone or high quality speaker.

@That-riyadh-gamerBlogspot - 11.05.2019 05:36

The price oofff... Mag gopro fusion na lang ako instead if I'd pay that much lol...

@Talden. - 11.05.2019 05:52

that mic... god... my ears...

@Econess - 11.05.2019 10:09

donate and subscribe on mah channel

@MayTaoPobaDito - 11.05.2019 17:40

The mic. -_-

@ilooktheweb - 11.05.2019 19:59

mic problem on this video? but nice review.

@rodneytv5448 - 12.05.2019 01:45

What is background music in this video?

@jayceedaily - 12.05.2019 05:43

I love YugaTech, but this video quality doesn't really fit well compared to your other content. I'm pretty sure a Quality Assurance person would be really helpful. Kayang sirain ng pangit na audio ang magandang video

@PTristanS - 12.05.2019 12:04

Bad audio quality

@C5drummer - 14.05.2019 10:10

Love the channel, but this camera doesn't make much sense. Even for Vlogging, the field of view is just too narrow, and as shown in your video example for slo-mo, that sensor needs a HUGE amount of light to reduce noise to "acceptable" levels. It DOES tick the right boxes for compact size and ruggedness, but that short battery life and the super high price? Oooph!!

I've been hoping Sony will update their aging FDR-X3000 (minus its own heat issues regarding video images/focus becoming blurry as the camera gets warm), but the RX0 II is definitely NOT the answer to that as well. Aside from the mic issue in this review, keep up the good work and nice edit-cuts!!

@LinhNguyen199x - 29.05.2019 17:35

you should slow down music background...

@oscarshih5300 - 03.06.2019 12:32

Which one do you recommend more? RX0 II or Osmo Action? I go diving and surfing frequently, really need some suggestions 🙏🏻

@Icecold89 - 04.07.2019 16:19

Well balanced review.

@spectreeffect9637 - 07.07.2019 05:07

Not digging the vid quality too much of this RX0

@spectreeffect9637 - 07.07.2019 05:09

Good complete review.

@anthony4acre - 04.08.2019 14:48

your audio is awful po full of peak distortion

@biikcus - 12.09.2019 18:18

wats withe audio lol

@deepseaslay6294 - 02.01.2020 13:39

You should fix your audio is not good

@deepseaslay6294 - 02.01.2020 13:45

I’m going to wait for the next version hopefully it will have better stabilization and continuous autofocus

@DipeshMehrotra - 21.03.2020 13:42

video af .. not working .. wtf

@asmru6982 - 01.05.2020 00:55

What’s up with your audio brother?!! It’s not the like button that’s going to get smacked 🥺👋....but good review. That tiny battery life unfortunately is a deal breaker: 35 minutes in 2020? Thanks again!

@cinialvespow1054 - 02.11.2020 23:47

your mic is clipping. Could you do a video on how you achieved 500k subs with such low viewership?

@beavix - 11.02.2021 01:48

Love the video, keep up the great work! (Mic coming in too hot...)

@jasonelliott3678 - 27.03.2021 17:37

Why not sort the sound out before posting?
It's just painful.

@fixedfocusmediaofficial - 19.04.2021 19:39

Public Service Announcement:
Keep in mind that this is NOT an action camera at all. It was never designed to be. It is really just a more durable and compact mirrorless camera. It is designed to get unique shots that a standard mirrorless camera cannot get. Comparing this to an action camera makes absolutely no sense. That is why so many people give it bad reviews. They don't know what it is for and don't know how to use it. If you want a full size camera with all the bells and whistles but you want it smaller and more durable, that is exactly what the Sony RX0 II is. If you need an action camera, look elsewhere.

@dtminifun - 10.05.2021 02:56

the audio is horrible

@realmattjc - 23.06.2021 23:54

Not gonna lie, I’m detecting something a miss with your audio 🤔😂

@juancarlosgzrz - 22.07.2021 21:44

Your mic sucks

@Marlow925 - 04.02.2022 21:05

What's going on with the audio in the video ??

@joseluisruiz3789 - 18.06.2022 00:20

I think I would wait for the RXO III if Sony Ever Makes One. however, just a friendly Request, lower the gain on your mic line, it was distorting through out the whole video. other then that, the background music was at a good volume and your video was awesome overall. also it doesn't look like it overheats like the Hero 10 from Gopro. I can't record in 4k with the media mod because the media mod doesn't let this thing breath lol! 1080P 60 does well but when you are trying to use the camera as a secondary Camera angle and want to get it as close as possible to the 4k footage you get off a Sony Alpha A7IV then 5.3k is a must and Aldo impossible with out the camera overheating within 17 minutes.

@princearthur4946 - 07.02.2024 19:42

Very bad audio
