No XAML? No Problem! Create Your .NET. MAUI UI in Code with C# Markup!

No XAML? No Problem! Create Your .NET. MAUI UI in Code with C# Markup!

Gerald Versluis

2 года назад

31,694 Просмотров

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Gnome - 17.10.2023 21:30

Sounds great. Is the support better than for wpf xaml c#?
As that was always just half supported.

ehsan yousefi
ehsan yousefi - 28.09.2023 14:20

I am a beginner in programming
I am trying to make a snake game with .net MAUI
It is possible for you to make a small one

I'm making it through a 2D array but my brain exploded

ALL EYES ON ME - 21.09.2023 17:20

Can you make newer tutorial please? No matter what i do, cant make it compile!

DEP0600: Deployment failed. A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045A).The type initializer for 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Deployment.PackageManagerOperations' threw an exception.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Axa Axa
Axa Axa - 18.07.2023 00:07

im on the fence. in essence, the decision seems to be if you like extension methods vs initializers... Either way i hate xml so ill use either or as it makes sense.
It might have been interesting to see you eliminate the xaml of the appshell as well.

Atezian Audio
Atezian Audio - 02.07.2023 03:09

If you need to access Content.Resources inside of the VerticalStackLayout how do you do that? You can not set Content.Resources until after you've set Content, which you have to do after defining VerticalStackLayout... Yet in the xaml example that loads with the default maui app project, content is set before defining anything about scrollview or vertical stack layout. I don't get how that can be possible.

mashpayne - 01.07.2023 09:24

Thanks a lot. I was looking for this video.

shaban elmogy
shaban elmogy - 16.06.2023 16:36

if i watch xamarin videos in your channel its help in maui ?

Colbert Philippe
Colbert Philippe - 10.06.2023 13:07

QUESTION: How to design XAML UI Graphically using MAUI Project in VS 2023 ?

XAML seams to be a power tool to design UIs, but I have a problem. I'm using VS 2022'S MAUI project template, but I want to desing the XAML (MainPage.xaml) using a graphic designer. I hear that VS 2022 has a XAML Designer tool, but I can't get it to open under a MAUI project.

Can you get it to work and show us how to do that under a MAUI project?

Furthermore, there is a tool called XAML Studio available in Windows Store. I tried using it to design a MAUI XAML page, but I can't see many of the key XML tags that MAUI XAML uses in VS 2022.

Can you make sense of this and explain to us how it all works?

Otonium - 07.04.2023 18:01

Interested on an MVU video please

Kombo - 26.01.2023 06:21

399 dollars. fuck that shit

Saqib Ali
Saqib Ali - 13.11.2022 09:33

different livecharts2 charts with carosel and datatable example required

Morgan P
Morgan P - 12.11.2022 01:06


Southern_Cross - 06.08.2022 12:45


Martin P
Martin P - 14.07.2022 07:45

Very nice. Thanks

Michael Nurse
Michael Nurse - 31.05.2022 11:03

It is simple: C# is for app logic. HTML/CSS is for UI. XAML is for aliens from planet XORG.

Dwipraj Dutta
Dwipraj Dutta - 29.05.2022 23:36

Hello everyone, is there any update of how to code MAUI projects efficiently on VS Code? Or when Visual Studio 17.3 stable will be available? And there is one more thing I would like to ask to Gerald what will be the easiest approach to code MAUI projects in VS Code according to you? Is it XAML or C# Markup based approach? I personally find Markup based approach more appealing in case of developing using code editor like VS Code (not IDE).

Alexey Zlotnikov
Alexey Zlotnikov - 16.05.2022 23:32

hey guys... am I right that markups aren't supports hot reload for now?

Connor Welborn
Connor Welborn - 13.05.2022 16:03

Is there any equivalent tool like this for Blazor?
