Top 5 Fire Poi Tricks! Best Fire Spinning Moves to Impress the Crowd!

Top 5 Fire Poi Tricks! Best Fire Spinning Moves to Impress the Crowd!

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Grant Visser
Grant Visser - 12.10.2023 14:32

Lol I had to smile and chuckle to myself when you mentioned doing it blindfolded. Many many years ago I was spinning at a drum circle out in the middle of nowhere and had the idea to do a set blindfolded ... first time for everything right .. LOL .... it went very well but what I did not expect was how freaking HIGH I got (no alc or chems), losing my sense of sight and the adrenaline of the moment skyrocketed my other senses so the heat and sound of the poi were utterly intense .... very difficult to describe but it was def the most memorable session ever :-)

Fabian - 30.09.2023 18:52

In most fire spaces in Europe you would probably be asked to leave the space if you do a Burn Off. Spilling oil is not only an environmental issue if BP does it in the ocean. :)

3739drews3739 - 08.09.2023 21:40

The DrewDilla thriller. Gets the crowd every time.

Rusty Shacklferd
Rusty Shacklferd - 22.08.2023 17:25

Spiral wraps.

SHALOM DAVID - 31.07.2023 01:48

How does the fire not burn your hair? Do you apply some gel or something??

Poppy Davis
Poppy Davis - 18.05.2023 02:01

All of these videos show those they do them but don’t actual teach us how to do it ….!!!

Anna Simpson
Anna Simpson - 06.01.2023 11:06


Elle Laity
Elle Laity - 24.10.2022 15:43

What is covering your chains? Or what material is that? I find that chains tangle and never come undone haha

Vampyro The Fire Spinner
Vampyro The Fire Spinner - 14.08.2022 13:45

I find spiral wraps go down an absolute treat as well. Especially when you get close enough for the audience to see it bounce off the hands.

MALAYANG YAPAK - 01.07.2022 05:16

How to learn orbital?

Laigh Linh
Laigh Linh - 07.06.2022 09:18

This is brilliant. Thanks

Star Child Sky
Star Child Sky - 10.03.2022 18:49

I'm SO glad I found your channel! I am a beginner. I have a great practice set. Following the steps will help me graduate to my first fire spin! Thanks for everything you do! One love! Peace.
