How To Play The NEW Werewolf BEHEMOTH!  Unlock the Ultimate BEAST MODE! ESO Stonethorn DLC

How To Play The NEW Werewolf BEHEMOTH! Unlock the Ultimate BEAST MODE! ESO Stonethorn DLC

Hack The Minotaur

4 года назад

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@HackTheMinotaur - 17.07.2020 17:33

Definitely recommend you try this once it goes live! It's a blast and can be done solo or grouped.

@dirtdogtiller3479 - 18.09.2023 19:48

Will in my opinion if u can only use it in that one Dugan in my opinion its not worth it. Yes the werewolve look kool and everything bad ass. But if u can only use it in that one Dugan or any Dugan in my opinion it sucks. Why not u can use it when ever if people are worried about it be on pvp they don't have to put it on pvp they should let u play it were ever u like it's not worth the grinding so u can keep it it's not going Benefit me because I don't do Dugan or anything so it doesn't matter it sucks because u can't use it when ever how ever u like it's a joke in my opinion

@FEN_THEREDARROW - 01.11.2022 01:11

How do u get the behemoth in wolf hunter quest

@metameta2736 - 31.03.2022 05:14

I don't have the dlc an Idk what's the name of the dlc in crown store plz help

@renarddubois940 - 20.03.2022 20:16

let's start a petition we need to convince the devs to do something with that form, even if just update the old werewolf looks cuz Lanky wolves are fine and all but this looks so much better

@tzadokjordan3469 - 08.01.2022 20:05

I feel like there should be and item set that would allow you to transform like this outside stone garden.

@anthonygilmar2611 - 25.10.2021 00:05

where can i get this transformation?? game on ps4, is it possible to get this werewolf form?

@anthonystaton9431 - 17.10.2021 09:08

How would I get this form of werewolf

@fett_does_gaming1273 - 29.08.2021 17:13

I’ve seen people as that werewolf in free roam??????

@shalommercedmontes4795 - 26.05.2021 02:11

Only for that dungeon???


@harrymurray9702 - 26.04.2021 10:02


@khalidkhothiwale7928 - 14.04.2021 13:16

This werewolf is amazing

@khalidkhothiwale7928 - 14.04.2021 13:15

I like minotaurs they are awesome

@stoicman9426 - 11.04.2021 13:19

only in this dungeon can you use it?

@josiahjobity4951 - 07.04.2021 16:16

Werewolves is one of my favourite second dark creature in my list

@RedBeardJohnny61 - 03.04.2021 03:01

Wish there was a way to be a hybrid

Looks like the apex werewolf mod from Skyrim

@dirtydan1652 - 21.03.2021 06:14

Are they even talking about updating the werewolf? I think the behemoth needs to be an ultimate. Then you transform back into a regular size werewolf. However, you still look like the behemoth werewolf, only smaller.

The old version of the werewolf doesn’t look as good as the newest version.

@gabrielmadeira-artschannel - 27.02.2021 18:53

Theres diferente versions of elder scrols online?

@mrpeabody5699 - 18.02.2021 14:35

roars like a wrewolf

@MrCardinalChill - 23.01.2021 04:25

I need help with the dungeons for wolf hunter on Xbox hmu if u want to squad up, I get one shotted

@learntecnologeylearngames6487 - 17.01.2021 00:11

guys listen
you can get this form on a quest for hiricne so no worries

@Erynash - 14.01.2021 16:15

I briefly saw a guy transform into a human from that in tamriel, and was hoping this was some werewolf morph. Turns out it's just a memento

@DragonessYT - 06.01.2021 19:12

That's interesting. I had someone in Castle Thorn transform into the Behemoth so I wonder what's up with that

@catisreckless4647 - 10.12.2020 02:14

Well, I did say I wanted the behemoth to be playable, just wish it wasn't limited to the dungeon. I think it would be cool if they added it to base WW. Say, you get the ulti to activate WW as normal, then while in werewolf form you regain ultimate which then lets you temporarily go behemoth (say ten seconds or so). If they're worried about balance, simply don't allow it to work in PvP settings, or maybe double or even triple the weakness to poison damage. The changes made to vampire do make me confident that Zeni will keep looking at ways to enhance the transformation skills, so I'll keep my fingers lightly crossed for this one.

@D3th10rd - 20.10.2020 14:19

Why not condense the two current morphs of werewolf into one form and then allow for Behemoth to be the other morph. Morphing to Behemoth will flip over your standard Werewolf abilities to the Behemoth abilities and it could be used as a big one at a time dps/off tank where the other morph would be sustained negative effects on the enemy.

@prometheuslens7825 - 10.09.2020 01:07

Finally as a console player I can do this stuff

@queenzillajr - 08.09.2020 17:13

Would be cool if werewolf behemoth was like necromancers bone goliath and vampires blood scion as a skill line for werewolf you have a 20 second timer before you change back to werewolf then after you change back to you are 20 percent weaker to dmg for a minute so werewolf behemoth can be used anywhere

@SoulGamer-fi1kd - 23.08.2020 22:01

Put this on skyrim

@jayny7412 - 20.08.2020 22:43

Anyone on Xbox willing to show me the ropes in eso?

@demongod1752 - 18.08.2020 03:50

Stone garden don't exist

@prometheuslens7825 - 10.08.2020 18:42

Vampire dlc: exists
Zenimax: makes werewolves a pretty big part

@medramonmasquedecendres2966 - 09.08.2020 13:38

this being only a dungeon mechanic suck.
I'd love to have a questline for regular Werewolves to unlock this fom permanantly if chosen

@jonasreis90 - 07.08.2020 19:51

Wish we could do outside the dungeons now this ww is sooo cool

@prometheuslens7825 - 06.08.2020 01:53

Chonky werewolf

@wanderingbufoon - 04.08.2020 14:03

Ursa warrior from dota 2 basically

@kylegreenfield4766 - 30.07.2020 17:56

Should i become a werewolf if Im a nord stamcro?? Is it worth it

@MoonbornUwU - 28.07.2020 07:06

Now they just need to make your werewolf model’s appearance scale off of your characters appearance. Like.. A red haired Nord werewolf would have a red coat and their transformations size would be a bit bigger than others. Shame this new transformation is exclusive to that dungeon and can’t be used outside of it. They put a lot into it from the looks. Would be neat getting a nerfed version?

@MorbidHunter - 25.07.2020 20:22

They should make werewolf ulti be this, really strong but for a short duration just like vamp ultimate. Werewolves are so dumb OP in pvp...

@xiii_link_xiii - 21.07.2020 01:31

Man this would be so sick if this was a permanent ability, I know ppl would complain if it was. But let’s say if they did, only make it available when full moons are out? But then again....ppl will complain about that too. Anyways this is dope and I might just be able to do my first dungeon then if it’s solo-able as you said in the vid. 👀
And I do kinda wish the would tweak the werewolf line, it just feels like it’s missing something. 🤔

@caramelfrappe402 - 20.07.2020 23:52

This makes me so happy and mad at the same time. LOOK how cool it is you can finally play as a behemoth werewolf, but then I am mad because the default werewolf models are out of date and you don't even have an 'ultimate' while as a werewolf which sucks shit. Please, ZOS, give us updates werewolves that can use an ultimate too or at the very least, update their models!!

@13lightFall - 20.07.2020 20:43

I know this would be a bit of a stretch, but what do you think about any chance of them adding some ability to cross / multi-class Maybe it would be something that they could add from a crown purchase (sort of like the Any Alliance offer), where you may replace one of your 3 class trees with 1 tree from a different class. I think this could make for some very interesting builds, but I can see how it would potentially throw balance off the charts.

@nuddkor - 20.07.2020 10:32

As expected... just finished Greymoor with my Werewolf and... unshockingly... not a single acknowledgement from NPCs, the story, anything... that my toon is actually a WW. Except, of course, from the guards that periodically attack me when I have been in WW form before coming into Solitude. So annoying. Curious if any of the Vampires were acknowledged in the storyline as you played through. I mean, even when I was beating on bosses in WW form, zip.

@MichaelWilliams-fd5ww - 20.07.2020 10:13

Just got to add: Totally wish werewolves had transformation kill cams and the ability to stealth....

@NayteDoggz - 20.07.2020 06:31

Sooooo let me get this straight, greymoor marketed towards vampire and nords received great changes for werewolves......ohhh and Nords n Skyrim. Congratz ZOS :)

@Catzillator - 20.07.2020 05:06

meh only in 1 dungeon ...

@Xero_Kaiser - 19.07.2020 23:37

Goddammit. I got excited only to find out this is just a cocktease.

@thornwolf4234 - 19.07.2020 22:44

This might be our first hint about werebears becoming a thing, it has a charge, a ground slam and what looks to be a maul. To me these are all representative of something a bear like creature would use and even the model and movements themselves are much more.... well bulky than a normal werewolf. Scale it down and give it a cosmetic makeover to look like a bear and make it function like the werewolf form in that it has a timer, which you can maintain by eating and wham. Werebear. I do not think they would create this and make skills for it like this, if it wasn't testing for something huge down the line.... one can hope.

@jasonking2976 - 19.07.2020 22:31

I like it, but it seems like a lot of effort to go to for the developers if we can only use it in one dungeon? Interesting!

@lt.danicecream - 19.07.2020 13:58

Yeah, they need this for an ult option. Give vamp some love too, and a similar option.

It would be awesome to see these in cyro keep fights, minus the lag of course

@MichaelWilliams-fd5ww - 19.07.2020 09:54

Totally agree with normal werewolves getting an ultimate while transformed! Wolfhide, the new howling set and the decisive trait are absolutely useless in wolf form... also you can then make more use of the march on sacrifice monster helm set.
Also REALLY need werewolf skins!
