The Twisted Love of Bondrewd in Made in Abyss

The Twisted Love of Bondrewd in Made in Abyss


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Progress In Motion Pictures STUDIO
Progress In Motion Pictures STUDIO - 01.08.2023 23:26

It's crazy when you realize that the humans of the past somewhat did what Bondrewd did for us to achieve our current advancements.

Lord Telperion
Lord Telperion - 22.05.2023 15:26

This feels like when children of abusive parents mistake abuse for love.

Giuseppe Hess
Giuseppe Hess - 06.04.2023 08:20

But in the new season it shows that bonedrewd did visit the creatures in the 6th layer to trade…

So how did he get back up?

No snail club
No snail club - 04.03.2023 00:08

the thing is Bondrewd went down to the lower layers. It was said in the manga and in the season 2 of the anime. Im sure the only reason he is still on the 5th layer is so he could be able work on the "blessing of the abyss." When he is done, he'll go down a layer and start all over. He already made a base on the 5th layer thats literally called the sea of corpses. He will just conquer the abyss one level at a time.

Raktus - 20.02.2023 18:06

I suppose, as a minor correction... Bondrewd has been to the 6th layer.

Young Mule
Young Mule - 05.02.2023 22:25

Gratitude does not equal love. While Bondrewd may cherish and appreciate his future sacrifices I can’t conceptualize his actions as love. Love places others needs above your own. His sacrifices fulfill a personal desire and only endeavor to bring suffering to his so called loved ones

Wyvern Němeček
Wyvern Němeček - 24.01.2023 05:43

(Writing this just as I start the video)

So, this occurred to me today: the city around the Abyss Tis cruel towards children and conditions the orphans from a young age to become delvers, which’ll be exploited by their superiors whom won’t need to risk anything since the kids are treated as expendable.

Knowing this, all of the fully grown delvers could easy have suffered from the cruelty of their forebears, thus creating a cycle of abuse that’s handled in three different ways. Bondrewd wants to know the Abyss’s every secret, becoming a pathway to ending the cycle swiftly. Ozen makes unpleasant comments to send delvers back up top so as to prevent them from warranting serious cruelty (you made it back up alive, that’s what counts). And a kindly gentleman whom treats his fellow delvers as his equals, trying simply to make their lives better.

The Abyss attracts two groups of people: explorative and exploitive. The curious explorers delve deep in search of artifacts which’ll make them famous, if not just sate their curiosity, and the exploiters turn every explorer into a gold mine of future income. To condition those without families into a life of exploited exploration, would guarantee the corrupt into a future of lucrative trade and commerce. Those who have survived, those few who found their stride in the depths, have become less than human yet something more. A kindly old man who served as a library of knowledge more than as a person, himself. A beast of a woman capable of toppling armies, numbing herself to the pain any who could harm her would seek to befall her again. A monster of a scientist who respects his subjects as emotional beings and remembers their names, because someone Fucking has to.

Do they even realize that’s what they’re doing? No, probably not. Bondrewd forsook his humanity and would sacrifice his men if it meant progress, yet there are limits that he must abide by for the time being, and so he treats each taken child as he wanted to be treated at their age. So many people hunted him only to fall into his sway, perhaps fellow survivors of abuse who see how his actions can lessen the abhorrent cruelty above, by giving the collected youths a different life altogether and still learning about the abyss.

Ozen has grown desensitized to the horrors around her and revels in the depths, practically living there, away from the society which hurt her, and in the domain which they wanted so badly for her to roam. Scaring away future delvers, sending them back up, to their superiors with whatever Twas found and their lives intact, could be her own way of making them stay alive-unwittingly prolonging the misery they suffer high above.

And a kindly gentleman who knows to treat others with kindness, a repository of information as he studies the depths, yet does nothing to halt the horrors above as he’s become too engrossed in the horrors below. In educating the youths, he empowers them to escape below, yet his kindness teaches them to wait when their superiors demand results. Unwittingly, he encourages the cycle to continue.

Bondrewd’s method has the look of guaranteed success on paper, yet it comes with flaws as well. As I’ve come to see it, MiA Tis allegorical for the cycle of abuse and how it effects each generation. Rico’s been mistreated much of her life by the people who benefit from her delves into the Abyss, and to escape the abuse Doth she delve into a world wrought with things worse than her mind has known before. The deeper you go, the worse humanity becomes, and still she seeks to go further for she believes answers exist at the very lowest depths…when she never should’ve begun her journey, for her life has come to be surrounded by greater horrors than anything she would’ve known had she simply decided to remain home and learn how to handle the problems there, instead of bringing herself to the levels of evil she seeks to escape.

Tis just my interpretation and I wrote this before jumping into the video, on the off-chance it talks about what I’m thinking.

DARKZONE GAMING - 03.01.2023 19:08

my philosophies are much like bondrewd, bruh wtf

Dipshit667 - 31.12.2022 11:35

It's science without morals, it's love in its rawest form, Bondrewd is genuine, insane but not completely, he is without a doubt, a good written villain

X Y - 29.12.2022 23:31

i think that ethics play a bigger role here. Did he have to do that, was there no ther method/alternative, how strong of a justification for it?

X Y - 29.12.2022 23:28

such a cool video! i loved the way you connected the images with things you were explaining, hit different.

demonkingpicles'o - 20.11.2022 17:13

Bondrewd did nothing wrong sometimes for the advancement of humanity one must throw away their own Humanity yet even still a small zemblance of humanity lives deep within him as he remembered every single name for every single orphan he sacrificed

Guyver - 04.11.2022 23:21

Child may your journey overflow with curses and blessing. Bondrewd

Lizando 132
Lizando 132 - 26.10.2022 05:30

One thing I realise is that Nanachi would’ve never met Mitty, weren’t it for Bondrewd showimg up, but at the same time, Bondrewd was also at the origin of the irreversible damage between the 2. Just a thought

Three 'The Sims' Cards
Three 'The Sims' Cards - 30.09.2022 18:31

HE GROOMS AND TORTURES CHILDREN! Christ on a stick, this character is by far THE WORST villain in fiction and yet here we are with tons of people defending the pedophile torturer... F- ME! "He genuinely loves children" the same way a pedophile "loves" children. He didn't care about Prushka AT ALL, it was a charade, he treated her kindly because she had to love him unconditionally in order to function as a cartridge. He didn't love her, he GROOMED her while planning to betray her love and use her as a disposable tool. And that's not even getting into the whole "papa pole" thing... on top of all else he's a molester. I'm reading these comments and I'm SHOCKED at how far we've slid down on ethical thinking in TYOOL 2022. "There are two sides for every story, he got a lot of data, and his findings help people". SERIOUSLY? At the very best Bondrewd is Dr. Mengele and there's tons of people praising his "redeeming qualities"? Not even Dr. Mengle spent years raising a jewish child like his daughter so that she would love him uncondittionaly before he started "experimenting on her".

The Casual Gamer
The Casual Gamer - 23.09.2022 08:06

I've said it once and i'll say it again, some animes are real fucking weird

DynoSkirmisher420 - 12.09.2022 03:41

He is so twisted and has no morals to the point he sacrificed his own original body and everything he held dear.

techpriest - 11.09.2022 12:46

I could easily see myself like but never the same as bondrewd

Story_appreciator - 11.09.2022 07:07

Makes Thanos "look good"

Moepowerplant - 05.09.2022 20:01

Love Live Sunshine having an isekai next year *yawn * Superstar will top that

Aqours 2023
Dia - Town admin
Ruby - Fairy
Kanan - Marine treasure hunter
Riko - Explorer and zoologist
Yohane - Mage

Liella 2023
Mei - Base camp guardian
Natsumi - Furry
Kinako - Amnesiac robogirl
Shiki - Scientist advancing knowledge of humanity
OG 5 - Ancient explorer corps

Mitchell Brown
Mitchell Brown - 02.09.2022 07:49

Bondrewd is the embodiment of the united states .

Jaxx - 29.08.2022 08:47

As insane as this man is he is truly a genius.

Soochan Amatya
Soochan Amatya - 26.08.2022 12:31

The cruelness of Abyss is far more sinister than what Bondrewd orchestrated. His actions may seem the depth of evil for now but the abyss will tell its tale.

MiGujack3 - 23.08.2022 18:01

Aww man I really liked darkweb Daft Punk.

rahn45 - 22.08.2022 10:59

My view of Bondrewd is that the Abyss forged his pragmatism to razor sharpness. He didn't take on children that were wanted, he only took on souls that had been abandoned completely; that everyone else viewed as completely worthless. The more worthless the soul, the more overjoyed he would be take them on. I think if you were to ask him what he thought of people who moved through life without purpose and meaning, he'd probably remark that he can't view it as living at all. As such in his eyes, mind, and heart; he's giving lost unwanted souls glorious purpose and meaning, to forward knowledge and progress to help many people far into the future.

He takes those with nothing and gives them purpose, and in his own twisted way maximizes their potential. For him the value of a life isn't in it's duration, but rather its brilliance; so when he sees a life shine brighter than even his own expectations he is honestly and truly overjoyed. Bowdrewd can only give so much value to the children he took in, and that value has to be through experimentation; but it's value nonetheless. The children of course also come to understand this as well, they were abandoned and unwanted; but Bondrewd wants them. Of course this is an extremely sad dynamic the world didn't offer these children something better, but the world is cruel; and the Abyss even more cruel still. Still at the end of the day they were given something, and they all wanted to give something back; even if it had to be their own lives. It's sad and cruel the dynamic: "All I can give you in return for all you've given me is my love and my life, is that enough?" Yet that's the core of what's presented.

Eddie Becerra
Eddie Becerra - 16.08.2022 04:20

The fool, love is a choice made after countless experiences and time is spent to strengthen the bonds between others, love is deciding to not sacrifice oneself or others to achieve any goal, love is the comradery made in sharing in pain and the understanding that comes with it, thats what the main cast has and is what they continue to build together, that is to say the real way out of the abyss was the friends they made along the way...

GonFreecssTF2 - 09.08.2022 16:38

I wonder why Wakuna and Srajo just avoided their meeting with Bondrewd and why Bondrewd hasnt mentioned Lyza entering the her last dive

GonFreecssTF2 - 09.08.2022 16:30

The original Bondrewd is long dead , all that remains is his resolve to explore the abyss which is stored in Zaoholic

Insockie - 09.08.2022 13:52

why are you rapping? is this a music video?

captaincael - 05.08.2022 03:51

i think Bondrewd's whistle says alot

Starry sky highway
Starry sky highway - 28.07.2022 22:26

all bondrewd did beneficial but probably we started hating it if happened to us
that why he choose nobody orphan to experiment on
they re not convicts with history , theyre children that have no records or no one cares for
dude is insane!

Hooded_PitoHui - 28.07.2022 17:27

The few lines of Bondrewd being a loving evil father to prepare his children to a much more cruel and more evil than him legit made me teary… but cruelty is cruelty and pain is suffering, he may have done it for the right reasons but he still did some evil things.

I’m sorry, this whole video just reminded me of my loving uncle who had the same circumstances that I couldn’t agree more

Raphaël BERTON
Raphaël BERTON - 21.07.2022 02:10

I think Bondrewd is both horrifing and messed up :he just knows who is who in his (seemingly not labeled) cartridges. I think this is esspesially messed up because it prooves Bondrewd truly loved every childs in the cartridges. But he is somehow twisted enough to make all this horrible things to them while still genuinly loving them.
TL:DR : Bondrewd is a messed up psycho

CrAnE - 17.07.2022 05:44

Bondrewd was a horrific person but he genuinely loves the children even if he experiments on them, i mean he litteraly remembers the name of every child he sacrificed, congratulates the protagonists when defeating him, and takes care of a siffering child and raises her to become a healthy young girl even if he does kill her in the end

Noir Music
Noir Music - 30.06.2022 17:22

As SpookyRice says "It's a bucket of fuck, it's a fucket of buck!"

jwil1206 - 27.06.2022 05:33

Wish he would have did the same thing with Mitty and a different subject to see if her immortality would hold up against the curse with someone else she could have been the key to getting back up

Yammoth - 30.05.2022 19:29

First sight: Bondrewd is an abomination.

Last sight: Bondrewd is a human whom the Abyss f**ked out to unrecognisable view. Lord's word.

86Corvus - 23.05.2022 09:58

The sacrifice doesnt need to be loved to work. Bondrewd isnt a human so the curse focuses down on the child. He only needed the sacrifice to love him because he wanted the blessing...

Hano H
Hano H - 20.05.2022 05:41

I havent read the manga yet but what if someone goes up very very slowly like in the matter of weeks. Would they be affected? Also why do they keep sending him children? It's a small town how did it produce so many orphans?

Duy Nguyễn Minh
Duy Nguyễn Minh - 18.05.2022 12:56

Some think he's a monster, Some think he has his logic, some even thinks he did nothing wrong.
Imagine, if you are a cave raider in Made in Abyss and actually benefits from his experiments. You get more artifacts, fame, gold, can feed your family better thanks to his achieved result.
Then you actually may turn a blind eye to his action. At best you will be " sorry kids but this is for my family"

Unsung Hero Invictus
Unsung Hero Invictus - 16.05.2022 03:36

World's greatest dad... And ultimate engineer...

Wish I was him. His very existence fascinates me.

Bonnie Buchanan
Bonnie Buchanan - 24.04.2022 06:48


Bryn F
Bryn F - 22.04.2022 18:00

you say that mitty and nanachi might have lived normal lives, but they were impoverished orphans, with only a blanket to protect from the cold and slept in groups of other orphans and nanachi said she picked through dumps and waste to scavange what she could. Thats pretty much a life on legendary with all the skulls on... that could be considered normal, but so is cave diving and meeting a gruesome end.
either way her situation improved if in a terrible and painful way. also they totally could have saved mitty...

Jeff Granja
Jeff Granja - 04.04.2022 05:51

Bondrewd was the best subarashii villain I've ever seen and I hope it shows up again even if it's not an important role

remy paraskovia
remy paraskovia - 01.04.2022 01:01

Oyya oyya Oyya Subarashi

Jillian Crawford
Jillian Crawford - 30.03.2022 22:48

Now that I think about it, when Bondrewd told Mitty and Nanachi that Mitty would be the one to recieve the curse while Nanachi would recipe the blessing, what if that only happened because Bondrewd told them this? What if it could have been the other way of Nanachi receiving the curse and Mitty receiving the blessing but happened the way that it did because Bondrewd put that expectation in their minds ahead of time and the anticipation of who would recieve what resulted in what we got? I know it sounds like a dumb theory with no real evidence and technically has proof it isn't, but the notion that love for one another is what helped get the results he got made me wonder about this.

Jillian Crawford
Jillian Crawford - 30.03.2022 22:29

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is his tail part of his narehate form prior to his battle against Reg when he uses Prushka as a cartridge real or mechanical? If it's real, then doesn't that imply he transforms the same way every time he does become a narrate?
What might that say about the narehate transformation then? It seems like this little detail says a lot about the Abyss' curse and who Bondrewd is as a person if it means that maybe his mental deterioration has been the same for a long time and therefore probably peaked in how bad it can get if it hasn't seemed to change much if at all despite what he has done and put himself through. Though it reflects a little with Irumyuui transforming those who gave themselves to her in how much it might reflect in how he sees himself but if his own interpretation of himself makes a difference regardless of his body, then maybe it suggests that there is more than nebulous torture of this particular curse, like there might be a way to fight it to some extent? It's obviously way too soon to say and it's more than just sheer willpower, but it just seems to me that this detail will say a lot about the origins of the abyss and its curses.
