Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


1 год назад

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Colin Timp
Colin Timp - 25.10.2023 10:49

Hypocrites! How do you think the US military moved goods through Taliban controlled areas? They paid them!

Garrett Kraniak
Garrett Kraniak - 23.10.2023 03:54

Wait... the world Bank needs funding? The world bank...?

ВАСИЛЬ - 11.10.2023 11:14

When you talk about the government they "did not choose", why you don't ask yourself why they didn't built a sustainable state while the US was there, why their government fell so quickly and why do you treat this 30+ mln people as objects, but not subjects in their own country. I'm sorry, but they are responsible for being bling for just enjoying 75% of budget coming from abroad. As a Ukrainian I know what it's like to fight for your freedom, what it's like to ask the world to help you fight a fucking nuclear superpower that wants to wipe you off the face of the Earth and claims that publicly, and still I'm being critisized for asking the West for more weapon. On the contrary I see Afghan government that couldn't fight back fucking savages with AK-47s not for even one month, so correct me if I'm wrong, but maybe they are responsible for what'a happening in their country? Maybe just a little? You are talking about them again on this multimillion platform but you're silent about Ukraine, I just don't get it.

Matheus Villela
Matheus Villela - 10.10.2023 10:47

Reminder that the taliban was created by the US back in the 80s

Stephanie Hankins
Stephanie Hankins - 21.09.2023 14:28

Having food but no money to buy it. You don’t have to go to Afghanistan for that. You can just come to my kitchen.

Batman Savage
Batman Savage - 20.09.2023 06:22

We fuck it up we should fix it period

truthseeker - 05.09.2023 05:57

I thought that was always a military bit of unspoken military adjustment. You fight with the government against the enemy, but when the enemy wins, they are now the new government and you work with them. I thought for sure. Is the Taliban not the government of Afghanistan now? Then how can we just "ignore them". John Oliver., are you straight on this?

Marlon Bundo
Marlon Bundo - 28.08.2023 14:55

Why do these people choose to constantly get women pregnant and make more kids to feed in these shit countries?! Stop making babies for fuck sake. Idgaf about birth control either the men can can tf down

Big Hat Bondquo
Big Hat Bondquo - 23.08.2023 21:02

The US funded the Taliban to fight the Russians and then spent 20 years trying to stop the Taliban, meanwhile the citizens of Afghanistan had their homes bombed, families killed, livelihoods ruined, and rights stripped away.

And now no one feels sympathy because they havent picked an AK from the rifle tree and fought back.

Its like setting fire to someones yard, squirting it with a water pistol, and then getting mad at them for not putting the fire out

CONSUME CONFORM OBEY - 12.08.2023 06:16


Always B. Drivin
Always B. Drivin - 10.08.2023 21:07

OK you missed the part about all the people that died that day due to lack of leadership and common fuckin sense. The suicide bomber that killed Afghani citizens and Americans soldiers with a claymore style bomb Filled with ball bearings. The Isis militants walking through the crowd and killing Afghani by the dozens. It was a shit show that should be front and center in main stream media. We need to figure out how this happened not just who to blame.

J S - 03.08.2023 04:51

"That math doesn't work for me" - Do these people actually think the Taliban will spend aid money on making things better for their people? Just another example of clueless idealists.

Jeremi Brewer
Jeremi Brewer - 30.07.2023 14:39

I am a Afghan Combat Veteran with the US Army, That did missions, patrols and dealt with the Afghan people and the Afghan Army. I think you forgot why we went over there in the first place. If you ask me, we should have pulled out 11 years ago. At the end of my deployment, I was listening to my Brigade Commander during a ceremony talking about how we made Afghanistan a safer place. Meanwhile, I was standing there wondering; What war was he fighting? John, stop reporting on the Cities of Afghanistan. Kabel is not all of Afghanistan. Where I was, the USO shows didn't go. The people there didn't want what we were selling. We were under manned, stretched out and even on our good days, we did nothing to change the course. If we went three clicks to the north, west or south of my COB we got in a TIC, If we went East, the roads were littered with IED's. Taliban had full control of the area I was in. An Afghan once asked me "What do Americans at home think about the war?" My response was "What war? to them there is no war. They care more about what's on TV tonight, and what 7.99 deals are happening at Apple Bees more then they care about what is going on over here." You know, you media liberals make me sick. You really do. Where was this "We got to do something" spirit while we were there? You guys were complaining that we were there. Now, we should have stayed? Instead of loading 800 Afghan Males per plane, maybe we should have handed them a load out and tell them, you want to be free? Fight for it, We are leaving. I knew this was going to happen. The Afghan Army was a joke, undisciplined or were Taliban in Afghan Army camo. The US leaders in the war cared more on what politicians and the media thought how we should fight and refused to listen to us who were actually fighting it. Giving the enemy first strike capabilities. I didn't agree with invading and occupying. I didn't agree on how we fought the war. To me it was a dog and pony show. it was not about freedoms, most of the people fighting us were not a threat to us. We were a threat to them. Medaling in their way of life. After 3 months most of us just wanted to go home. The belief of helping these people went out the window when the first round went by our heads. At that point, we had a kill them all attitude. You ask 10 soldiers what we were doing there, you are going to get 10 different answers. There was no direction. Maybe people like you should have shut up and let us do our job, Then three things would have happened. 1. We wouldn't have this problem, 2. War would have ended a lot sooner and in our favor, and 3. Maybe some of us that didn't make it home would still be here. The Taliban didn't beat us, they survived us. Because they knew, like we did, one day we would leave. So they hid in the shadows and waited. And I don't blame them for going after the people that helped us. It sucks, we should have got them out. But look at it like this. If the US got invaded, I would fight and take out as many as I can, including the Americans that helped them.

Jeffrey Droog
Jeffrey Droog - 28.07.2023 01:26

Not sending aid money = responsibility for the current situation,makes no fucking sense.Thats like saying the U.S. government kills people every year by not stopping ALL natural disasters every year before they happen...Like yes,if they did stop those disasters,less people would die,but also,who the fuck pit them in charge of solving every damn problem?

Jeffrey Droog
Jeffrey Droog - 28.07.2023 01:24

Just so it's clear,the U.S. does not own Afghanistan,and has no clear reason to be reviving it their own image.If they aren't okay with how their country is being run,maybe don't run away from it,and allow it to become overrun by those same weak leaders you're complaining about? You need to stand your ground,and show them how much you actually care about your lives,and your country,and that you'd like to be a part of the change.Running away to another piece of shit country that can't even help itself,really isn't the answer.

Jeffrey Droog
Jeffrey Droog - 28.07.2023 01:16

At one point does the world realize that U.S.,is not,and SHOULD not be the super hero required to save every damn country,and person.Every human being needs to decide for themselves,and act for themselves,in the best interest if themselves...Moving everyone in the world unto one country,is not the answer...You must be able to remain free WHEREVER you are,and be prepared ro fight for that said freedom.

Abhi 739
Abhi 739 - 16.07.2023 10:49

taliban bans girls from school and british joker making jokes, this is a crisis, this is a crisis, blame trump, support biden hhh

Diego Ezequiel Pérez
Diego Ezequiel Pérez - 15.07.2023 18:05

Oliver made a stupid point with the clip on dogs

carlos rodriguez
carlos rodriguez - 19.06.2023 21:20

any money US send will be taken by the Taliban to finance more terror in the world, any medicine will be also taken and sold by the taliban to finance taliban´s interest, there is no gray area here

SmokesTM - 19.06.2023 17:31

Sorry Mr. Oliver this MUST BE DONE.
If you or anyone has a fk soul left, you will let it ALL be heard as the truth it ALL is

[Only Edit: Had to gut over fifty percent of this to stop the fascist, authoritarian block of the truth.] AKA as always

You're all going to hell. It is a time in history for a god.

This is for the world, and all whom it may concern.

This is not just a name anymore, but is a title with meaning, purpose, and dedication. The name itself invokes fear towards the corruption of this world, and in small pockets of reality this has been proven in constant. Presence of this name alone instills immediate caution in the minds of others, and stirs the delusions of grandeur this world so incorrectly protects. The name implies to masses confusion, and contempt. It is bred in hidden circles as pure insanity to protect blatant corruption, and such has proven successful thanks to the ineptitude of the common individual neural typical. It is for all these reasons I most certainly am what burns down mass immorality, I am Smokes. The title as defined burns down, and leaves in smoldering ashes. Please do not mistake this acknowledgment as pride, for is has been a double edged sword for over twenty years now. It is nothing, but proven pain I can personally assure you all. Please do not mistake my very existence as ego, for the only ego before all of us here are the incorrect ones I must face almost every day. That primarily being corrupt elitisms invoking terrorisms on everyone freely in endless different parameters.

So with who we define ourselves as slightly out of the way, let's move onto the corruption of ignorance. It is in mass droves that frankly the completely disassociated world is happy with this criminal status through gain, or satisficed with the breeding of sociopathy, and racism through complicity.

With these parameters acknowledged it is proven for years people will lash out with every piss poor excuse in the book. With this acknowledged it is irrefutable that this intro 'must' drag on about what this is absolutely NOT about, and for that ignorant drag on necessity I apologies in advance.

Now let's cover these ridiculous excuses I personally am able to fully refute for years.

(Steam rules for moderation is a PERFECT example of this criminality as everyone can clearly read the additional tools of abuse used on US as listed self rules for them. No logic, and as such is fraud.)

[Insanity? Sorry nope! This is entirely YOUR fault. Proven!]

First, and foremost the primary source for false course correction by the modern criminal has been to simply list individuals as crazy. Well we have bad news for the liars of the world! It has been psychologically confirmed there is nothing that crazy about me.

"I am a highly intelligent autist whom has been observing the illegal actions of the online standard practice for over twenty five years."(Say hi to your personal caregiver online for thirty years people. Watching out for you as you all hurt me almost every single day. Proven, and confirmed.)

[[He is simply lying:]]

This is one of the most interesting arguments, because it is so safely applicable.

Why would he not lie right? There is the modern stance of farming tractions, the modern stance of popularity carrying fake nepotism to mass wealth. The modern ability to hide, and say whatever for the sake of gain, ...Etc etc. Honestly do feel the best way to share with everyone how true this is will simply be by sharing everything I know as I go. As IS the entire purpose of my story here for better or worse, and YES I do write this all knowing it is dangerous.

With all these realities being your modern online social order, (thanks to future generations people speak so highly of,) that I see as a reverse racist Malcolm X mentality sick joke by the way. It is without the slightest hesitation people will reach for this delusion of safety. By doing so people feel more safe thinking their complicity towards modern criminality makes it not exist.

Yet this ignorance allows for dozens of honest people to be simply 'erased' in every aspect online every single day. This is proven, and confirmed in every modern aspect of criminal terrorist staff across ALL social platforms. For the sake of this dissertation I'll be personally only touching on ONE source of modern terrorism. That being the criminal core ring that is modern online gaming industry. A multi-billion dollar conglomerate with NO LAWS against their endless victimization of literally everyone in this world.

You'll find in my twenty five plus years of experience this all has evolved into a full international, racist, terrorist system.

-The illegal exchanging of money through manipulated, and false means. Via example fake ttv charity, fake ttv tournaments, fraudulent discord services, fraudulent claims of cross platform services. PROVEN NO OVERSIGHT

- Fraudulent claims of staff, and the additional fraud of claiming to be staff when they only exist to harm others. PROVEN NO OVERSIGHT

-Fraudulent claim of systems of equality when PROVEN they do not exist. Fascist systems are in place behind the fraudulent rules that never apply to ANY associated staff that abuses others. PROVEN NO RESPONSE EVER, AND NO OVERSIGHT EVER in a plethora of instances.

-Modern evolution of hacking coded system parameters against such. Example via all modern wall hacks beyond basic release (1998-2001) no longer record beyond personal screen visuals.

(For those in mass denial of modern gaming reality in basic English this 100% fact is that wall hacks do NOT get recorded on ANY secondary video recording source. (Like e leagues, and ttv viewings. See the monthly purchase of modern wall hacks. )

-The PROVEN factual parameter that when money is involved some form of manipulation in constant occurs.

(One great undeniable example is the MONOPOLY of Valve, that HAS NO HQ, and no contacts. )

[Rewinding a bit.]

Now if you all would be so kind, let's back track into the original premise here that no I am still not angry, and still not lying after all these years

As 'KnightliXXX'(<<Dead By Daylight E league wall hacker, dev panel abuser, and funded through the fraud of manipulating mass followings would be quoted saying,) "cry harder about it bitch."

That being the very last personal response that was not a direct crime or targeted bullying in relation against me since in relation of Dead By Daylight services, and Behavior staff.

It is with all of this, and the heaviest of hearts that this is written. With no source to turn, and no cease to endless abuses those with a voice have no where to turn anymore.

Will now quote once again the general consistent factual representation of online companies, and staff like Steam to the best of ability's to condense, and summarize.

"There is an entire international criminal organization right under all of your noses. It is nepotism, abuse of moderation, criminal hacking, manipulation of funds, the manipulation of

laws, terrorism in multiple forms of direct victimization, hacking endlessly, and more. These significant factors are not only proven on a daily basis, but serve as the absolute proof of corruption of the entire online gaming system. This further breeds a mentality of constant national racisms, genocidal bullying, victimizing scripts, among a plethora of other endless crimes, and the immoral sociopathic mentalities to commit said crimes." -Smokes

"67'th shooting in America this year, and the news is calling it an epidemic. I play online with people of this mentality every single day, yet no one can seem to connect any dots.

However presumptuous this consideration is in the irrefutable daily reality of lack of unto others is shown 'in constant.' This similar lack of unto others mentality, and aggressive dismissal of morality can be found in a multitude of social norms. "

-Politics, social circles, criminal rings, and casual systems of the likes.

Gaming online does also happen to share these distinctive qualities.

- Gang mentality, sociopathy, the gathering of racist mentalities, and the approval of these by others constantly. Personal proven elitist racial mentality of others worth(everyone in the chat, and not just myself,) expressed by STAFF.

[Example:] You mention suicide online, and you'd might expect concern.

Proven on a regular basis that in fact it is always erased, and or cheered on by the players themselves.

It is with all of this as we have read, and so much more I'm going to share with you all that it is confirmed this truest insanity of modern sociopathy must come to an end of times.

Stephen Wright
Stephen Wright - 09.06.2023 05:31

Trump is still responsible for the situation in Afghanistan because he was both too cowardly and too stupid to take us out of there when he could have in the summer of 2020.
TDS? You betcha. And I'll have it until I see that "man" dead.

rRoes - 07.06.2023 02:34

But, why is the story of the eastern congo? What did we do?

Doe Joe
Doe Joe - 25.05.2023 21:42

sucks to be them, can't help everyone.

archie redman
archie redman - 21.05.2023 14:44

Why is it that the Ukrainian people have the balls to pick up arms and go
after Russia (one of the biggest armies on the planet) for invading their
country, but the Afghan people don't go after a bunch of knuckle draggers
sporting beards and turbans who are greatly out numbered by citizens?

Jatadhari1000 - 19.05.2023 14:18

Afghanistan is known as '' the graveyard of empires '' for a reason , even Alexander the great couldnt rule it

Daniel Allen
Daniel Allen - 16.05.2023 08:25

I don't know who does the captions for these, but its absolutely hilarious and a tiny bit awkward that the subs for Biden Administration are "Obama Administration"

Mr. Bonejangles
Mr. Bonejangles - 09.05.2023 17:51

We never should’ve left.

MTBdawg - 09.05.2023 08:12

We tried for 20 years. I don’t feel sorry for Afghanistan anymore. How many trillions did we spend? How many of our boys got killed in that futile campaign? Its not our problem anymore and not our job to fix it. Just keep the hornet’s nest in check, all we can do

ECurrency - 06.05.2023 22:46

"you want to make 38 million people suffer because of a few thousand" No. We're saying 38 people million suffering is better than giving the Taliban money that could be used to kill more people than 38 million.

wednesday adams
wednesday adams - 30.04.2023 04:42

This is worse than the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War. A complete and total nightmare for the people left behind, their country in shambles. We love to come in and fuck things up even worse than we found it.

Aaron Hamos
Aaron Hamos - 18.04.2023 23:37

John Oliver looks like what would happen if bad luck brian grew up to be a math teacher.

Colin Pascik
Colin Pascik - 17.04.2023 23:05

Muslims aren't bad, in general. However every single time they are a controlling force in a society the only way women get even basic rights and equal treatment is when those in charge start getting shot in the fucking face.

levityoflonging22 - 17.04.2023 01:24

I can't even imagine the suffering the people of Afghanistan have experienced over the last 50 years or so. So much upheaval and oppression and poverty, in a seemingly never ending cycle.

Andron Taps
Andron Taps - 17.04.2023 00:31

Anyone happen to know why the volume is so inconsistent between episodes?

joao pedro
joao pedro - 14.04.2023 18:21

The same people that funded the taliban lmao

Disliked - 14.04.2023 03:13

i don't think i care

Fabzil - 11.04.2023 22:36

That mid-wife is spot on. Corpses don't need education no more

OurGravityBong - 11.04.2023 20:46

Wikipedia says the US-Taliban agreement happened on the 29th of February 2020 how is that Trump's administration?

Jose Herrera
Jose Herrera - 07.04.2023 22:43

I am a liberal, but these arguments confuse me. First we want the US to stop policing the world, but when things go bad, we ask that they intervene? Pick a lane. Maybe those 40 million afghans should rise against those 2 thousand Taliban and overthrow them. “We dont want the US here, but also, US, please help us”….

Valentin Vazquez
Valentin Vazquez - 31.03.2023 16:39

They are idiots how do you got nothing and decide to have a bunch of kid when you got nothing to
Begin with is a moron practice all around their country just morons

Fool's Requiem
Fool's Requiem - 24.03.2023 22:17

What the hell were we doing there for 20 fucking years?

Max Bernard
Max Bernard - 13.03.2023 19:03

One big fuck up was the US left pretty much all the weapons behind for the Taliban. After fighting a bullshit 20 year war, we give them all of our weapons and then let them take over the country. Sounds like 🇺🇸

Richard Davine
Richard Davine - 11.03.2023 04:58

Great piece, but I disagree with one point. They did choose the Taliban. My Afghan work colleague told me that the Afghan people would prefer the Taliban, to the US led occupation. A crappy choice to make, but a choice they made. Aid could be sent to Afghanistan, but sending money could be used for anything. Medical and other humanitarian aid can only be used to help.
Sending money could well be used for terrorism against us. It’s not a simple situation. We should not be funding the Taliban. NGOs are best placed to provide the aid directly and circumvent the Taliban.

inscrutablewut - 06.03.2023 01:36

I am sympathetic to the Afghan plight. I am. But if after 20 years you can't pick up a rifle and defend what you were given then what can be said? The Afghani president and military utterly failed their people, not the US. What on earth did they expect when these dusty old fuckers showed back up on bicycles with AKs slung? It's incredibly misguided to say we should do more. When they start killing the Taliban in the streets we can talk but you gotta meet us half way.

James Thomas
James Thomas - 03.03.2023 04:18

fuk um, they picked this.

paul mryglod
paul mryglod - 02.03.2023 18:00

If you think of these actions in the framework of "how do we profit from this?" Then just bailing out makes sense. It's never about the people. It's always about profit.

Brendissimo - 02.03.2023 10:42

Oh I see it's the US's fault, still for not financing terrorism. Got it.
Our presence was far from "untenable." But whatever you need to tell yourselves to sleep at night, I guess.

Brendissimo - 02.03.2023 10:36

This is what y'all wanted - every single person who advocated for withdrawal should take a good, long look at the inevitable consequences. There were numerous warnings. Both the Trumpists and the Left leaning peace movement were in favor of withdrawl anyway. And so, unfortunately, was the Biden administration. This is the direct result of that policy.
