Twitch's Friend Reveals Why Police Need To Investigate His D3ath

Twitch's Friend Reveals Why Police Need To Investigate His D3ath

Culture Spill

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Crafti Soul
Crafti Soul - 15.09.2023 03:36

Nothing about this adds up! Please investigate!!

Margaret Gallacher
Margaret Gallacher - 15.09.2023 02:59

I still am uncertain about this. What really happened?!

Careson - 14.09.2023 14:14

No hes wrong as Twitch was involved in the BLM movement. There's video of him talking to someone about it. And he seemed stressed about that and Covid.

Careson - 14.09.2023 14:12

He had been done with Ellen for 9 months. So there was nonpressure. He may have been depressed because he didn't know where he was going.

Lise Fornier
Lise Fornier - 07.09.2023 18:17

So what they worked together! People need to get a life.

shirley Woods
shirley Woods - 07.09.2023 04:33

Why not let him rest in peace & let his family get on with their lives!💞

Calvin Rodriguez
Calvin Rodriguez - 04.09.2023 02:29

When blacks marry wyts and then die in a very strange way, there will be no real effort to figure out what happened because they may have to lock up one of their own.

Village StoryTeller
Village StoryTeller - 04.09.2023 00:27

His action so drastic ... could he have walked into the house interrupting his wife with Ellen?

Haleigh Ford
Haleigh Ford - 03.09.2023 02:09

He checked into the hotel I believe in another video they said they checked the cameras and said no one else entered the room. I'm sure they've already ran his card history, camera footage, and cell phone history. They also found a note. I don't believe he harmed himself over ellen. He might have been busy and wealthy and had an amazing family and many friends.. but you can have all of that and be screaming on the inside. Something happened that made him get in his car, drive to a hotel check in, write a note and do this. What that was we may never know but so long as his family knows and feels confident in the answers they've been given. I think that's all that matters. There are so many people on here saying this is not a man that would do this simply bc he was so happy on tv. Regardless of wether this was self inflicted or not they should always do a full investigation. I believe he did it to himself but the reason why its really none of our business. Hope his family gets answers they need and are safe. If his family was in danger like a few have said I dont think he would have left them to defend for themselves. Im sure he knew they'd be ok. maybe he had in impulsive thought and just did this. we may never know.

Mamagaiah Ceallaigh
Mamagaiah Ceallaigh - 31.08.2023 08:01

The reactions of those closest to Twitch are some of the strangest and most suspicious that I've witnessed. I'm not saying it's impossible that he commutted suicide, but if he'd never had mental health struggles or felt suicidsl before, why would none of them want to investigate the possibility of foul play? Especially after the coroner closed the case so quickly. With do many unysyal details, midt prople woyld have hited a private investigator. The normal human reaction would be to have the most trouble accepting that someone took their own life. Normally, loved ones would be trying to figure out an explanation. How was Allison unaware that he'd been gone from the house for 24 hours? It's also really suspicious to me how Ellen immediately set the tone of not questioning. Nobody has ever said anything genuine or off script, and that just doesn't represent real life. Twitch has a big family, and lots of friends, so for no one to ever speak candidly is very weird. And Allison's never stopped working her and the kids' brand. Everything they do is staged.

danusiaification - 25.08.2023 00:22

I still don’t believe this happened. He was so happy, I believe this needs to be investigated. Something just doesn’t make sense. Twitch you are in my daily prayers always.

Eric Spoelstra
Eric Spoelstra - 23.08.2023 12:20

The guy killed himself, case closed..

Michael Dziegiel
Michael Dziegiel - 23.08.2023 10:37

This video is trash.

FIRE SIGN - 23.08.2023 02:46


Elizabeth Jok
Elizabeth Jok - 21.08.2023 12:58

Why do people think black people don't commit suicide? Yes they do. Move on....

Catherine Delaney
Catherine Delaney - 07.08.2023 20:36

tWitch didn’t do this- the second I found out I was like “hmmm something ain’t right here”…. I think a hit was put out on him. Or like some have said, he did it coerced. I’ve loved him since I saw him on SYTYCD 15 years ago and have followed him. I just know he had too much to live for & was a beautiful, sweet, kind soul & left too soon 😣😞😭
Yesss they need to investigate!!!!!

Pepe TV
Pepe TV - 28.07.2023 13:29

It was a tough watch, congrats Yung on getting it through to the end 🙌🏻 hopefully Wendy doesn’t accept future interviews when they’re not feeling in the mood.

Bethenie Peralta
Bethenie Peralta - 22.07.2023 03:04

I don’t see how Ellen has to do with this. He took his own life. Only god and him know what went down. I am heart broken to hear this for the first time today.
Let’s go back a way. Robin Williams offed himself and yet the public thought he was the happiest and kindest human being. His own mental health took him down from the inside. Twitch may have been in the same way. So do not blame other people for his choice. It is a situation but we cannot blame others without proof. Just cause of a toxic environment, does not mean you should take your own life. That to me is selfish. And it’s out right wrong to blame others for what happened. At this point you can blame his family and extended family for allowing him to suffer in those toxic environments and not helping him get help.
Do ya hear how it sounds me accusing people who are not to blame. It’s out right wrong. So please let’s not blame ANYONE!!!

NineNz Nine
NineNz Nine - 21.07.2023 10:22

Generally when a murder occurred,,, it’s starting investigation from the inside out of a circle ?!?

Zoe Teclom
Zoe Teclom - 21.07.2023 02:07


janet Anderson
janet Anderson - 20.07.2023 16:58

I deeply think it needs to be investigated am with you somethings not right

I Am Coach4lyfe
I Am Coach4lyfe - 19.07.2023 17:21

Everytime I see Twitch, I see a man who is faking his way through life.. Trying to make everyone happy and nobody was paying attention to him... and his mental health....

The l¡f€ of Maribel
The l¡f€ of Maribel - 17.07.2023 17:55


Y - 30.06.2023 13:23

(Cover Up)

RubyRedLopez4-18 - 28.06.2023 17:04

What if he faked his death because of the sudden alleged financial problems,..... I refuse to believe Twitch would leave his family that way!
And his wife doesn't appear to be heartbroken.
It's not difficult to fake your own death, it's done all the time....

Nev - 27.06.2023 18:34

Can you imagine a job driving you to even think of taking your own life?

LaNesha Mitchell
LaNesha Mitchell - 23.06.2023 03:38

Did Todrick even know Twitch like that anyway?? It all seems to be a farse!! When I found out he was unalived and how they said it happened i automatically knew that it was some straight BS!!Todrick needs to STFU, because he seems as though that he is in front of the camera a whole lot all the sudden! I had never seen his wife either while she's saying that she helped Twitch make his money😮! He was famous and I'm sure had good money before she came along!! Unless she was his feet and legs I don't think she made his money for him!! She's straight SUS!! If she loved him as much as she says she did she would still be crying! On thise interviews she didn't drop a tear!

LaNesha Mitchell
LaNesha Mitchell - 23.06.2023 03:28

He could've quit that job! A job is a job if you dont like it quit. He was straightening out those situations that were going on on that show! Ellen did this to him! He looked really happy on Instagram days before hus death. His wife knows more than what she's letting on too! She didn't drop a tear on all of these interviews she did either! Todrick is trying to cover-up something too cause he's talking a lot too! His wife gained the most from him dying and for him not to have a will is also unbelievable. Nobe of this shit makes sense to me!! I love Twitch and of course I was a fan,but I followed his career from the beginning and it makes me feel like I did know him. Who got the other half if his estate? His wife was an undercover snake i just feel like she had a hand in it too!

Annie Smolkin
Annie Smolkin - 20.06.2023 16:26

I believe Allison was holding him back

Veronica Woodard
Veronica Woodard - 17.06.2023 19:13

I actually don't believe he did it either will never know actually

Night Light
Night Light - 13.06.2023 01:50

I never believed the way it went down. Investorgate 👍

Teri Griffis
Teri Griffis - 12.06.2023 23:38

Twitch was awesome and there is no way that he would have taken his own life. Not when he had so much to live for!!

Louise Garcia
Louise Garcia - 10.06.2023 03:53

I wonder how someone could look so happy and then shoot himself, and with a Wonderful wife and Kids, He had no mental signs of depression. So sorry for the fans and family. God help them

Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith - 09.06.2023 20:51

The sad part of his life is all of their instagram posts were just ads and you can see how staged every single moment is in their life. I don't think he unalived himself but if he did I think his wife and Ellen both know more that they'll never say.

Jacqueline Diana Grace
Jacqueline Diana Grace - 09.06.2023 01:30

BTW, Ellen is from the deep south, Louisana. A toilet thanks to Exxon Mobile and racist shitebags like Ellen.

Jacqueline Diana Grace
Jacqueline Diana Grace - 09.06.2023 01:27

He was murdered! I think Allison was threatened to accept the bs findings or they'd come after her kids. It'd be hard to find him without his car and phone on airplane mode. I completely understand protecting your kids and we should, too. At just about any cost.
Dr. Phil WAS investing child trafficking and then CRICKETS! He had said it goes all the way to the highest offices of government. He must have been threatened, too. Temember, Oprah was great friends with Harvey Weinstein. Yeah, WEIRD!

Don - 08.06.2023 07:29

None of us truly know the core thoughts of any other.

Jeanette Bautista
Jeanette Bautista - 07.06.2023 04:00

Yes since tWitch passed away I know I know I'm not the only one that feels extremely upset angry because in my heart I didn't feel he deleted himself. Someone killed tWitch I felt that from the very beginning. He loved his kids and family. I did not want to hear the rumours because he was always happy this definitely was not the type of Guy who would delete himself Ever!!!!! I have Always Wanted Someone to Reopen case. It just has to Be!!! That past challenge is his job with Ellen. DeGeneres. TWitch was Done Wrong, let him Rest in Peace by being Truthful!!!!

Ask Aunty D
Ask Aunty D - 05.06.2023 12:59

I think twich may have been gay... his wife found out & threatened him...

Rachel Toby
Rachel Toby - 05.06.2023 08:52

WHO CARES WHAT THE WORLD THINKS!!! Twitch isn't here and NOTHING can bring him back. Only The Lords knows and the people involved. NOTHING is worth losing peace of mind and joy cause by hate. You brought so much joy in homes Twitch, thank you.

Stephanie Luke
Stephanie Luke - 05.06.2023 03:56


P Dig
P Dig - 04.06.2023 20:28

We all have stress when we work, but they need to investigate 🙏

Verna Danneker
Verna Danneker - 04.06.2023 20:05

I said from the beginning, Ellen has something to do with his death

JJ - 04.06.2023 06:57

I personally think that @todrickhall is poison. He’ll say anything for attention

Mel Warson
Mel Warson - 04.06.2023 04:10

How did no one at the hotel hear the gunshot? They found him after he didn't check out.

Sharon Smith
Sharon Smith - 03.06.2023 10:00

Has twich mom ever spoke ???

Sharon Smith
Sharon Smith - 03.06.2023 09:57

Re open the case Ellen is a devil
Anne H. N that other young lady years ago

Missy Davis
Missy Davis - 02.06.2023 22:39

Did some one doing buisness wuth gim fo gim dirty?

laruebridge - 02.06.2023 04:34

Being in the public eye people tend to wear masks, what you see is not always what is real. The only thing Todrick said that was true is that he doesn't know what was going on in Stephans life.

RedLeo3000 - 01.06.2023 15:02

Jennifer Hudson probably sacrificed him like she did to her family members.
