FFXIV: Endwalker Reaper Guide [Patch 6.5]

FFXIV: Endwalker Reaper Guide [Patch 6.5]


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@astorant7084 - 20.09.2023 12:57

As a Machinist player that intro actually hurt lol

@shadowdragon8168 - 08.09.2023 04:10

So I have a question that might be kind of dumb, but does reaper need to use filler GCDs anywhere in its rotation? The reason I ask is because I've been practicing the rotation on a training dummy and rotation is aligning very weirdly at the third and fourth Double Enshroud windows.

Basically what's happening is if I don't use a filler at some point before the third and fourth Double Enshroud, my Arcane Circle is only at 11-10 seconds left on on the CD when I finish off my 1-2-3 combo, and I'm having to use another GCD before starting Double Enshroud. Now the reason this is a problem is because I'm only at 20 red gauge at this point and if I hit Slice as the delay gcd there, then when I come out of DE, I have to either use Soul Scythe to not drift Gluttony but drop my combo or use Waxing Slice to not drop my combo but that causes Gluttony to drift a GCD and not be used inside of buffs since that Waxing Slice will only put me at 40 red gauge. I have also tried using slice and infernal slice before this Double Enshroud but that then causes AC to drift.

I don't think I'm messing up anywhere in the rotation leading up to this point and the rotation leading up to this point seems to be perfect with the timing for everything, its only when I hit the third Double Enshroud this issue presents itself and it seems like this timing on the third Double Enshroud is consistent across all my practice. I've tried a number of different things but the only thing that has seemed to work is using harvest moon/harpe at some point before this third enshroud window as a filler, but I haven't seen mention anywhere of needing to use fillers as Reaper and its infuriating me as to why I'm needing to. My GCD is 2.49 which is the recommended so I don't think its that. Am I unknowingly drifting AC at some point before this or is this just how everything lines up at that point and I just have to deal with drifting one of these CDs/losing a combo?

Edit: Accidently typed Infernal Slice when I meant Waxing Slice.

@Arminhammer - 25.08.2023 16:03

I just re-subbed to the game and try to play one of each role, glad it seems i picked the harder ones to play 😅 (Dark knight, sage and reaper) gonna be re-watching these. It sounds informative. Especially since i would like to do some raids at some point

@wildrelicproductions4879 - 21.08.2023 00:04

This shit is wayy to complicated I'ma not play this class and stick too my darkinight or my Samurai

@TheJanstyler - 10.08.2023 02:20

I havent played since shortly after Endwalker launch (started playing in 2017) and only now do I notice how god damn convoluted everything is. The "keep an eye out on this timer, this timer, that timer and this time" is honestly just annoying imo. I'd rather have a complex 30 button combo than having to dart around the screen with my eyes all the time for every little thing.

@MortalSora - 04.08.2023 10:40

So I've had more trouble with my rotation than expected. For example, something I need to know is what if you have say, 10 seconds to go til Gluttony is ready but Arcane Circle is off cooldown which has happened to me more than a few times. What do I do? I don't need to let Arcane Circle drift but doing this will make Gluttony drift so I don't know what to prioritize. The other big problem I encounter is if I have, for example, 30 on my Enshroud gauge but then the boss goes untargetable. Then by the time the boss can be targeted again Arcane Circle will be off cooldown but Endshroud isn't ready. What then?

@Koyu_Ruh - 19.07.2023 04:59

Well, it's nice to see that I am not doing terrible with the rotation I got used to! Definitely good to watch this video to learn about the opener and to think about using my CDs with my group. I have yet to get to a raid or start Endwalker, but it's good to be prepared for later already. I'll certainly make sure to go through it again when I am at level 90 and got everything unlocked. It's always helpful to look something up while still learning it, to learn it right. Not gonna lie? The opener? Well, that one I completely blundered so far! Thank you for the guide, I'll make sure to get used to the opener before I head to any raids!

@raarasunai4896 - 10.07.2023 23:34

I’m gonna set a macro to shout “BANKAI!” when I use Enshroud

@CynaaMin - 23.06.2023 03:21

Fantastic guide, the weapon in the thumbnail though I need to know which that is.

@liaevans4483 - 22.06.2023 23:48

I didn't realize shroud attacks didn't have positionals omg

@naxyzswtor.vindicta2088 - 20.06.2023 12:44

Hey pretty good, what about the stats please ?

@Itsumi456 - 17.06.2023 14:30

I'm 10 seconds in and as a machinist that thinks reaper looks cool I feel personally attacked

@alexalicious8173 - 15.06.2023 09:22

Great video, my brain hurts!

@MrPipegogo - 12.06.2023 21:24

I’m new to reaper and was wondering why enter shroud at 6sec instead of 9sec on the first arcane circle after opener?

@benfuller3413 - 05.06.2023 01:07

So many abilities, I'd never be able to remember all this. Thank goodness I don't entendre to do end game stuff in this game as I'd suck big time

@AxioSxFYR - 31.05.2023 08:10

One of the best FFXIV class guides I’ve ever seen. Especially the priority list in Rotation portion. Gonna watch your Paladin guide next 👍🏽

@sundalius - 28.05.2023 18:36

How you got a 4mo old 6.4 guide

@adderallsenpai - 26.05.2023 22:37

Was kinda already on the right track through trial and error but now i can refine my approach

@cyberus9790 - 20.05.2023 01:02

Is there a way to get that opening intro frame of the reaper as a screensaver or something? It looks amazing!

@TheFirstDandelione - 22.04.2023 07:49

the actual game sound of the opener would be awesome to include in a how-to guide, for those of us who rely on our hearing (not being facetious). personally, I41 rely on the actual sounds of my abilities to designate ping for global cooldown and animation lockage. your guides are great, and this is in no way a criticism.

@ArmsToCall - 21.04.2023 16:51

I saw top reaper players always have 50 red gauge before their reopener, and they seem to delay their arcane circle a bit instead of pressing it on cooldown. Is this better for buff alignment? I’m using the 2.49 sks. Also, i feel like i’m always clipping the void reaping combos, maybe its a ping issue?

@touchthebacon5447 - 08.04.2023 13:22

What armor is that in the thumbnail?

@bosslife914 - 05.04.2023 02:43

hi im new to ff14 i want to become reaper but im new in the game what shoukd i play for the moment ?

@thomasfulton5696 - 06.03.2023 03:03

Coming over from WoW since the end of Burning Crusade just bought the starter pack yesterday and the endwalker pack today and I’ve got to say I’m stuck on this game so much better than wow glad I made the switch

@xbostonboyiZfirex - 03.03.2023 06:06

I been reaper since day 1 and having trouble doing double commio, In double enshroud it keep falling off.

@Eldvilurk - 05.02.2023 23:26

Thanks for the Guide but nah i'm Not edgy i Like the Job because it reminds me of bloodborne which is my fav Game but sadly to this day No new bloodborne in sight so atleast i can live my bloodborne live in ff14

@skrawl8374 - 04.02.2023 05:41

Is this rotation better then the one where you do gluttony first?

@sc5theuzer - 29.01.2023 12:37

hoping 7.0 adds to reaper a bit of complexity, was really hoping they would make it as action heavy / combo important as dragoon. if they ever rework it, it probably won’t be for years, like 9.0 l lol. still very fun but painfully easy even in hard content.

@vtheman1850 - 21.01.2023 09:17

Great video if I could give any feedback it'd be to check the mic gain or mouth proximity when recording. The Mouth noises can be pretty taxing with headphones on :) Great vid though not trying to be negative :) <3

@DanielSantosAnalysis - 14.01.2023 08:24

As a Reaper main, I actually learned a few things here, thanks for the guide.

@popelipo6281 - 13.01.2023 21:53

Its a shame the game forces you into super wack rotations like the double shroud thing because they are dead set on designing everything around group buffs. Makes every job a pain in the ass to play.

@adjwindu70 - 10.01.2023 21:12

Damn.. why dunk on Machinist like that!? That was a previous main of mine.

Current main.... Reaper. Lol

@akirahill8091 - 08.01.2023 22:50

xdd reaper
