Count the number of each duplicate in Excel

Count the number of each duplicate in Excel

Barb Henderson

1 год назад

106,742 Просмотров

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David Reeves
David Reeves - 10.11.2023 11:34

Exactly what I was looking for, thanks so much

umeeksha sharma
umeeksha sharma - 10.10.2023 07:09

EXACTLY what i was looking for! thanksss

Mohammed Ali
Mohammed Ali - 08.10.2023 15:00

life saver

Ajae Wallace
Ajae Wallace - 26.09.2023 02:37

Thank you - this was exactly what I needed and easy to follow!

Moe Sadr
Moe Sadr - 05.09.2023 17:59

Can someone please explan how we also can the get the number of repeats for each unique value? Similar to Countif to ge the total number of each value within a coulumn? Let's say the first coulmn shows the Exact Unique Values and the second column shows the number of existing Unique Values next to its name. Thank you

Desirae Rodriguez
Desirae Rodriguez - 28.07.2023 18:09

Can this be done for numbers that are in any order or does this formula only work if the digits are exactly the same? Ex: 1234, 3412.

QuintonNgai - 05.07.2023 06:08

Thanks for the video. How can i count the number of each duplicate by month? or other criteria?

Abbott Katz
Abbott Katz - 07.02.2023 13:58

Why not enter =UNIQUE(A2:A9056) and then perform a COUNTIF on those results?

stevenmu73 - 06.02.2023 07:54

I saw your video today. And I actually copied the list then paste it in a different column then removed the duplicates from there, then I referenced the original list and used the new column as the criteria and boom you will have each # once and know how many times it has came up in the original list.
