How To Add One Extra Shutter Button For Photos

How To Add One Extra Shutter Button For Photos

Samsung In A Minute

4 года назад

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@stakon. - 20.05.2020 20:07

Thanx again!

@petemike1000 - 20.05.2020 20:20

Christ ! Its so sensitive on my Note 10 plus , took like 15 trys 😂🤗

@limjunxiang1618 - 20.05.2020 22:07

Wow nice. Just wanna ask that how you got the ios navigation panel?

@rileybusse9351 - 21.05.2020 01:25

Are you able to drag an extra camera button out of there to have a second camera shutter button and then do the same thing over and over again to have at least up to the 4 camera shutter buttons to glitch it out or does that not work

@durantandpop3792 - 15.10.2021 21:19

Thanks for fast, simple and accurate! I look for videos under 2 minutes. You addressed the question in 32 seconds! I had time to leave a good review!

@liwanagpatrickjamess.9813 - 27.05.2022 04:46

Why? I accidentally do this but i thought it was bug. I already contacted Samsung 😆 🤣
