Webpack Config Basics - 8. Source-maps

Webpack Config Basics - 8. Source-maps


7 лет назад

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@sfafsashfdh6589 - 02.08.2023 10:17

yes yes good

@tariq1587 - 23.07.2020 14:31

This is awesome, please do more
wouldnt mind being a supporter if you ever open a patreon

@talharafique8913 - 02.03.2020 13:55

i have to problem with the webpack 3. this methode is not working for me

@sushmitpalrishiyt - 29.08.2019 17:02

subscribed, you are awesome!

@jiangyelin6320 - 23.01.2019 12:26

This series is awesome! Thank you!

@donnervetter - 31.12.2018 15:52

Thank you so much for these tutorials! Clearly explained and all. Super nice!

@enterprisecloudnative8757 - 28.11.2018 17:44

devtool: 'inline-source-map',

@longfeili254 - 13.09.2017 04:06


@loayzag91 - 08.08.2017 02:14

If you run webpack-dev-server or webpack, it will run with the same devtool, yeah? Is there a way to separate which source map you use, depending on the script you choose? Or should I just always use a production one?

@michaelbruceallen3700 - 04.08.2017 07:50

Dude, I have paid for tutorials and they were great. But watching these is when I got Webpack. Maybe it was a mix of everything, but you explained things so well. Thank you!

@winnemucca-sk5392 - 18.05.2017 23:48

Could this have an effect on using the console when hitting break points? I am seeing that I do not have access to watchers and property values in the console with the current configurations.

@SoumyadipSarbajna - 25.02.2017 13:54

This is by far the best tutorial that i found on webpack. Thanks a lot.

@mirayareie2110 - 12.02.2017 18:41

Man, you are so much better than those I won't name explicitly have like 200k+ followers with their useless tuts. Thank you.

@AdamM - 26.01.2017 00:57

Awesome videos. Thanks for the webpack series. You mentioned about adding CSS to your webpack config... I tried this and even after looking at the docs couldn't figure out what was up... Would love to see a video on that as well. Thanks!

@shaftsbury120 - 29.12.2016 00:27

This series of videos was a godsend and came at just the right time! Webpack totally makes sense now ... it was hard playing catch up with webpack as opposed to following along with the incremental evolutionary changes over time. You did a masterful job of logically piecing webpack back together, step by step, with explanations and a rationale for each configuration section. Many thanks!!

@mentansh5702 - 02.12.2016 13:11

The amount of time this save me alone (not to mention the level of clarity) is worth at least a couple of beer. Looking forward to the next series 👍

@los_ - 25.11.2016 21:09

Thank you for this series. It was awesome. The mystery of the webpack.config.js is no more for me.

@huizhang7413 - 18.11.2016 10:11

I hava seen tons of videos and blogs about webpack, but your tutorial definitely is the clearest one I ever seen, Thank you so much!!!

@SuborbitalSentinel - 03.11.2016 17:28

These tutorials really take the 'magic' out of webpack. Thank you for explaining it so clearly.

@Biscuit0516 - 07.10.2016 23:41

This was such an amazing tutorial. You should give tutorials on how to write effective tutorials. Seriously...so many people want to skip ahead to complicated workflows and to just 'assume away' the basics of webpack (or any other technology). (As just one of many examples, I love how you took the time to explain how the path object in Node works). It's great when the underlying technology can be separated from its environment so that you can see how it works without other dependencies and adjacent applications muddying the waters. Great job; keep up the good work!
