Kingston Wi-Drive Media Hub for iOS and other 802.11 Devices

Kingston Wi-Drive Media Hub for iOS and other 802.11 Devices

Snazzy Labs

13 лет назад

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@snazzy - 09.08.2011 22:36

@italktech21 Yes. You can choose between WEP. WPA, WPA2.

@snazzy - 09.08.2011 22:36

@TheTechBearer Yes, up to 3 people can use this, and no, it doesn't shorten the battery life duration.

@snazzy - 09.08.2011 22:37

@causse The Wi-Drive just mounts as a usual disk, so no software is necessary. A few are full HD, but most are designed for retina iPhone 4.

@snazzy - 09.08.2011 22:37

@iPhoneiPadReviews Because they're not the same thing. AirPlay required Wi-Fi. This does not.

@snazzy - 09.08.2011 22:39

@ddaryoush16 Eighteen.

@ky13w0n9 - 09.08.2011 22:57

omg! iphoen 5!

@MrRetla1 - 09.08.2011 23:07

wow great product and review man!

@Quepiid - 10.08.2011 00:15

Really cool. I would want Sumthin wit atleast 150 gb tho. I guess I'll just b waiting for a few years

@jj9k - 10.08.2011 00:18

good review

@thefuf99 - 10.08.2011 03:24

My reaction: meh

@Jazzie646 - 10.08.2011 03:40

Im soo feeling this product! Thanks Quinn <3

@ra55575 - 10.08.2011 03:42

Battery life is a let down and I hate having to charge so many things. That film Red on your drive, is it the one when the creepy guy and the women are on a plane and he has her dad hostage?

@Stevieboy7 - 10.08.2011 07:22

Seagate GoFlex Satellite does the EXACT same thing, but has 500gb for 199$.... a MUCH better deal.

@m6b0i - 10.08.2011 10:24

@ivarsrini Seagate has one wireless hard drive that is 500 gb that will stream to the iPad but i dont know about the iphone. it is $199.99

@kazora1001 - 10.08.2011 14:41

i say that is overpriced

@jeffjoraj - 11.08.2011 05:20

I see you illegaly download copywrited content. THUMBS UP

@palmer11000 - 11.08.2011 09:28

hey are you apart of the honors program at university of utah?

@danielgartin6993 - 30.11.2011 02:55

Cool dude

@Terd2402 - 14.12.2011 12:48

Dude this review is about an external hard drive but you keep reminding us that the content is not on the phone... It's on the wi-drive! Haha I think we understand that! Anyway good review, it's $60 as of now for the 16gb via amazon

@elisaulcordova - 16.12.2011 03:15

when you entered your static ip address into your iphone to access the wi drive directly without the need of the downloading the kingston app is it possible for your neighbor to do the same and watch those movies? and does the wifi signal depend on the loading time of the movie? Can you use it as a portable serveras well such as other users downloading content onto their portable devices? For instance iplug the wi drive onto my computer and upload a movie onto it, can i download it ontomy laptop

@terraria103 - 23.01.2012 21:45

You do know that you can jump around because the widrive does not live stream it. Your iPhone caches it up and holds it there.

@Electricalreviews102 - 11.02.2012 07:09

so is the wi-fi free or do you pay monthly

@66gfunk - 12.02.2012 08:17

yes its free per month, its not real internet its just a wifi connection....

@marcojuco21 - 27.02.2012 08:36

i went an bought one at amazon because there only $50 "what a deal"

@MrEssodino1 - 11.03.2012 20:59

Thanks dude for the great review

@ToniSkit - 21.03.2012 17:08

a small dilemma some people mention is that it is FAT32 format which limitrs the transfer of data to a maximum of 4gb...not a problem on my part but some people might not be aware of this and it may be a limitation to them

@krypticmac - 05.04.2012 17:33

is there a way to put files from the iphone to the wi drive? like if you film a video on your iphone and then upload it to the widrive for storage. instead of keeping it on your phone.

@theawesomeness9911 - 14.04.2012 10:25

Will this work on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus?

@theawesomeness9911 - 14.04.2012 10:35

Will this use data on my phone to connect to the Wi-drive?

@isaboll1 - 25.04.2012 02:56

its on amazon for 50 dollars.

@MacXcode - 09.05.2012 06:23

Hi Quinn, did you ever get a chance to look into the Seagate Goflex Satellite with 500Gg? It does exactly the same thing like Kington Wi-Drive but with 500Gigs for $199. I got it on sale for $140 a couple weeks ago and it works "Great". I just wanted to hear what you think of it? Thanks.

@albert8427 - 12.05.2012 11:40

can your save things from your ipad or iphone to this device? or do you have to put the content on the drive then only stream? please respond!

@AdmiralAkainu8 - 21.05.2012 02:26

i'm thinking of buying this device to store all my uni work. i use Mac, but will it work like a normal USB when i connect it to a normal PC windows?? an also is there new version of this in stores or there any other storage device u know that are better than this one?... please let me know ,thanks

@victorandgio - 24.06.2012 11:12

How do you Download movies on it?

@underdog824 - 13.07.2012 02:11

i cant get my itunes movie files to work with the widrive how do i get them to work

@Badlyanomynus - 25.07.2012 05:34

so i can' store games

@terraria103 - 28.07.2012 20:36

" and the movie starts playing instantaneously"......*hurry up you dumb iPhone don't make me look bad on the internet!* plays.....*whew*

@vipleather - 16.08.2012 03:31

Too bad you can't play avi or mkv which I have loads of. I bought the 32 gig at amazon for 68 bucks. I might return it when it shows up. : (. .

@Jfuentes381 - 13.09.2012 11:32

i just got the 32gb on ebay for $79, everything works except i cant use the internet. I whent to the settings on the app connected to my router put my password, and still doesnt connect, what am i doing wrong???

@zmanel - 01.10.2012 21:25

Sorry , to ask even if it has been asked , does it support upload from an ipad to the wi drive ? and the other way around ?

@eozen81 - 20.01.2013 02:05

A crucial question: Does this device support subtitles for video playing?

@kailen98 - 20.01.2013 09:18

It's $34 now on amazon

@SnorwayFlake - 06.03.2013 04:42

Right now there's a 128 GB and I don't know the price where you (the reeder of this comment) but hear in Norway it is very affordable.

@anubhavjain739 - 10.03.2013 20:55

How to run avi and other formate video in widrive except mp4

@1683clifton - 03.06.2013 01:49

The question no one will answer, can I transfer a downloaded file, such as an mp4, directly from my kindle fire to the wi drive? I am not planning to buy a full fledged computer just because kindle will not provide any means of external storage..

@fun2sea - 27.09.2013 04:58

hi Quinn can you show us how to download the movie and video on the wi-drive...please

@fun2sea - 27.09.2013 04:59

because when I download or drag it to the wi-drive the movie and video its not working ..please tell me how?

@Richschl - 20.12.2013 12:40

can i export media from my iphone to the wi-drive?

@ozpayyildirim - 01.01.2014 22:21

dont get the price and the space

@naman201 - 21.01.2015 17:04

Can we transfer out music photos and videos into that device from our idevice ?????
