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@elijahwildhorse6735 - 29.11.2023 23:55

They make $56 million seem like them a lot of money there’s over 17,000 seminal numbers that means each person gets about a 3 to $4000 check what money are they really getting

@newme1813 - 28.11.2023 21:28

My paternal grandmother was full Seminole! My paternal grandfather was Black Cherokee! By way of Florida, THEY WERE ORIGINALS!
These other "Indians" are Mongolians! All original "Ameri Indians" where dark, copper tones!

@emmanueljenkins3303 - 27.11.2023 00:18

These natives are just as bad as the Europeans we are the copper real Indians anyway. This whole thing is messed up.

@begley33 - 24.11.2023 18:15

As long as yall know there is no such thing as a "black indian" thats us 100 % we're the same people people whove always been here before the fake slave story

@robertscott5895 - 23.11.2023 09:03

SHAME on you red indians!!!!!!! you are really a shame to the whole native family, and now you are just like the WHITE men who you are trying to become!!!!!! I have native blood in my veins and as a black mixed man i'm ashamed to be called "native mixed" because of people like you!!!!God is a rewarder and a punisher and He will judge you oneday!!!!

@Pinkhousestudios - 22.11.2023 18:26

Most blks are mixed. Bc they been tryna wash out dna. Still doing it.

@user-cs9rx5ev6o - 19.11.2023 17:24

If youre not Indian YOURE NOT INDIAN...!!! AND Blacks run the whites not the Indians...white man saying the blacks ran the Indians...FUCK HIM..!!!

@claytonporter7878 - 19.11.2023 01:14


@kalimariemaat808 - 18.11.2023 04:08

I’m here with Charlie Hill Trick or Treaty 😂

@robjohn6943 - 17.11.2023 12:49

Very sad, very unfair, shameful!

@queena-rise59 - 16.11.2023 18:48

He Needs to get Tested

@Playground77777 - 16.11.2023 09:40

Greed feeds evil

@pierj - 14.11.2023 05:35

Why are white people who have no culture and heritage, the ones that determine what is true blood for any race? Whites and government rule everything and I dont understand why its ok.

@peterg4838 - 13.11.2023 01:17

Funny thing is, he a Samoan looking type guy, not a real Niiji... why do we always have to prove ourselves of who we are and who their not.

@100conquest - 11.11.2023 07:13

What is his proof that hes 100% indigenous, dude is a whole Asian talking about native 😂

@leighwilliams74 - 10.11.2023 20:17

My grandmother told me when I was just about to enter college that our family was part of the Seminole tribe. This hurts to hear because my family was just about to try to connect.

@quincycrandle5136 - 08.11.2023 18:06

Did you catch that? That’s how they stole the identity of the real American Indians. (Black Indians) Every woman has the Eve gene 🧬. These mongols are not the real Indians. The land was ours before 1823. When he turned his back on our ancestors, he turned his back on US. That’s why their attitude is go back to Africa. The fake natives and the Europeans made a deal for the land they’re on and money at a time when they would need them to authenticate the out of Africa theory. We tilled the land because we owned the land and they were allowed to live on the land because of us. Freeman as a term applied to blacks in a derogatory way because the colonizers sought to enslave us and take our land. The war was with us. If they were captured wouldn’t they be slaves also? Why would it be a different standard for them if it’s their land? These ppl went thru a lot of trouble to cover up the truth.😂

@eleazaryasharahla7792 - 06.11.2023 01:43

"Negroes and Indians mixed freely from the start in Florida, where they and the whites first met in what is now the United States. H. G. Loskiel, writing in the 1790's said, "The Indians and the Negroes marry without any scruple." G. Catlin, authority on the Indians says they welcomed fugitive slaves. He says, "As they came with a good share of the tricks and arts of civilization they are at once looked upon by the tribe as extraordinary and important personages; and generally marry the daughters of chiefs, thus uniting theirs with the best blood of the nation which produce these remarkably fine and powerful men that I have spoken of above." "The finest and most powerful men I have ever yet seen have been some of the last mentioned, the Negro and North American Indian mixed of equal blood." Of one Missouri Negro- Indian chief, Pe-toh-pee-kiss (The Eagle's Ribs), he says, "This man is one of the extraordinary man of the Blackfoot tribe ... His dress is really superb; almost literally covered with scalp-locks." There is a portrait of him sketched from life. Of Ta-wah-nah (Mountain of Rocks) Texas Comanche chief, he said, "A perfect personation of Jack Falstaff in size and figure with African face." There are also portraits of him and other Negro Indian chiefs. Negro Indian chiefs have been fairly plentiful especially in Florida. The Wisconsin Indians had considerable Negro strain, and their great chief, Oshkosh, for whom a town was named, was undoubtedly of Negro ancestry. So was his son-in-law, John Baptist DuBe (or DuBay), who was called "a black Ethiopian." Indians and Negroes have mixed so freely over the centuries that today along the Atlantic Coast and the Southwest, an Indian is more mulatto and Negro than anything else. In certain states, as Virginia, an Indian is only one while on the reservation. Away from it, he is a Negro. The Negro strain in the much mentioned Indian one of Charles Curtis, vice-president of the United States (1929-33) was apparent.

Negro Origin of the Creoles

The Creoles of New Orleans assert they are of unmixed an-cestry and object to colored people using the name. But Blumenback (1752-1840), Father of modern anthropology, says, "The word originated with the Ethiopian (Negro) slaves transplanted in the sixteenth century to the mines in America, who first called their own children who were born there Criollos and Criollas." (Anthrop. Treatise, p. 112, 215, 1840). He cites as authority, a Spanish-American historian of the seventeenth century, Gar cilasso de Vega, (Origen de los Incas, p. 255, 1633), first published in 1609. There is good reason to believe that this name was passed on to children borne by black women for white men, also, and the offspring of these children. Moreau de St. Mery's use of the word is an instance. St. Mercy was born in Martinique in 1750, and was one of the leading writers and political figures of his time. In 1793, he visited the United States and wrote his American Journey, in which he said as regards yellow fever, of which Negroes and those of Negro ancestry are believed to be immune, "It was said everywhere that I was stricken with it but since I am a Creole it was highly improper to include me in that number."

This passage has proved a mystery to Kenneth Roberts, author of "Lydia Bailey" and other novels. In his translation of "American Journey," he says, "This is confusing. The word 'creole' properly speaking has no connotation of color. It means a person born in the West Indies of Spanish or French parents, as distinguished from immigrants direct from France or Spain, or from Negroes, mulattoes or aboriginals Nowhere is the indication that Moreau had colored blood. White Creoles were not supposed to be immune. Why Moreau should imagine he was immune because he was born in the West Indies is a mystery." In short, it does seem that St. Mery used "creole" in its right sense, that is, he knew he had a Negro strain. St. Mery was a relative of Empress Josephine, whose color justified the belief she was of Negro ancestry. Since, as was said, "creole" is of Negro origin and since the first native-born Americans were of Indian, Negro, and Caucasian stock in Florida is it not possible that "creole" still held its original meaning in that region and that therefore Louisiana Creoles are originally of this mixed stock?

That a more numerous "racial" group in any given environment usually absorbs the smaller is commonplace fact. The countries of the New World offer many instances of this. For instance in the British West Indies, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic the blacks have been absorbing the whites; in Uruguay and Argentina, the whites have been absorbing the Indians and the Negroes; in the eastern United States, the Negroes are absorbing the Indians; and in the Western States it is the whites who are. This letter to the open columns of the New York Daily News might be intended as satire but it is typical of American ancestry:

"What's my nationality, please. My great-great-great-great-grandfather came over on the Mayflower. He married an Indian; his son married an African. The son of this child married a German, and their son married a Jew. Their son married a Jap, and the son of that union married an Italian. Their boy married a Poleand so it went. I'm getting married to an Italian in the New Year. My sweetheart says I am an American, but I would just like to know for sure, so as to fill out the blanks properly on the marriage license application. Mixed-Up Jose."

Unless there is a great incoming of Negroes to the United States, those now there will be absorbed. But whether we have white absorbing black or black absorbing white we will still have only humanity for as Emerson said, "If you have man, black or white is an insignificance. The intellect -- that is miraculous! Who has it has the talisman. His skin and bones though they were of the color of night are transparent and the everlasting stars shine through."" -Nature Knows No Color-Line, by J.A. Roger's, page 203-207

"12. History of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Indians. p. 58. 1754. 13. North American Indians. Vol. 1, p. 39; Vol. 2, p. 75, 250 et seq. See also, Coe, C. H. Red Patriots, p. 250. Also Phylon, 3rd. Quar. 1947. where K. W. Porter gives much detail of Negro-Indian families in Florida. Relations between Indians and Negroes, Jour .of Negro Hist. Vol. 18, 1933, pp. 283-321. Racial Composition of the Seminole Indians of Florida and Oklahoma, Vol. 19, 1934, pp. 412-430. History, Vol. 19, pp. 412-430, 1934). Negroes in Florida Prior to the Civil War Racial Composition of the Seminole Indians. Jour. Negro 14. Krug, M .E. DuBay, p. 128. 1946. See also Chap. 35, Sex and Race, Vol 2 pp. 77-86., p. 339 also. 15. p. 236n. 1947." -Nature Knows No Color-Line, by J.A. Roger's, page 204-206

@CheapStocksTV - 05.11.2023 16:40

What happen to the lawsuit?

@g.bangura - 04.11.2023 13:24

The chief isn't real...

@hollowpoynt7414 - 04.11.2023 07:24

Im definitely Chaoctaw or the real name chata ....but its plenty of white peope posing as native because of the dawes roll

@cccck481 - 02.11.2023 01:54

Proof? Proof?!!! Try the TAmerikaans Gewest van Florida Door Ferdinand De Soto Map!!!!! 🗺️ They were here First!!!!!!🥇⚡️🥶

@TheMultiolddude - 29.10.2023 19:13

The Black Seminole! You would think after being constantly lied to,villages destroyed, families killed you wouldn't trust anything you hear or see without the test of fire! Especially not anyone who turns on his own people for the oppressors! Indians are a proud people who know their enemy. Not all , for now some have been infected with the disease of self annihilation of their people for money and power. I wonder even to the truth of history given now that has been sifted by others who have no love for those whose land they took. Enemies who even today are trying to erase your history even to the point of none existence! Yet here's a Chief who wants to do the same thing but in a different way. When will it end? Why hate people who only want to be left alone? Well.....

@jaraemcknight9721 - 27.10.2023 00:44

Money, really, is that why you and your were sloughtered

@christopherbrown9279 - 26.10.2023 12:36

Black people have to quit believing the lie they brought us from Africa. We are indigenous to America just like the aboriginals of Australia. They lied and said we were from Africa.

@christopherbrown9279 - 26.10.2023 12:31

Black Indians have been in America before the slave trade.

@burlietowner2851 - 25.10.2023 19:46

The love of money, is the root of all evil.

@Zapp33311 - 21.10.2023 17:11

Id feel embarrassed if my people were doing all they can to get accepted by another group but get rejected. It’s like unwelcome people climbing through windows and chimneys trying to get in because all the doors are locked. 😂

@cjfrank1000 - 19.10.2023 23:14

There's no black man and white that is all program, So called black people are the real INDIGENOUS AMERICAN INDIANS and the EUROPEANS are created slaves and servants created by the Ancestors of the real INDIGENOUS AMERICAN INDIANS labeled as black people to be the workforce, Servants and slaves to them a long side the ASIAN MONGOLIANS, HINDUSTANIS AND ARABS.

@jdavis9403 - 17.10.2023 01:07

The chief looks like a Chinese immigrant not Indian

@MAXIMA347 - 16.10.2023 22:55

Right there prove your Indian. How about you prove. There's no black nothing lady you are the Seminole no red and black. You are the copper colored, the ones Columbus and others seen first when they arrive here and called it the new world. Let them hold on to that book, we know the truth and we are coming. How come no painting or statues from 1600s 1700, ever look anything like these folks who say anything and have power to say what you are. As it's been said when Nat Tuner was on the run and he hid amongst the indian they couldn't tell the difference. So they trying to say they lost color over time gtfoh. This lady doing the interview doesn't even realize who she is sad. This type of stuff just upset me.

@Eastside318 - 15.10.2023 15:55

Basically white man say I'll give red man money but y'all got to get rid of them blaxks first

@pinkhousestudio - 13.10.2023 04:23

Hide the history bc the children are owed land. Give the Children back their land.

@matthewmann8969 - 11.10.2023 05:23

Yeah within "The Five Civilized Tribes" themselves there was a race totem pole with Whites at the top, Ashkenazi Jews at the second, Mixed Bloods which are White And Amerindian Mixed And Or Ashkenazi Jew And Amerindian Mixed, Pure Or Near Pure Amerindians after, Black Indians which are a mix of Black And Amerindian next, and then pure or near pure Blacks at the very bottom yeah.

@blackavenger2437 - 08.10.2023 02:33

Bro he don’t even look Indian he looks Asian

@deus_david13 - 06.10.2023 01:13


@cjturner9688 - 27.09.2023 18:11

this happened to the choctaw and caddo as well

@amonone399 - 25.09.2023 21:23

2002 SPECIAL REPORT: “indigenous SEMINOLES” Disrespectful, Ignorant headline fixed.

@jamesravenell3793 - 25.09.2023 03:47

If I was these black Seminole, I would sign up with black Seminoles.
This Jerry Hannie have an American name, why is he Chief.
That's not a native name and by the way he's very uneducated.
He's probably not even giving the rest of the tribe members their money.
He looks like a nasty disgusting thing. He should move back to Oklahoma on his "Engine/ indian" journey with his wild horses and Buffalos 🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃

@jamesravenell3793 - 25.09.2023 03:36

This man is racist just like the rest of these $5 dollars Indians.
They need to file a law suit on this so call Seminole cheif in Florida.
They are getting all this money and they don't want to give the black Seminole their money.
That's a shame, these people are Buffalo Soldiers.
Jerry Haney, my cousin have that last name in South Carolina..
This man know that these black people are Seminole.

@80zBabee - 24.09.2023 15:24

The Caucasity of him when he sitting up there looking like Mr. Miyagi 🗿. Black ppl we know the truth. Let's move accordingly

@gloriasmith5671 - 23.09.2023 21:41

It doesn’t matter to me bc I’d rather be identified as African American anyways

@user-fu5ws7sn2b - 21.09.2023 07:06

So there isn't any blacks in America that have African origin in them don't try to wipe away who you black Africans really are that's not right

@EL418_ - 20.09.2023 19:21

They’re not American Indian they’re Mongolian and was put there by the u.s gov to cause this very confusion smh the so call blacks are indeed American Indian aka indigenous to the Americas.

@EL418_ - 20.09.2023 19:07

The chief is dam Chinese mannnn smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ omg and he’s Indian the government make u a Indian thts why he going by the books 😂😂

@EL418_ - 20.09.2023 19:02

It’s just funny the chief look just like Kim yon frm North Korea 🇰🇵 and claiming to be indigenous to America wft is going on here ? Hijack 😂😂😂 Hollywood Indian

@resistancelucayanmayo - 19.09.2023 21:09

That guy got some nerve and rest of these imposters the true original real american indians are the so called hispanic an so called african americans , its time we get recognized as who we are

@skylight4475 - 16.09.2023 20:30

They are not black they are Seminoles; they are not African Americans: they are Seminoles. They are the original Indians. America was once called India and these people were there all the time. They are blood Seminoles. The Govt are full of Shit!!
Cimarron means Untamed and Wild, not Runaway slaves!!
