#THISISRUSSIA. EPISODE 6. Chita/Why do they break bones?/Governor and rap/Olivier with black caviar

#THISISRUSSIA. EPISODE 6. Chita/Why do they break bones?/Governor and rap/Olivier with black caviar

Real Russia

55 лет назад

6,848 Просмотров

Our previous, 5th episode, was also about Chita, but it turned out to be not entirely joyful and even caused some resonance in the comments! But the city is really interesting and has something to see. Therefore, in episode 6 we will try to tell you more about how culture and creativity develop in the city, how the Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory reads rap, and also show you the beauty of Chita too.

Follow our crew on social networks:
Kuraj-Bambey - https://instagram.com/kurajbambey
Boris Kolesnikov - https://instagram.com/boriskolesnikov
Vladimir Sukhov - https://instagram.com/va_sukhov
Sergey Ivoshin - https://instagram.com/ivoshin_sv
In this series:
00:00 - about the project
00:49 - in this issue
01:31 - how Denis voices videos on a trip
02:51 - the main attraction according to "Baris"
03:13 - a little about the city
03:40 - Lydia Viktorovna about her city
03:55 - good and creative people
04:05 - Governor rap
04:25 - Igor Eliseev's creative studio apartment
05:56 - why does Igor love Chita?
06:52 - new cover of our project
07:13 - visiting Dodo
08:16 - about the climate of Chita
08:50 - what has changed in Chita in 3 years?
09:00 - and a little more rap
09:48 - customization for you from our partner - 10% discount on Dodo pizza
10:37 - pizza runs out, chick-chick-chick
10:50 - Chita - a copy of Peter ?!
11:23 am - giving an interview at Mayak
11:54 - Denis is now leading news in Chita
1:13 pm - Eat and Chat: Recording the Burevestnik podcast
13:47 - how did our project start?
13:55 - The Kolesnikovs are not relatives!
15:40 - why do Buryats break bones ?!
16:35 - gastro-pub "2nd floor"
17:28 - Olivier with black caviar
17:55 - a little more rap, about Samara
18:25 - Chita's secret bar
19:25 - DJ-set from Kuraj-Bambey, party
19:50 - release results

General partner - Dodo Pizza company:

Hospitality partner - AZIMUT Hotels chain:

Series production - ER-PRODUCTION.RU media studio - https://erproduction.ru

Courage-Bambey official website:

Hypermarket of musical instruments SKIFMUSIC - https://skifmusic.ru
Shopping abroad service SHOPOZZ - https://shopozz.ru
Food delivery service FOODZZ - https://foodzz.ru
Musical museum-bar in Samara GUITAR Bar - https://guitarbar.ru

#ThisIsRussia #KurajBambey #DodoPizza
#kurajBambey, #DenisKolesnikov, #BorisKolesnikov, #VladimirSukhov, #SergeyIvoshin,
#thatisthewholeofRussia, #pre-trip, #Russia, #traveltoRussia, #internaltourism, #travel, #blogtravel, #vlogwheels, #motorrally, #motorrallyofRussia, #VladivostokMoscow, #travel, #travel, #traveler, #traveler, #travelers, #relaxing, #restinRussia, #cruise, #tour, #theway, #flight, #aroundtheworld, #summer, #summer2020, #tourist, #travelblogger, #travelblog, #travelblogger
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