Australia's ageing population and high immigration are having a huge impact on the economy | 7.30

Australia's ageing population and high immigration are having a huge impact on the economy | 7.30

ABC News In-depth

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Woobykal - 20.08.2023 12:45

Ahhh the great ponzy scheme of never ending population growth. Ponzy schemes always end in disaster.

Woobykal - 20.08.2023 12:41

If it wasnt for immigration our population would be going backwards. The great replacement.

Andrew Alexeff
Andrew Alexeff - 23.06.2023 11:25

Keep Autralia 80-90% White

Britneybij - 21.05.2023 22:26

Any 1st world country having a population issue👇🏾

The politicians: No ones having babies! What do we do?!

The citizens: You could make things more affordable and stable that we can take care of ourselves and feel secure enough to have children...

The Politicians:.....Nah....

The Citizens:....Okay....then what about taking in immigrants instead?

The politicians: HEAVENS NO!

The Citizens: PICK A STRUGGLE!

Andrew Attenborough two thumbs movies  paranormal
Andrew Attenborough two thumbs movies paranormal - 26.01.2023 02:57

Baby boomers had it easy 60 and 70 years ago and others my generation and younger are struggling and don’t have as man opportunities like they did 60 years ago even 30 years ago my parents struggled on low incomes

Eric Stewart
Eric Stewart - 09.01.2023 23:25

Immigration is not the answer.

Ryan B
Ryan B - 04.12.2022 19:30

high cost of living? just live in perth.

blue bee
blue bee - 21.08.2022 18:25

How about the government encourages its own people to work its needed jobs? Subsidize higher salaries, child raising, institute a National Service...Australia, like other Western countries, doesn't seem to have any self-respect anymore.

Retro Thingz
Retro Thingz - 09.08.2022 00:36

Problems arrive for the elderly , life - long, overly dependent couples if they rely heavily on two pensions. When one of them has gone the survivor will be facing a 50 percent drop in their household income and a 100 percent increase in their cost of living. Not so much of an issue if they are independently wealthy. Although, in many cases , the remaining partner will often die not long after their spouse. The take home message ? Never lose the ability to lead a productive, independent life as a solo pilot.

Alex Shiro
Alex Shiro - 16.06.2022 03:13

Later generations beyond the boomers now can’t leave school at 14, that older couple are very out of touch with the labour market, the school system, the cost of living and life.

Good on them for doing what they can with what they had but if they were born into other countries without the favourable conditions of Australia at that exact time, they’d have very different stories to tell.

sayitlikeitis - 10.06.2022 13:23

There is so much about Australia & the global picture today that cannot be compared to say the
60s to 2000s so cannot agree with the gentleman here. I'm in my 70s and and from my teenage years
into my 40s there were many more job opportunities than today, cost of living was far less, housing
was cheaper relative to one's income etc etc. I would hate to be a late teen today trying to make sense
of how my future might look with the general costs, job options, accomm costs etc! I feel very fortunate
that the bulk of my life unfolded in the period it did and I will feel forever grateful that I actually had
the beautiful life in Aus that I did. The Aus I look at today scares me!

Jessie J
Jessie J - 07.11.2021 03:57

Coronavirus was sent by God to fix this problem. Who's smart idea to start a lockdown? If this is the case don't complain about age care costs.

Graham Dowdell
Graham Dowdell - 13.09.2021 14:08

Old guy at the end seems to think that when he paid 2 years salary for his first house compared to today where it’s between 8-10 years salary is no big deal. Truely old people who are so bias it’s no funny.

Graham Dowdell
Graham Dowdell - 13.09.2021 14:05

Great, about time we lived within our means. No more immigration until normal Australians have a house and can raise a family if they wanted to.

Lin Haton
Lin Haton - 11.09.2021 19:05

Nobody works 23 out of 24 hours per day.

Mitchell Jacgung
Mitchell Jacgung - 06.08.2021 12:47

The boomers in this story are so out of touch.

Kimi bell–zhong
Kimi bell–zhong - 27.07.2021 07:27

YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO EUROPE where you white people originated and leave this beautiful country to ABORIGINALS where it belongs to rightfully!🙄
Hypocrisy at its finest with commentors, always blaming their problems on someone else.
If you want the migrants to return so should you!

Mary Mojsovski
Mary Mojsovski - 10.07.2021 05:01

Good on them

Fredrick Obrechistein
Fredrick Obrechistein - 27.06.2021 01:19

The only way for any society to win the battle against aging is to invest in its young people.

Fredrick Obrechistein
Fredrick Obrechistein - 27.06.2021 01:17

We are now older and poorer than we were 30 years ago. The staying young argument is a lie. Because the migrants bring their parents here.

Nicholas Bestevaar
Nicholas Bestevaar - 09.06.2021 23:56

Many Boomers as a generation have really messed up the economy. Allowing billionaires to get richer and poor to get poorer so they could profit from trickle-down economics. And they don’t give a stuff.

Fredrick Obrechistein
Fredrick Obrechistein - 05.06.2021 05:23

Million dollar homes reduce the birthrate.

Fredrick Obrechistein
Fredrick Obrechistein - 05.06.2021 05:21

Importing your citizens makes you an older and poorer population. Only allowing young people to have families can help Australia stay young.

Fredrick Obrechistein
Fredrick Obrechistein - 05.06.2021 05:19

This is absolutely crazy. Our young people were never given the chance to take Australia forward.

Fredrick Obrechistein
Fredrick Obrechistein - 05.06.2021 05:18

The way to stay young. Was to give our young people a chance. Immigration has impoverished them. They can't leave home and provide the future for Australia.

baljj - 26.05.2021 13:16

Trevor was not working 23 hours out of the day, hun. C'mon now.

fathima shahjahan
fathima shahjahan - 20.05.2021 21:49

It's a worldwide problem that cost of education has gone up tremendously while the wages has remained same or even lower. Younger generation don't have it easy ,it's like an impossible dream to even afford a basic home and lifestyle.

B L - 18.05.2021 02:28

The old guy at the end has the typical attitude which is half the problem. Australia relies on importing young, fully skilled immigrants (so the country has no cost at all in training them) who on top of their existing debts have massive visa costs and 4+ years minimum with no access to benefits they pay taxes towards from day 1. These immigrants then go on to become Australian citizens, however their financial situation is very different to boomers who were helped by the government every step of the way and able to buy a house 30 years ago when houses cost two or three times the average yearly income. As a young immigrant myself, following the boomer's advice and cutting out 'unnecessary' expenses is hardly going to save me $1m needed to buy a house in Sydney. I highly doubt that if 30 years ago, someone told him to not have a pint down the pub he would have listened.

Govind r
Govind r - 11.05.2021 23:36

Australia's manufacturing sector is next to none
How can you have an economy solely based on the service sector and exporting coal, metals
You have to have an economy with service sector as well as manufacturing
The balance between these two should be maintained otherwise the country will export more
There will be no innovation left in the country

abhijit tripathi
abhijit tripathi - 11.05.2021 09:41

When did australia have a real economy to begin with? All they do is fleece foreign students who think white mans education is better and they can't get admission in EU or US institutions. Or export minerals.

Carrie - 06.05.2021 01:32

High immigration is the worst thing for any country. No doubt about it. That’s why countries like Poland will benefit hugely from their stance.

Sara Maria
Sara Maria - 05.05.2021 20:57

They are not letting young people in.

Ali Darke
Ali Darke - 04.05.2021 22:52

It's a lazy economy relying on immigration.

Ali Darke
Ali Darke - 04.05.2021 22:51

No more immigrants I live in Newcastle and they are starting to move here because they can't go to Melbourne or Sydney because they are full. Newcastle is getting to busey and loosing it's identity. We will are planning on leaving asap. They have driven up our housing prices so locals cannot afford to enter the market.

Joe Bloggs
Joe Bloggs - 04.05.2021 14:14

Employers want to hire people that have no choice but to be slaves to them, and it comes in many forms - from requiring sponsorship on a visa, to having a family to
provide for, to covering insurance items that traditional insurance can't be gained by the average citizen... When I walk in to an interview and have no serious ties to anyone for anything, being relatively free isn't something that hiring managers like.

king kong
king kong - 04.05.2021 14:00

Yes, wait for the non contributors, after 50years of guts busting, and retiring in a rich mans playground. Maybewe should turn them into soylent green?

Matic Bukovac
Matic Bukovac - 04.05.2021 13:45

Wooow that old guy is really delusional. What is he thinking? Has he not noticed that the world has marched ahead even during his lifetime? Their generation's solution to problems faced by the younger generation can be summed up as: give up your iphone and buy yourself a house lol. With iphone or not, one practically cannot survive in today's society without a smart phone and if one made any fuss about not wanting or being able to use technology, everyone would just ignore you like a person with serious mental problems and kick you to the curb. I think also there is a problem with compassion: if one sees a person struggling normally they jump in to help, but this lot thinks everyone is barking mad and incompetent for having it worse than they have had it. I'm from Slovenia and anyone with kids or grandkids is very, very worried and has been for at least 10 years.

My Spinup
My Spinup - 03.05.2021 14:56

Baby boomers earned what they now have !

Peter D
Peter D - 02.05.2021 10:13

Immigration now effectively zero, nothing we can do about an ageing population.

A Z - 01.05.2021 23:46

The ponzi scheme has been falling apart for a while now.

ZAAtravels - 29.04.2021 14:48

You can’t take money with you once you die ?

Also you save your whole life for your kids ( who witch will most probably blow it )

J.R - 29.04.2021 13:47

Australia is dead

Fragile Earth
Fragile Earth - 27.04.2021 14:57

Ahh. Bless u both. Very well deserved. I believe retirement should start a little earlier

john brown
john brown - 27.04.2021 12:10

Technology is a job killer, as super smart machinery can build just about anything with minimal labour input.

Steve Rose
Steve Rose - 24.04.2021 22:38

You look good for 76 mate. Peace.

Kelvin James
Kelvin James - 24.04.2021 05:47

Penrith needs immigrants to improve the place

Derick - 23.04.2021 05:21

sis celebration is get together and pray more to their god?
so fking lame

Kachin Developer Error
Kachin Developer Error - 22.04.2021 09:34

because it is a stolen land

blaize bonnie maizey
blaize bonnie maizey - 21.04.2021 14:08

Stop immigtation that simple.

MjKelly - 20.04.2021 05:23

Peop on dole spend 100% of that money directly back into their community. The WEALTHY hide their money offshore to AVOID paying tax? Who's the CRIM?
