UNITY AUDIO: Sun Temple Sound Design Part 3 (Footstep Sound Effects)

UNITY AUDIO: Sun Temple Sound Design Part 3 (Footstep Sound Effects)

John Leonard French

5 лет назад

15,896 Просмотров

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Özgür Gürbüz
Özgür Gürbüz - 09.09.2023 18:57

Was not here for the footstep process but I was eagerly trying to get the "correct" texture layer under my rock objects in order to change their materials with layer covered ones. Long story short, thank you!

Regeneration - 23.03.2023 20:50

Works like a charm

Cujo Sound
Cujo Sound - 20.02.2022 12:40

Nice one - one of my own subs sent me here to check out if I could explain a solution for a different setup :D This is great stuff.

Adel Benhamida
Adel Benhamida - 18.01.2022 19:57

until i arrived to 30min i realised that i had so much errors ,just abandonned..

Saad EL
Saad EL - 10.01.2022 00:04

Im trying to make a more sophisticated footstep system; I’d like to identify the Materials’ textures of a mesh that has multiple materials and play sound based on the texture. For example a house that has wooden floors and carpet, i want to identify when the player is on top of one of the carpet textures and play a sound accordingly, same goes for the wooden floor. Basically a texture array that has specific sounds.

Blacky - 01.11.2021 01:05

Can someone help me? mine isnt working, it works when i jump, then i hear the sound, but when i normally walking i hear nothing

MUZBOZ Games - 14.07.2021 00:45

Beautiful, thanks. :)

Gary's Kitchen
Gary's Kitchen - 08.07.2021 17:46

Hi John, I am having problems using the first code, as Unity gives me this message - Assets/CheckIfGrounded.cs(40,48): error CS1061: 'ExposureManager' does not contain a definition for 'zoneCounter' and no accessible extension method 'zoneCounter' accepting a first argument of type 'ExposureManager' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Any ideas on how to solve this?

Tottally Not Inspired
Tottally Not Inspired - 02.07.2021 00:06

Thank you :)

Prodromos Pieri
Prodromos Pieri - 02.03.2021 18:36

Hello John Excellent Tutorial! I got just 2 errors and i don't know what they are.. Terrain does not contain a definition for size and TerrainData does not contain a definition for GetAlphaMaps(). Please advice.

CLEVELAND BROWN SHORTS - 02.03.2021 08:38

Bro can you plz tell how to flat the surrounding mountain plz in this sun temple plz

Yassin The Destroyer
Yassin The Destroyer - 30.01.2021 02:49

can I use the footsteps for my game? and is it copyrighted?

Aliyyu Studio
Aliyyu Studio - 27.01.2021 14:02

No dislike 😃

Arn Nilo Vicente Mesa
Arn Nilo Vicente Mesa - 24.12.2020 01:16

I have multiple terrains so I just used an array of terrainObjects, I was able to get the position of the player relative to all the terrains however I'm getting an Argument Exception when using the GetAlphamaps inside a for loop.

Adam Buchanan
Adam Buchanan - 20.12.2020 05:59

I am getting errors. no sound also.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Footsteps.PlayerSoundIfFalling () (at Assets/ScriptAdam/Footsteps.cs:141)
Footsteps.Update () (at Assets/ScriptAdam/Footsteps.cs:43)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Footsteps.CheckIfWalking () (at Assets/ScriptAdam/Footsteps.cs:66)
Footsteps.Update () (at Assets/ScriptAdam/Footsteps.cs:42)

I dont know really now what this means nor how to fix it as i dont know what im doing

Sriranga Gudimella
Sriranga Gudimella - 03.12.2020 06:33

great job. but how to speed up up the sound while running?

Herman Groeneveld
Herman Groeneveld - 17.11.2020 13:44

Great video! Beautiful level too! I'm almost there... The footsteps are playing very irregular (sometimes a few meters no steps, than 3 steps in a meter). It looks like the velocity.magnitude is the problem: its very, very small (about 6 E-05), sometimes pretty big (0.24) and often just 0 (what is causing the hickups.). Tried to use only the x en z, but in that case the magnitude is always 0. Anybody a hint for me?

JeanMorgan - 28.09.2020 13:08

Hi there. Is there a way t expand the detector to multiple Terrains? I´m working with "Map Magic" to generate my Terrains. And even though I´ve prepared the surrounding terrains, the sound will only work on the first terrain in the hierarchy. I´ve allso tried to convert your way to an Array with Terrains, without success.

Keep up you Work. Love the tutorials :D

Aaryan Bhabhe
Aaryan Bhabhe - 25.09.2020 14:33

Im getting a problem in public CheckIfGrounded checkIfGrounded and public CheckIfTerrain checkIfTerrain
It is saying type or namespace could not be found//
sir please help me

sandro4433 - 05.09.2020 19:00

I kinda fkd up again.. I did this and it worked just fine but now I realised this doesnt work if I try to create a neighbor terrain. Is there a way to add neighbor terrains and kinda combine them with my existing terrain so that the coordinates match up again?

Uncle Randy
Uncle Randy - 03.09.2020 00:38

10/10 tutorial very informative and saved me a lot of time.

cien - 22.08.2020 01:42

sorry but i dont understand where the PlayerCollider at beginning come from and now im stuck and i dont know what to put there .-.

sandro4433 - 14.08.2020 12:02

I need your help, I did everything like you but I don't have the fields where Im supposed to drag the Check if Grounded and the other script in. I know its silly but Im a beginner

Sam Hayes
Sam Hayes - 16.07.2020 21:13

Thankyou very much very educational :), Probably one of the easiest Tutorials ive followed, thanks for explaining what everything does.

Husman - 26.06.2020 18:50

This looks exactly to what I’m looking for, however I’m using FMOD for the audio, do you perhaps know how I can use my fmod footstepsounds with this method?

Heath Close
Heath Close - 01.06.2020 22:24

if you have WAY too many textures you were playing with in your terrain, and want to know what you ended up using, count how many textures you have in the terrain editor (in my case 69) and this addition will create a list for you to write down or screenshot so you can delete what wasn't used... run around the whole map with CheckTexture() in Update() to build the list, keep only those textures added to the list.

void CheckTexture()
float[,,] splatMap = terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(posX, posZ, 1, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 69; i++)
textureValues[i] = splatMap[0, 0, i];
if (textureValues[i] > 0 && !textureReference.Contains(i))

Matteo Fusi
Matteo Fusi - 24.05.2020 20:31

Very good, greetings from Italy! We're waiting for part 4! :)

Danae James
Danae James - 17.05.2020 22:29

THIS SAVED MY WHOLE LIFE. I watched so many other videos but this was the only one that worked and I was easily able to adapt it to my project. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Gamurar Andrei
Gamurar Andrei - 20.02.2020 17:45

hey,great video,helped me a lot to understand some key things. When is the part 4 for reverb?

wood stock
wood stock - 16.02.2020 17:16

thank you for this tutorial. i do have one question that's been puzzling me. How could i use this on a Enemy that has Nav mesh?

TrueIndian - 15.10.2019 23:32

Really helpful.We need more such videos on the unity audio system.Thanks.

Daftolddad - 05.08.2019 12:09

Another great video, also learn't something about the terrain system from this as well. Thanks :)

Yasin - 28.07.2019 17:39

Good and clean job :)
