Klee Irwin - Why Use an 8-Dimensional Shape to Describe 3-Dimensional Reality?

Klee Irwin - Why Use an 8-Dimensional Shape to Describe 3-Dimensional Reality?

Quantum Gravity Research

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@jamesmoran7511 - 05.12.2023 22:58

Very typical. Scientists expect you to accept a concept with no explanation to build more complex ideas. Anything beyond 3 dimensions is purely a concept and theoretical. I invite this dude to explain the 8 and 4 dimensional crystals. I'll buy lunch and coffee and listen attentively.

@suyu6622 - 18.07.2023 18:38

I need Sheldon to dumb this down for me

@maximiliancrea7184 - 09.07.2023 17:01

i like how i thought i could kinda possible partially understand any of this.

@endofdaysbroadcast8486 - 24.06.2023 07:37

How about the 12th dimension instead of the 8th?

@DelmarToad - 15.05.2023 20:10

Shaping matter in the time domain increasingly becomes possible?

@peterschuerman - 18.02.2023 21:03

So three-dimensional reality may be dreaming in eight dimensions. Eight dimensional reality may be a consciousness construct of three dimensional reality. Like a computer chip “holds information,“ reality may “hold“ an eight dimensional information construct, which is used for computational purposes. Or said another way, in the same way that human brains have created language as a shared thought-processing system through an evolutionary process, reality has created among itself an eight-dimensional construct through an evolutionary process as a shared what-happens processing system. Human beings use language to mutually arrive at what thoughts will be thought and the eight-dimensional construct may be what reality uses to mutually arrive at what will happen. And like language, which is all structure that achieves convention but has no physical existence, the eight dimensional construct may also be structure that achieves convention but has no physical existence.

@coole9639 - 08.02.2023 10:59

I like how he had to pretty much back track through his mind to understand how this concept made sense to him in the first place. Dimensional thinking

@kimberlysteph3877 - 29.12.2022 20:00

Klee, fascinating! How about TL=MC^2 "C" to help along as far as explaining.? Just a thought.

@bobwerner6512 - 22.08.2022 09:21

Lased light is used to make the shadow?. Just me thinking here not sure if I am right or wrong

@max_s557 - 08.07.2022 13:35

I’m starting to realise what eastern philosophy meant when it described our reality as an illusion

@willhart4762 - 09.02.2022 17:47

Please study the Great Pyramid. I think you'll realize that its veiled 8 sides embodies your theory. Tesla also knew this and he created his Tower in the shape of an octagon. Somebody knew this about the universe a long time ago.

@19QKOO82 - 11.01.2022 11:44

E8+¹ Affine (Extended)

@danielackles4265 - 05.10.2021 20:11

Wow beautiful theory! I seem to recall someone else in history who pondered about mapping the geometry of extra dimensional fields. Thanks for the upload :)

@brunster64 - 03.07.2021 00:46

So is the “hyper vector” in the same dimension (8th) as E8? Or in a higher dimension?

@miracleshappen4483 - 28.06.2021 00:04

Are we as humans a projection of something in a much higher dimension? And if so, according to Klee, can we obtain information about our "E8 counterpart" just by studying ourselves?

@mismass7859 - 25.05.2021 02:26

I’m so amazed by Klee and his creative thinking, somewhere deep inside I feel he’s right even though I only understand 1% of what he says, mostly because of all the technical terminology, I get the principle but would love to hear his thoughts translated into something a bit more digestible for the less initiated.

@mr.mayhem5438 - 15.05.2021 08:44

It's crazy he's talking straight magick

@timemechanicone - 08.05.2021 20:56

3/8 = 🌎

@timemechanicone - 08.05.2021 20:53

4d > 8d time ... same 4d flat time but 8d all direction in time

@timemechanicone - 08.05.2021 20:51

3D > 6d pairing = 3 physical dimensions 6 dimensions of freedom.

@timemechanicone - 08.05.2021 20:48

The 2d r, is designed for the system to work, 4d aka in 2d how do you objectively navigate or see a corner or start turning corners..... on a flat surface? See the 4d rotating vid/image pls see now and imagine it. Flat > inside > flat.

@IT-hj2wb - 25.11.2020 20:46

Question : How are 4 , 5 etc dimensions geometric objects( ex hypercube or 600cell) linked to higher dimensions from physics ( ex. string theory 10 or 11 dimensions)?

According to physics, fourth dimension isnt conceivable by observation but takes place in the subatomic level ( it can be linked with time , providing different possibilities at the same spatial dimension). In the fifth dimension, we would see a world slightly different from our own that would give us a means of measuring the similarity and differences between our world and other possible ones.
In the sixth, we would see a plane of possible worlds, where we could compare and position all the possible universes that start with the same initial conditions as this one and so on until the 11th..

So how is your reference to higher dimensions linked to that one theorised by physicists or are they completely different things? Anyone knows?

@rbolo29 - 20.09.2020 20:33

We live in a "shadow world."

@Ed-pv6ke - 11.09.2020 21:50

So the entropy runs up and down the scale proofing one and other?

@byronrudnik2621 - 23.07.2020 17:32

Reminds me a lot of Gnostic thought.. The 8D quasicrystal could be the Demiurge, and the projector could be the Pleroma.

@tehdreamer - 20.07.2020 04:09

Wow I wonder how the trinity of God father son and holy spirit could be some form of higher dimensional consciousness structure.

@bizcandy - 19.07.2020 23:33

I love listening to Klee. He makes physics clear to dummies like me.

@spacetime345 - 28.04.2020 10:28

It's surely no coincidence that 8 is a member of the Fibonacci sequence and thus has a relationship to 0.618 ? I'm imaging a self-aware Nural network of non-local tetrahedrons communicating in an endless feedback loop, essentially a fundamental consciousness keeping everything cohesive across spacetime, all nows as One. Do other fib sequence crystals (13 D 21 D 34D etc ) 233 D ? (233 /144 = 1.618 )projected as 3d Quasicrystals yield anything of significance? I realise this is only one piece of the puzzle , its been nearly 30 years since I was into this stuff(Inspired by john Wheeler) and now your team is serving as inspiration ! Amazing work !!

@kharanshu2854 - 14.04.2020 16:20

But why project from 8 dimensions to 4 dimensions? Why not from 8 dimensions to 3 dimensions directly?

@subhransu7810 - 09.04.2020 17:02

really loved it ,the concept of 4d quasicrystal encompassing more information than the parent object is really mindboggling.

@kacemrochd6425 - 08.03.2020 16:44

It is expected from the unification of the Newtonian and the cosmic dynamics that there is a need for an additional potential called the dual Newtonian potential and a higher dimentional isotropic flat space - time to account for the solar system dynamics. The expected space - time is composed with 9 space dimensions and 4 time dimensions. It is expected on the other hand from non-zero value of the speed of light at the esrth's position and the coincidence between the center of observable universe and the earth's position the existence of Multiverse gathering 419 universes of the same mass and the same size as the observable universe. We think that the the complex Lie group E8 of dimension 248 can be considered as a simple real Lie group of dimension 496. This means that we can serve with the E8 Lie group of dimension 496 as a fundamental structure of the Multiverse gathering exactly 496 universes including 419 elements inward and 77 elements outward relative to the earth's position in the Multiverse.

@Demosophist - 16.12.2019 22:21

To have a shadow projection requires a light source and something that negates the effects of the light source to cause contrast, so both the light source and the shadow itself are aspects of the quasi-crystal. Is there a way to include this manifold concept in your theory?

@peppe77ish - 02.12.2019 10:16

So what dimension do one call the smallest places, quantum physics.. Where it is no materia, only frequences that makes up our 3-d world...frequences that make our world.
Ive smoke DMT a couple of Times and I was sure ive Come down to a quantum mechanical space,, where there were beings made out of frequences and Light,,, frequences give away... These ones were loving but since they where operating on frequences that felt 5 to8 ore even 11 th dimension everything went to fast since they morphed into 4-dimensional objects hat did the same in hyperspacetime... These things builded the most beautiful objects ive seen.... our material 3-d world are builded with frequences and Light. How can our universe be built out of none solidmaterial by what seemed to be like beings made out of mega complex geometri and Light wthin different frequences that made itself

@garysmith1135 - 07.11.2019 02:36

But there are 8 dimensions, not 4. Otherwise, humans only experience 3 1/2 dimensions. What's half a dimension?

@chuckfarley2764 - 26.09.2019 05:44

I'm curious what the "hyper-vector or hyper-projector" is conceptually. I have also considered if we were merely information on the event horizon of a higher dimensional blackhole being holographically projected through the singularity to appear as a physical universe. My biggest problem with this idea is how the information is being projected into a lower dimensional form. What is projecting and what exactly is being projected by it?

@conorvedova3222 - 26.07.2019 05:24

I wonder if Banach-Tarski applies here somehow

@leejohnson320 - 11.07.2019 11:56

the premise of stacked spheres, is in my opinion wrong. do the math with toroidal spheres. which are a stable resonance fields. mum and dad are jus

@priestadam7337 - 12.06.2019 20:28


@lynneperkins494 - 06.06.2019 07:51

What is there to extrapolate? You already have the eight dimensional object mapped or you wouldn’t be able to project it. Why take 8d math, represent it in 3D, and use that representation to extrapolate presumably the same 8d math you started with?
Do you just like the pattern it makes or something? Also if it exists in 8d then why would combining it with whatever function you used to transform it add anything of substance?

@Syzygy77 - 29.03.2019 04:52

Kind of sounds like the Phoenix theory of quantum entanglement.

@nympholepticmonkey352 - 28.02.2019 18:23

But what is acheived by getting the information from the quasicrystal?

@nolan412 - 23.02.2019 07:00

Ball on ball?

@albertwang5974 - 19.02.2019 05:36

My question is: if we describe or represent the physical word with this 8-dimensional object, 3-dimensions can be treated as x, y, z coordinates, what's the rest 5 dimensions mean? is it time, acceleration, ... ?

@nigeldupaigel - 07.02.2019 23:19

So the hyperdimensional vectors 'language of the Father' projects with a 4D crystalline aka the language of the Mother, to create the tiling structure of reality. My mind has just been blown. The implications are very interesting, hippy tech alien world an all, but any way to test these eloquent maths?

@mhyar - 26.01.2019 00:43

there is no reality, reality is what we project

@tallterrilaw8646 - 10.01.2019 16:07

So people who are blind in one eye only see in 2 deminsion? Lol

@andrewsparkinson1566 - 07.01.2019 17:45

Thanks Klee. Father intuition is telling me your E8 crystal lattice is the code to reflect how ones visual cortex interprets the visual dimension, cool.
So that could make E8 crystals the fundamental structure of our 3D matrix yeah?
