These Players Have Completed Oldschool Runescape!

These Players Have Completed Oldschool Runescape!


1 год назад

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tomcandy90 - 24.09.2023 04:32

Cool video

Cokes - 03.06.2023 12:46

Can we get an update video?

rick van den Hoogen
rick van den Hoogen - 24.05.2023 23:05

i dont really see the point of this. come on i mean playing a game is fun but thousands of hours to complete a collection log. this just pixels. waste of lifetime

Mike Krawczyk
Mike Krawczyk - 14.05.2023 07:53

1750 x 3 = 5250. That is all.

Freddie T
Freddie T - 01.05.2023 02:00

Crazy how iron men are competing with normals accounts, ironman is 100x more impressive and tbh normals accounts shouldn't even be on the same highscores considering they just open implings they either get donated or buy from ge.

Robert Martin
Robert Martin - 23.04.2023 19:36

Im level 99 and cant even do jad how TF are these people doing thousands of raids!?

Brian Dauphinee
Brian Dauphinee - 10.04.2023 07:19

you cover every single corner of rs that other content creators are not and thats why i will ALWAYS watch you over any other osrs content creator (except for Settled, hes a different kind on beast)

Bitmi - 08.04.2023 19:30

would probably be done if we kept our accounts from rs3 and just warped back to osrs lol but if I knew the future of RS3 when I played I would have started playing around OSRS release or maybe a little for funorb days lol those weird games were kind of cool for a little although they went kind of fast lol

Kyle Fernandez
Kyle Fernandez - 06.04.2023 08:17

Marni is now top 5!

xDBoomer - 30.03.2023 04:27

Good luck to everyone trying because that is a huge commitment to try and finish the clue logs.

Infinite Aaron
Infinite Aaron - 02.03.2023 06:53

There are plenty of people who have played much more than more than 7 years. However, sleep, food, work, etcetera are also included in that time. 7 years of GAME TIME, efficient game time at that, is probably closer to 20+ years. I wonder if Hey Jase will continue to try to finish. He's already completed XP maxing, in second. I would guess he probably won't stop until he's 100% completed the game, including anything that is added later on.

Kyle Payton
Kyle Payton - 25.02.2023 02:42

So to max and collection log you’re looking at working full time for about 30-35 years

Chewy Marmot
Chewy Marmot - 09.02.2023 13:43

I once knew someone who told me they had played 64k hours of halo 2.

M. - 29.01.2023 13:06

‘they’, ‘their’ and ‘them’ is super annoying

Daemon - 22.01.2023 06:39

I fully expect someone to complete everything except clues in the next few years. Especially as some people going for it are going specifically for that. Or at least including clues but not including 3rd age.

Eric Miller
Eric Miller - 22.01.2023 03:35

Imagine what these gods could have accomplished irl with that kind of dedication we'd probably be on mars already

LOS PRIMED - 21.01.2023 18:47


FlyinRaptorJesus - 20.01.2023 07:03

I'd like to know what these people do outside of runescape..

Cod Customz
Cod Customz - 20.01.2023 02:56

maybe there all handicapped and have nothing better to do lol

HardcoreUFCfanboy3737 - 16.01.2023 13:05

Its so so sad how jagex doesnt reward grinds,If u fill a collection log if elite clues u should be rewarded a cosmetic set…like come on? In the old days they was more open minded. Imagine cosmetic rewards for completing clue logs?

TytanTroll_Miniatures - 15.01.2023 03:22

Imagine going x2 dry on that 65k hours.

Glenn Hawkins
Glenn Hawkins - 15.01.2023 00:41

These are defo like the guy in south park with Cheeto dust all over there fingers and mouth

Weaam Shaheen
Weaam Shaheen - 13.01.2023 13:04

Got my 3rd age cloak at my first or 3rd mimic and i am iron man 😛

Random Name
Random Name - 13.01.2023 07:06

You never complete a role-playing game. You can complete ingame challenges, but you never complete the game.

Joe D
Joe D - 12.01.2023 22:25

Man these people are cringe, huh?

Lemmzz - 12.01.2023 22:07

Imagine spending all those hrs
On a real-life skill 👌

Martin Verbeek
Martin Verbeek - 12.01.2023 09:54

There is a secret nutty player called trio elysian. Not ranked on coll logs but he has the most overal boss kc. Make a video on this gem of player.

Roderic Black
Roderic Black - 11.01.2023 22:52

"Them" Him. Took him. It's a guy.

FlyingWithFroggy - 11.01.2023 15:46

They should have visable player collection log rewards for the extreme of the extreme players like different tiers. If a person fully completed it they should have the best reward privilege in all of RuneScape that isn't overpowered or somthing maybe even a cosmetic that can be combined with any other cape or all of them combined.. and even that feels a bit too little. Idk It just feels they need something big because that's such in insane dedication.
I even think smaller collection log tier rewards should would be really cool/healthy for anybody regular to be able to achieve it feels like the new version of hiscores table race in a way. It seems like one of the biggest account showoff along with maxed 200m in everything

(Maybe even a whole entire set of armor that combines all the capes, necklaces/rings there ability s/teleports) but most importantly a player tag for each of our their collection amounts milestones

Jon W
Jon W - 11.01.2023 09:12

1750 X 3 is 5250. Sejj has more than triple. Not almost triple. Not triple. More than triple. I know basic fucking math skills are hard but come on, you cant call yourself flipping osrs and be this shit at math

Jake Silva
Jake Silva - 11.01.2023 05:39

So you’re saying at 40 hours a week it would take someone roughly 31 years to beat the game…

Jake Silva
Jake Silva - 11.01.2023 05:36

And to think I got a 3A plate on my first hard clue on Leagues 2 without any drop rate buffs…

Antonio Triolo
Antonio Triolo - 11.01.2023 01:56

seeing this video has shifted my focus from log slots to log slots that arent clues

Antonio Triolo
Antonio Triolo - 11.01.2023 01:49

the raid log is astounding, so many raids, so much rng

Addyz - 10.01.2023 23:54

bazilijus was rank 1 for like 2 years with 0 competition while he burned out lol

Detrich - 10.01.2023 21:19

hey jase has the greatest rs account, can't convince me otherwise, but it's not a competition

Rau South
Rau South - 10.01.2023 03:07

The problem with the 64k hours is that nearly 54k of that is clue scrolls, which is RNG dependent, which makes the EHC hard to accurately predict. It's possible to do within 30-100k hours but to give you some context, Iron Hyger spent nearly 40k hours to 4.6b his Iron man

zakaria tahiri
zakaria tahiri - 10.01.2023 01:05

So no one actually completed osrs yet. But ur title says different. You’re click horny

koi Pond videos
koi Pond videos - 10.01.2023 00:44

To all the wizards in the chat
Cheers and happy 2023 to you

Michael Down
Michael Down - 09.01.2023 20:01

Where's the link for the time to collection log completion spreadsheet?

Shaun - 09.01.2023 18:19

Jagex really need to prioritise backlogging ironman collection log slots for things in their possession/POH

FromNoWhereSpecial - 09.01.2023 07:44

Is it worth to buy ancient brews to flip? Is the price going too go up?

umf umf umf umf umf umf
umf umf umf umf umf umf - 09.01.2023 04:40

How come the Dragon Pickaxe has dropped so far down in price 😭? Should I sell it??

zach pelletier
zach pelletier - 08.01.2023 17:00

IMO All of Kacy's elite and master log should be removed. No other player gets fed thousands of imps for free.

Humanitarian Team
Humanitarian Team - 08.01.2023 12:31

Wow FlippingOldschool!

Tasman - 08.01.2023 09:30

Friend just got a cape of skulls on first easy clue.

sheldon sutton
sheldon sutton - 08.01.2023 06:58

insane people, thanks for putting this together... note: things like the cox drops aren't even accurate (1 pants in 2k cms)... He had to get that stuff AFTER the collection log was added to the game.

kandids - 08.01.2023 04:19

“Front plage collection log player”

Phillip Stewart
Phillip Stewart - 08.01.2023 02:57

No one has fully completed RuneScape you need everything in log and 200mil xp
