Why You Have No Friends (And Other Spiritual Awakening Symptoms)

Why You Have No Friends (And Other Spiritual Awakening Symptoms)

Regards Rei

1 год назад

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Gareth - 05.10.2023 11:30

Thank you for the video

hohoho - 05.10.2023 01:07

how do I know it's not just regular ol' sensory overload, or stress / anxiety / depression due to trauma? what if i'm imagining things?

RUDI GLENN - 04.10.2023 09:54

Thank you for helping me feel normal again

Dee _
Dee _ - 04.10.2023 01:05

It’s scary how on point this hit for me…..

Aaron - 02.10.2023 13:17

Well I never really did to begin with, but I'd thought some of the narcissist leaches than drained me were actually friends.

I am aware back when I was a so called "empath" I used to be sad about that but still I could and would pick up on the energies around me but I personally stayed sad.

Later I rise up all on my lonesome figuring out some major epic stuff when I spent six months alone, without phone service it was rare only when I was in town. I came home before that winters in Wyoming hit

People I'd thought I cared about once yamering on selfishly and I could actually feel my energy yanked so I yanked it back

I said in a clam voice for years you've told me you use your friends like psychologist, well from now on I'm $300 an hour, you can set an appointment and come back after I have a legally binding document notarized.

She did (she really didn't think I was serious, I just needed space,)

Next day, this is how much attention she actually pays to my space, the contract did include any damages occured while she was on the promises and explicitly forbid her for bringing alcohol with a $500 fine.

She signed it.

She really didn't believe me when the bill came, she wonderfully acted like a child Infront of a judge during the trail.

She's still paying off that 10k, but every time I'd tell her the meter is running, did you drive over here with a open container she was so surprised. And it seems petty but that friend was in my life for 20 years robing stealing lying and using and for once she's taking responsibility for her actions. Well they garnished her wages but. Eh

Katherine Schindler
Katherine Schindler - 02.10.2023 03:37

I only can eat animal products mostly (1 to 1.5 pounds, fermented veggies and some fruits and herbal teas. Tried Keto plan that had 7 to 10 cups of veggies - did not agree with me, digestive mayhem.

flavoured yoghurt
flavoured yoghurt - 01.10.2023 11:31

Grateful to know i am not the only one....

EcoAku - 29.09.2023 17:07

I love your content; it's my third video in a row, I subscribed at the second one ;)

I wish I was as sensitive as you to evolve faster, but I'm just a man, and my decade-old spiritual journey seems to be a slooowly incremental one, which likes lifting one thin veil at a time then going in another circle. xD

Neil Holmes
Neil Holmes - 29.09.2023 08:45

I LOVE YOU! You’re amazing!! Thank you.❤

Saw She
Saw She - 27.09.2023 08:35

Definitely me right now

Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 27.09.2023 05:17

I think we lose our "friends" because we dont acknowledge them anymore the way they think they need to be acknowledged, or at all. And their ego dont know how to handle us anymore. And thats perfectly fine. We are here, they are there. All on a different frequency. I feel the soul wants to move forward while the ego always holds on to the past and wants to go back. Cant be with people who do that. It just doesnt work anymore. Nor did it ever. And as most of us have discovered by now, talking them out of it doesnt work. It only costs a lot energy. And that was our ego too, trying to hold on to that picture we created of what the ego thinks should be. But everything is as it should be. The "good" and the "bad". That's what I believe. Hard at first but Im completely fine with it now. Stay in your own energy and focused on what youre doing. Observe how the other people are being distracted and waste energy on everything thats being thrown at them. That couldve been you too.

Agui007 - 25.09.2023 23:58

The word Rei means universal in Reiki! 😉

Thor - 25.09.2023 22:36

Let me tell you an aphorism maybe then a light will lit up and you will understand. " When I found my friends I lost myself. When I left my friends I found myself". This is very important to know. Good luck to you/us all!

Rafael Ziviani
Rafael Ziviani - 25.09.2023 17:52

Love ittttttt

RealBeginnings - 22.09.2023 11:38


zen-ji - 21.09.2023 04:44

Wow, this is insane, I have been going through this exact same thing these last few years

aliya koy
aliya koy - 19.09.2023 18:29

When does this end? The next day, I feel more stupid and alien than the previous day.

kungjocke74 - 14.09.2023 19:33

Thank you ❤

Andreea Ce?
Andreea Ce? - 13.09.2023 01:15

Be grateful you can afford this type of "isolation". Not all can.

Timothy Walker
Timothy Walker - 12.09.2023 21:44

I mean a vast majority of people still actually believe Adam n Eve is thee 1st people on Earth...

Timothy Walker
Timothy Walker - 12.09.2023 21:41

Sometimes I don't think even thee ones who believe their awoke are even awoke yet... knowledge travels faster than deja vo... So yeah my portal unveils angels of Heaven and Hell... It's thee burden of their lackz of wisdom that barthers me thee most n the false information they embrace n stand on that kills me..

SteveJohnSteele - 10.09.2023 19:07

Sounds a lot like Autism. Which I was diagnosed with about 10 years ago.
I've gone thru several "awakenings". I guess "autism" (or whatever this is) is another.

C A Merkey
C A Merkey - 10.09.2023 09:52

Great video !I moved to where I live in a big metropolitan city on the west coast about 30 years ago. I spent about a decade trying to make connections with great disappointment (to put it mildly). My job as an educational consultant is mad mega social. Now I am like ehhh whatever! _____ < insert bad word you too!

Rafal Michalec
Rafal Michalec - 09.09.2023 23:16

Please hellp me😖

Tammy Mansfield
Tammy Mansfield - 09.09.2023 07:50

Wow u nailed it 💕

123valgal - 09.09.2023 06:11

Well thanks. I needed this. You mentioned all the things I’ve been experiencing. Being alone is fine. As long as one isn’t ill. And if one is able to be independent and self sustaining. If ones government is lacking in supportive resources for such situations where one is incapacitated one would be considered screwed no? If that is the demise I’m supposed to experience then so be it. Acceptance, the one and only true constant.

Keep going 🌟
Keep going 🌟 - 07.09.2023 14:21

But in that stage what type of job should I do?

♥️ Yourself
♥️ Yourself - 06.09.2023 18:26

I am so grateful that I found this channel! 🥰🙌

Nico Sanchez
Nico Sanchez - 06.09.2023 05:43

Hi I just really appreciate your illustrations. They’re lighthearted and match your voice very well. I always feel calm when watching your content. Thank you, please keep making videos 🙏🏼

Glim - 05.09.2023 00:53

I would love to be finaly alone. Too bad that i do not see a posibility to be alone.

Julia H
Julia H - 04.09.2023 22:15

I needed this today. Thank you, Rei. ❤

Life Junk
Life Junk - 31.08.2023 14:15

I feel like I’m on a second awakening. So despite already having gone through this once and feeling a return to civilisation, tho briefly, I had to remind myself again why I feel so alone - again- ! But yes, to all that is said in this video.

Kurogaea Monari
Kurogaea Monari - 28.08.2023 11:23

Alot of those symptoms sounded like depression and anxiety. :/

Chooselife96 - 28.08.2023 06:56

Can I cut my hair during the awaken?

warrior of God 444
warrior of God 444 - 27.08.2023 21:23

Thank you for the wonderful classroom instruction. It's invaluable as a teaching device for the people on spiritual awakening journey. Especially for their own families and friends who want to understand the process that their loved ones are experiencing ❤️

dot - 27.08.2023 02:25

Beautiful I have been like this since 2 years

269Gem - 24.08.2023 03:20

The denseness you describe in the animal products is the fear, pain, adrenaline and bad karma that’s transferred from your victim to you. It blows my mind that anyone could be “awake” and not vegan. Just bizarre.

LOLA M. - 24.08.2023 01:40

Ths definitely reson8s on sum levels. I kno ths is a season I am growing, purging, recalibrating. I am the alchemist and I will live my dreams. Absolutely, ths is preparation ndeed. I feel over stimulated with certain energies. Whn it is time, we shift n divine timing

Miami444 - 23.08.2023 04:31

funny to see how spiritual people here see it as a purpose to isolate themselves from people for so long and believe they are doing something good for themselves and the earth.

Luigi Cotocea
Luigi Cotocea - 22.08.2023 22:32

I do see white like figures described as white lines, when i turn my eye. And yes my ear does ring mostly in the morning as a low rumble noise.

Mark Fleener
Mark Fleener - 22.08.2023 19:10

Authorities and the masses don't care to stop trafficking people, anyone that they are not able to groom into their ways is framed and isolated. This video is just more occult grooming. The reason i have been isolated is clear as day. None of you want to unite to help stop abuse, even the secret societies would rather unite for the right to rape and torture those they can't groom, than the right to stop abuse. So you're not willing to tolerate stuff anymore, huh? Prove it. Stop playing as if layers of consciousness have been ripped off and grow a spine.

TRM Wyldshade
TRM Wyldshade - 22.08.2023 07:53

Your video, forwarded to a friend of mine that was struggling with more complex descriptions of the awakening, helped her tremendously. Thank you

Seven - 21.08.2023 14:45

I feel lonley rn , god is isolating me and it feels okay but it feels saddening too. Im learnig to be by myself. I barley get messages now or no messages. I dont get calls often anymore and lost like all my relationships within the same 2 weeks lmaooo

Anqeshia Stewart
Anqeshia Stewart - 20.08.2023 23:50

Omg everything in this , I’ve cut out alcohol , coffee , and all red meats and have cut back dramatically on dairy . I also find myself just turned off by some of my friends mindsets and just don’t want to associate with them anymore . I’ve also noticed I enjoy being home the most that’s how I was when I was a little girl too so it’s like I’m getting back to my authentic self . I feel bad for not really wanting to be around my old friends but I just feel like we have nothing in common anymore I literally am with my husband and kids and that’s it !

ジャ奈良 - 20.08.2023 22:31

Im so happy i found your channel :) Its really helping me guide myself through my awakening and know whats going on. This video explained what I was wondering for so long. Why do I get overwhelmed and tired so easily in public settings? Why do i always shut myself away from the world and love the time I spend alone the most? I don't like conversing with people but yet I crave human connection. It all makes sense now :)

Jessica Gaston
Jessica Gaston - 20.08.2023 21:09

I have always been set apart

Julesy - 20.08.2023 08:49

I’ve definitely felt the majority of what she was saying. Yeah, I don’t know what else to say except the people that I live with, the majority of a literally have me vilified. At least should’ve seen that way.

maria - 20.08.2023 01:06

To my hermits, to those with no friends or family like me, how do you support yourself? It’s about to be a year for me and I feel like I need to go back out there in this toxic environment again to work and make money. I can’t do work from home due to not having wifi for certain jobs and the other jobs are very competitive. Someone help 😭

Trub67 - 20.08.2023 00:21

This wild! I love being alone. I don’t care for small talk or talking at all. I stopped drinking milk and I love milk. I’m craving vegetables and was never a big fan of vegetables. No more think skin. I just want to sit in a quiet room all day by myself and I’m not depressed I just enjoy being alone where it’s quiet

Judy MacLeod
Judy MacLeod - 19.08.2023 20:37

I isolated myself for 30 years, quite happy with hobbies, interests and work. Retired 8 yrs. Processed much. Feel like hanging with people now, but with clear boundaries and little expectations. Understanding is to give not get. C how this goes. Life is a journey.
