Build RESTful Web APIs with Shelf_router (Dart Package of the Week #10)

Build RESTful Web APIs with Shelf_router (Dart Package of the Week #10)

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@rec-trick - 23.05.2023 13:49

Is Shelf other than Shelf Router?

@stankokostic725 - 01.02.2023 20:30

Reading local JSON file does not work for me. I get the 'FileSystemException: Cannot open file (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)'
Are we sure json can be read like this synchronously ??

@qasimrailo5289 - 04.07.2022 14:42

how we can handle Update or put request method

@ModernMonk30 - 09.03.2022 13:26

is there anything like nodemon for nodejs in shelf to automatically restart the server whenever we save the file

@gnrslashsp6501 - 25.02.2022 22:48

Hey, this was the most detailed video I've seen, congrats! Just a question: how to deploy dart web apis on IIS with Windows? or it can't be done and we must start the console app?
And my second question is: to access MSSQL stored procedures, is there any packages available, because in dart web api, I'll need it =]

@dkvirus868 - 01.01.2022 07:02


@panthpatel3066 - 14.10.2021 22:30

could you make a video about querying from a mysql database

@giancristian2265 - 18.08.2021 19:59

awesome class...congratulations!

@joaopedrojanuario6968 - 21.04.2021 04:09

This is so cool!, but why pass handles (<name> ) try pass turn to json ?({"name": name ) for example.

@rumpeldrump - 14.04.2021 19:59

Great tutorial. Little hint, there are a lot of Rest plugins for vs code.

@princeanuj8434 - 05.04.2021 15:43

Bro Im Getting Internal Server Error for Getting Film List And post Film Request, After mouthing our films api....
get specific film by id and delete film are working fine...

@romegab - 18.03.2021 10:31

Excellent clear video thank you!

@erlend1587 - 12.03.2021 21:33

Could you make a tutorial how to combine the shelf_router with shelf_static ?

@TadeuCS - 08.03.2021 19:33

this is a very completed video, congratulations!!!

@heldim92 - 30.01.2021 08:42

Hey man! Thank you very much for the video and constant dedication around dart! Your content is very useful!
Currently, I am still kinda confused about some possibilities, and it would mean a lot if you could explain me a couple things...
When it comes to mobile backend, I really wouldn't like to use the firebase/aws/azure solutions...I wish to implement my own backend in order to learn, however, I am always confused about what is supposed to be used for mobile and what's supposed to be used for the web apps...conceptual doubts, I'd say. Or is there simply no difference between mobile and web backend dev?
Is this shelf_router solution appliable to mobile, or is there any exceptions? And compared to Angel and Aqueduct, which one out of the three would you recomend for the given context in 2021? Or none at all?
Today, it looks like most entry-level devs don't even consider anything other than backend cloud-ready solutions when it comes to mobile, thus, being bounded to spend a lot of $$ as soon as their business grows...and this reflects the number of tutorials specifically aimed for this...

@samuel.dubovec - 06.01.2021 22:57

Hi, good video.
It would be awesome to cover oauth2 implemented on shelf server in future.

@EricCopier - 01.12.2020 19:30

Thanks for your video. It helped me very good. How do I deploy this WEBAPI on an IIS webserver? Is that possible? Thanks in advance!

@its-lazlo-to-you - 26.11.2020 23:53

Any idea how to create a CORS middleware?

@Juliano-v - 07.11.2020 08:08

Great video! Thank you!
i agree with alexey about the RESTful, i tried to handle the json object and it was too hard (my opinion)
If you press "run" instead of "debug" it will create the rest as a "process in background", so even if you close VsCode it will keep running in "background", to end it, you need to access the task manager, search for "dart" and finishes it

@sakethparimi7664 - 06.11.2020 23:14

Can you do an overreact tutorial please?

@zenalex2004 - 06.11.2020 12:26

Thank you for your video! It will be cool if you show how to build RESRful Web API with authoriztion and authentification. For example, with JWT tokens.

@abnnersales2670 - 03.11.2020 08:48

This video is so helpful, I'm thank you for that, keep going mam🔥

@kld0093 - 02.11.2020 18:34

Is there an advantage to making apis using dart rather than node or python?
