How To Concatenate Columns In a SharePoint List Calculated Column

How To Concatenate Columns In a SharePoint List Calculated Column

Lui Iacobellis

2 года назад

26,344 Просмотров

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C. - 12.09.2023 15:00

Hello, I'm trying to Concatenate a Multiple Choice column with a Single Choice column.
My issue is that my Multiple Choice column doesn't even show in the list of columns when trying to fill in the Concatenate formula, any idea why and how I can proceed please?

Inês Sofia
Inês Sofia - 28.04.2023 19:20

Hi Lui. Any tip on how to remove rows which are duplicated?

Andrea - 23.04.2023 18:02

Hello, I'm facing a weird problem: With this formula "=CONCATENATE([test],"Word")" Sharepoint online can't save and returns :" Sorry, something went wrong
The formula contains a syntax error or is not supported."
Any suggestions on this?
Thank You

Kai Zhen Goh
Kai Zhen Goh - 13.04.2023 10:59

Hi, can I use [Created By] to do concatenate?

Christy Pittman
Christy Pittman - 27.01.2023 21:05

Hi Lui! Any chance you have a tutorial that shows how to concatenate 2-3 multiple line text fields into one multiple line text field within Sharepoint?

Sri nidhi
Sri nidhi - 24.11.2022 09:46

Can we convert the UTC time to CST time using calculated share point column

miss CEREN
miss CEREN - 18.11.2022 16:30

if the fileds are in different lists ? we can take it one or 2 field merge from another list ?

Mark Small
Mark Small - 28.10.2022 11:38

Great video, very easy to understand. Thanks. I'm wondering if there's a way to use this kind of concatenation to display multiple selections from a single choice column. Is this possible, or would I need something like Power Automate to complete the action?

Michael Davis
Michael Davis - 11.08.2022 15:42

Excellent. Brief, concrete and pedagogical.

Hyuri Araújo
Hyuri Araújo - 06.07.2022 23:22

Agradeço pelo video, me ajudou a concatenar Nº da Sala - Nome da Sala

Mahmoud El-Sahmarany
Mahmoud El-Sahmarany - 20.04.2022 22:26

how can know the columns reserved by SharePoint?

Mahmoud El-Sahmarany
Mahmoud El-Sahmarany - 20.04.2022 22:26

good job
