Cheap Comms for SHTF and Homesteading

Cheap Comms for SHTF and Homesteading

The Prepared Homestead

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@SonOfLiberty1984 - 06.02.2019 23:58

This is excellent info. Thank you for sharing. I am very interested in more in depth and involved videos on this subject, if you're interested in making them!

@robfninh - 07.02.2019 01:12

Ok, I have (At the moment) no one to talk to but I am thinking a shortwave radio could be handy. I guess I could pick up nearby chatter on a CB though.

@CorsairTrainers - 07.02.2019 01:25

When the fires came through here the HAM radio and police scanner were our #1 source of information.

@marysmith9107 - 07.02.2019 01:34

is it true if u use a short wave radio and speak on it they can trace u? I want one but just to listen not talk

@jj01a - 07.02.2019 02:48

anyone with radios and the ability to keep them working(batteries charged), will be orders of magnitude ahead of those without.

we've taken a tiered approach, purchasing a number of inexpensive handout radios(baofengs) for those without comms. more expensive wouxan's go to higher priority tasks and yaesu's 60r's for immediate family/friends. Because we have mountains to contend with, we opted for adding a number of inexpensive simplex repeaters to ensure there are no dead spots. Our HF's rigs lean towards man portable/vehicle systems, primarily 817's, 857d's, and 891's.

the time is now to learn it. google makes life so much easier.....

@bootmender - 07.02.2019 04:14

It was February 4, 2010 when the earthquake hit Haiti, about 2 mouth later I went down with a relief team. Communications was nearly nonexistent. There in Port-au-Prince the Capital we found a 3 story building and set up a 15 watt FM radio station. We Broadcast a pre recorded message 24 hours a day. Where food was, clean water, and medical severe could be found. I had no license or requirements from any government. This would be illegal and discouraged inside the Continental US. This is called a pirate radio station. I was able to do this for less than $200. Every relief Organization thanked me.

While I was there I ran into the uses of 40 channel CB’s with sideband capabilities that were using CW or morse code on 27 upper, again not legal here in the United States, but it’s out there. Food for thought from my pirate radio days.

@SugarCreekOffGrid - 07.02.2019 06:33

Great information share 👍

@0utrider - 07.02.2019 18:38

Max cb output wattage FCC regulated is 5 watts.

@rickwilliams5817 - 07.02.2019 22:13

CB radios (licensed by rule) are around $40 and up new. In an SHTF situation, CB may be useful to contact other folks within a few miles if you have a mobile, and for increased distance, a base antenna. For maximum CB range (with legal radios), I strongly recommend only buying SSB units. They allow for 12 watts PEP output compared with only 4 watts for regular AM. They cost more, but over the years the prices have actually come down so that a good new unit can be had for just over $100. I regularly talk with another CBer 30 miles away with SSB, which would be difficult with AM. CB HT (hand--talkies) are not as useful because the ~27 MHz frequency needs just over eight feet for an efficient quarter wave antenna and SSB HT's are no longer made.

FRS units (licensed by rule) can be useful for very short distances but they only allow the built-in antenna. They are now fully interoperable with the licensed GMRS service. The 462 MHz main channels (15 thru 22) and 462 MHz interstitial channels (1 thru 7) now allow 2 watts ERP (Effective Radiated Power) but the 467 MHz interstitial channels (8 thru 14) continue to allow only the much lower 0.5 watts ERP.

GMRS base/mobile units can not use those 0.5 watt channels but GMRS HT units can usually operate all channels but they are supposed to only use a built-in antenna. GMRS allows 5 watts ERP on the 462 mHz interstitial channels (1 thru 7) and 50 watts output power on the main 462 MHz channels. They can have detachable high gain antennas and can work through repeaters which greatly extend range (assuming the repeaters are working and located where you can access them).

MURS radio licensed by rule) has 5 channels on VHF, and often works farther than FRS (which is UHF) and is allowed 2 watts output. MURS allows detachable gain antennas. Recently, at least one company has an HT available for under $60 for this service.

Ham radio can be useful with many frequency bands across the radio spectrum for local, regional, and sometimes world wide coverage, but each individual must be licensed and pass an exam for one of three classes of license. With GMRS, there is no test, but a $70 fee to obtain the FCC license. One GMRS license covers everyone in a family and that includes parents, children, grandparents, uncles, aunts and even in-laws.

@tribulationprepper787 - 07.02.2019 23:18

WOULD THESE TYPE OF RADIOS BE better off stored in a Faraday cage or a metal trash can for protection from the effects of and EMP?

@markchase5323 - 09.02.2019 04:04

Please, click on the thumbs up icon to like this video, on the SUBSCRIBE button and the Bell to get notified of new videos.
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@bugoutbubba3912 - 11.02.2019 01:10

Are you open to suggestions. If so I have a list of video ideas that I'd like to share. If there's a way to send them.

@HandyHudsonite - 13.02.2019 01:19

What a great overview of communication for the worst case scenario and for the present time. New subscriber here! Keep up the great content! 👍👏

@warrenosborne9038 - 16.02.2019 21:22

I thought the ham lic. was for "TRANSMITTING "only. You can use hams without lic. as long as you are not TRANSMITTING????

@backtonature1150 - 18.02.2019 00:02

My dad has a few nice CB's sitting around, I'll have to get one off of him so we can stay in touch if/when anything happens, would make a nice addition to a BOV as well. Thanks for reminding me of this, Great video!!

@TrashPanda71 - 11.03.2019 21:43

CB is limited to 4w
