Of course s.a. is unacceptable behavior, but it is everyone's first time around here on earth, and we all mess up.
I believe if someone is SINCERE in their HEART and they want a second chance, they should be granted that.
(Although, that is easier said than done, especially in cases like this. The scars can last a lifetime.)
Joyce Meyer had full blown 'seggs' with her biological father hundreds of times during her childhood. She is now a happily married , successful mother. She eventually forgave him and gave him a place to live during his final years, where he was saved, and asked for her forgiveness.
(but just to clarify,
I, by no means, am condoning SA.)
She has brothers and rh they're tolerating this bs from their father???? There are brothers out there that kill their father for abusing their sister
ОтветитьWell, I was on board and actually getting emotional at some points until there was talk of ANY, AND I DO MEAN ANY, child predator EVER EVER EVER having the opportunity at redemption. After that, I stopped listening.
ОтветитьThey never change. Not saying his name makes you complicit in further abuse of children. Its never just one kid.
Ответитьwhy is there a no contact with this parents.
ОтветитьHell to the no!
My grandfather and one uncle abused me. I broke all ties to them. Best thing I ever did. I also warned others. Found out that they had abused others in the family. I felt so betrayed by the others who knew and didn't say anything. I broke ties with them too. It was hard,but I and my daughter are much safer.
Absolutely not. How dare he still make this about him. No contact period.
ОтветитьPolice need to know. Restraining order needs placed.
ОтветитьGirl protect those girls with your life..Don't ever invite your mom to watch your children..Mom will let him come close to your children
ОтветитьHer father is still abusing her by using her brothers as his flying monkeys. Trying to place guilt in her or ware diwn her boundaries to let him back in to abuse her daughters. Her brothers have to realise, their kids will be victims too. I wouldn't even let the grandmother have access either because she already allowed it to happen to her own daughter.
ОтветитьI cant believe her brothers have daughters and still associate with this psychopath. Pretend you have no family, because you really dont.
ОтветитьIf my folks were alive now, they would go to jail.
ОтветитьExactly. No is the answer!
ОтветитьAre you kidding? Your Dad should Never be allowed to contact you or interact with you or your kids ever again.
ОтветитьIs there a hole dug somewhere?
ОтветитьDon't forget. Don't forgive. He didn't make a mistake. He made an evil decision.
ОтветитьI still talk to and spend time with my mom, who was mentally and physically abusive in my childhood, and an enabler, but well part of that is honestly, because she can help out with my money situation, and because shes not abusive anymore, just overbearing sometimes.
ОтветитьPress's harassment
ОтветитьIf you forgive a man for molesting your child and keep him in your life, YOU'RE JUST AS GUILTY AS HE IS.
ОтветитьYou have such an open heart. So much forgiveness. Motherhood changed that for a reason. And god bless you for listening. The saying goes, once a cheater always a cheater. I do believe the same stands for S.A. on a child. If you need to cut all ties, do it. If you need to put this person on blast to prove a point, do it. Lets not forget the long term harm these evils put on others. Im proud of of you for protecting your babies. ❤
Ответить"now that you're no longer my type..."
ОтветитьThis guy is BROKEN and will NOT CHANGE!! DO NOT EVER have your kids around him!! OR HER EITHER cause she is an enabler and gender makes NO DIFFERENCE. Seeing them only gives fantasy material. This is scorched earth time. Light that match and don't look back and have NO REGRETS. This guy will use every form of manipulation guilt obligation and fear. This guy should be locked up and NEVER around children. DO NOT HOLD ONTO THE HOPE HE WILL CHANGE!!!! They will pretend to change he will tell you he is different!! SCORCHED EARTH ONLY!!!!!!!
ОтветитьDon't let him anywhere near your kids. That's why he's back
ОтветитьI love your responses every time, filled with wisdom
ОтветитьWhy were you even in a relationship with him after what happened? Did you file charges against him? It is important to make him responsible for his crimes and protect other children. Many molesters like boys and girls, they are often the most sneaky people you will ever meet. They are the most manipulative people and can fool anyone with their kindness. They can and will trick your children into meeting with him through threats of harm or a surprise for mommy. From experience, molesters get at hundreds of children. Many children do not remember when bad things happen but it affects them their whole life.
ОтветитьGet a restraining order. I did. It works
ОтветитьNo. Just no.
ОтветитьShe needs a protection order
ОтветитьNever give the benefit of a doubt. Never give a second chance. These predators do not respect boundaries.
ОтветитьIf the statuteoflimitationsdoesnotexistin her state, Lauren has the option of reported her sexual assault and having it treated as a fresh case.
A woman I once knew did this, in a rural county in California, and the police went right after her perpetrator. For her, filing the criminal complaint was really empowering. However, the assailant was not a family member.
This is not about second changes. This is about keeping a predator away from your family. Stay strong lady! I believe in you ❤
ОтветитьAn alcoholic that is in recovery doesn’t drink anymore. He doesn’t go to bars. He doesn’t ask to hold an open bottle of whiskey.
If your father was truly reformed, he wouldn’t be asking to be left alone with your children. He’d be avoiding being left alone with children, not doing the equivalent of being an alcoholic asking to be left alone with an open bottle.
My heart hurts to hear the pain, anxiety and exhaustion in your voice.
I hope wherever you are today, you are breathing easier ❤️
One word: NO.
ОтветитьOhhh when the rage show up!!!
ОтветитьPedos do not change their spots.
Why let him in your life?
Your mom allowed it.
Walk away.
God bless your healing, your marriage and your family❤️
Has she asked her brothers if her father abused any of them.??
ОтветитьPEDOPHILES DONT CHANGE. Never give them a second chance. Shun them. If you know any man that’s abused a woman or child especially sexually, and you don’t speak up and call that person a friend…. You’re a coward and sorry excuse of a man
ОтветитьSecond chance means he misses illtreating you
ОтветитьAbsolutely not. He trying to get to her children while playing in her face. Nope!
ОтветитьMALES are ruining this world.
ОтветитьJust the title alone gave me an answer. Im not sure why this is even a question. You never give people like that a second chance.
ОтветитьIs her mom still with this guy? If so, What’s wrong with her that she would stay with him knowing this?
ОтветитьNope, absolutely not
ОтветитьThere's no way she's the only one he's abused! He should be in prison before he gets the chance to do it again & he is gonna do it again!
ОтветитьI hope you all followed up. She is a strong woman and was a super strong little girl who shouldn't have had to be. She just didn't know what to do but she asked, and talked through it!!
ОтветитьDear Caller, your Dad is still targeting you, he has been focusing on continuing abusing you in whatever way he can. Imo cut all ties and keep him out of the life of you and your family.
ОтветитьHell no. He doesn't deserve a second chance. Report him to the police.
ОтветитьDJD is awesome.