How to set up a Rat cage

How to set up a Rat cage


3 года назад

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Emiology - 24.06.2020 19:25

I FORGOT to add (because I have boys and I'm used to not having one) that you don't necessarily need a wheel, but if you have female rats I highly recommend it (Male rats tend to be less likely to use one but it's worth a try) but you need to make sure the wheel is big enough. 14 inches for females, and 16 inches for males, anything smaller for large adult rats could pose a risk to them. I have a video on my channel talking about wheels for mice and rats if you're interested in learning more but please just make sure they're the right size.

Mckayla - 07.09.2023 13:04

Hi how would I get my rats to not eat the furniture? I bought some bedding for my rat and he keeps chewing on the material. He gets food and water everyday so I don't know why he is chewing on the beds

Brissle - 02.08.2023 04:08

I have no idea how you’re able to stay focused making up that cage with all those sweet faces trying to get your attention at the bottom 😭

TheDragonAndTheWolf - 27.06.2023 05:40

I can’t believe how full this cage is! And your budget for this cage must be between £300-600 for everything, do you have any tips or ideas for a budget good set up for say £150

SABAYBAY - 31.05.2023 01:54

Is it okay to only have a single story?

annoying.genius - 09.04.2023 06:28

what is that blue ladder structure called! i so need it for my boys im adopting next weekend!

Rylen van der Hoek
Rylen van der Hoek - 12.03.2023 19:25

Hello, Emiology, is the critter nation rat cage bottom big enough? in all of your videos, it seems much larger, holding more things.

Suzie Redpath
Suzie Redpath - 25.02.2023 22:49

Hi I really wanted to say a huge thank you to you!! ❤ we’ve just got baby rats and all of your videos are SO HELPFUL our cage has many of the items you’ve recommended like the ikea tie holder, bridge, hammocks etc and I’ve got the isamu food to give them plus I’m going to make my own now it’s just been so helpful all of your advise and me and my 2 kids really enjoy watching them thank you so much 😊

Aubree Kozloski
Aubree Kozloski - 16.02.2023 17:15

I was wondering if you could make a video about good baby rat cages

paislee - 15.02.2023 05:39

im so sad, i have a friend who has rats and has no toys in the cage and wire bottomed. (maybe thats good for rats idk) but i am looking at this to see if her care is okay, its not the best though

M Planchon
M Planchon - 15.02.2023 05:08

This is a great video. Pear shaped hooks (like the ones used to hang the ropes) are not safe and can be deadly. Try zip ties, C shape shower hooks, short pieces of twine or plastic chain.

Rachie Sherlock
Rachie Sherlock - 12.02.2023 00:38

I'm getting some rats next week. I'm so excited. Two boys names welcome 😁

bollegijz - 04.02.2023 18:50

why you have mainly men not woman rats?

Marsha's Baking Addiction
Marsha's Baking Addiction - 26.01.2023 22:24

Do you know the length of the dog rope toy? Thank you! :)

Sunny The Ferret
Sunny The Ferret - 15.01.2023 06:11

i bought a hanging pineapple bed for my four. and three of them kept fighting over it so i bought another of the exact same one. they still fight over the one... even tho the other one is right next to it

Matt G
Matt G - 14.01.2023 01:49

Hi just wondering where to get the HempFlax Hemparade that you use. I have had a look around and I can only find small packs for reptile use £££
Thanks for the great videos

Emma Mali
Emma Mali - 29.11.2022 23:00

What did she use for the tray can anyone comment how to get one? Getting a similar cage thank you!:)

Puggy20 - 21.11.2022 08:35

I might get two male rats next year and I will name them Pebbles ( hopefully find a grey one ) and Mr.Derpy who can be any colour but I really want Pebbles to be grey XD

James Pike
James Pike - 19.10.2022 01:16

I’m pretty sure that this (planning out the cage selection and interior design thereof) is step one to suddenly owning rats.

Oh boy, here we go.

Keto with Stacy
Keto with Stacy - 18.10.2022 22:38

Can't wait to set up my new cage. I love your rattos. They are so cute! Great cage ideas, thanks.

Anira Alvarez
Anira Alvarez - 07.10.2022 17:16

I’m starting to do a bunch of research to prepare myself to get a couple rats of my own, and I was wondering if it’s okay to just have that one cage for them or if they need another large one too. Also, I keep reading that rats live better in three’s, but I see a lot of people with only two. So I’m assuming nothing bad will come from just having two at a time?

MXa - 22.09.2022 02:01

wee wee

korieparks - 04.09.2022 20:31

HELP: we’re getting 2 male rats, and I was wondering if you give each of them a separate water bottle and bowl, or if they share one. Thank u!

LysLemon - 03.09.2022 04:51

You fvcking remindid me of my dead dog

Danika - 23.08.2022 00:21

The ikea tie holder you can also find on Amazon. If you type in bird climbing toys you’ll find them! It was harder for me to find a normal white or brown color, because I’m doing a cottage theme, which has these colors: pink, brown, green, white, and purple.

Phoebe - 06.08.2022 12:22

I’m so confused cuz Google says rats can’t have pine wood but toys/ wooden platforms are made out of pine wood and say it’s safe for the rat to chew if they do. So I need help should I get my rat wooden pine toys? If not then what wood toys should I get

ellie - 02.08.2022 07:09

I’ve been seriously considering getting some pet rats so any advice or facts would be much appreciated 💓

Anke Postma
Anke Postma - 27.07.2022 09:23

How much space is there between the bars? 🥰

Waifu wafflez
Waifu wafflez - 25.07.2022 22:42

i would love to get pet rats someday, my mom said i wouldn't be able to anytime soon. They're so cute!

Justin Griswold
Justin Griswold - 11.07.2022 01:11

if you wanna save money get your rope from the hardware store, pet store ropes are ridiculously expensive for no reason

Mars rose
Mars rose - 09.07.2022 09:21

Can you use pine pellets for litter? (This is what I use for my cats so I was wondering)

Elkhazel - 08.07.2022 03:10

where on earth did you get that plastic house that is attached to the cage? i cant find it anywhere. ty

7 - 01.07.2022 15:57

i noticed you have a cat tree, is it for your rats or do you have a cat as well? and if so is there a way to introduce the cat thta may help with their prey drive?

also are you able to take that cage apart like removing the top half from the bottom?

recently i’ve put in a bookshelf that has about 3.5 feet of length, and removable shelves so height constraints aren’t a problem. width wise i only have space for about 13inchs, and originally i thought it would be the perfect place to put a cage because it’s out of reach from my cat (so that i can avoid stressors for the rats) but the more research i do, i feel like i should just scrap the idea and wait to start making plans to get rats until i find another space where i could put them.

is there any advice you have on the shelf idea? do you think i could diy a cage based on my requirements for the shelf idea?

please feel free to let me know what your thoughts are, i don’t plan on getting rats anytime soon as there aren’t any up for adoption in my area and i haven’t done enough research yet to feel confident in the care i could provide them

also big thanks to emiology for being a really great resource for me to learn i really appreciate it!!!

Chelsea Mcbride
Chelsea Mcbride - 26.06.2022 08:02

can rats have a ball pit in their cage or only when outside of the cage?

Lindsay Peck
Lindsay Peck - 26.06.2022 05:59

Just got our first rat yesterday and getting a friend for him tomorrow! Watching all your videos

ThatLupeChick - 21.06.2022 19:55

When getting new rats is it best to already have a full cage ready for them or is it better to ease them into a new home that’s a bit more calm with only few toys?

aemke spajer
aemke spajer - 20.06.2022 13:18

hello is there anyone that knows a suitable cage for 3 rats that ships worldwide or to the netherlands?

Jayde Law
Jayde Law - 15.06.2022 04:01

I just found out that 1 of my 2 males is a female... and she's pregnant
I'm making a tank for the mom and babies and then I'm gonna make a big cage for all of them.... wish me luck

Laurie Paquet
Laurie Paquet - 15.06.2022 03:13

Is my rat cage too small? It is 31 by 19 inches and 14.5 inches tall?

Laurie Paquet
Laurie Paquet - 15.06.2022 02:58

Where did she buy this cage!?

Browniebear - 13.06.2022 08:17

My inspiration

Jessica Tasker
Jessica Tasker - 11.06.2022 22:42

I've had my pet rat midnight for 1 year now his friend moon died about a week ago, today I decided to get him 2 12 week old male friends and everything's going well so far but the cage is very boring with no play toys and stuff so I have just ordered stuff off amazon thankyou for the help I love your channel!! Xx

Zaya - 28.05.2022 17:22

I’m getting rats somewhere I’m between July and September and I’m so excited I have probably watched all your videos at least 3 times 😅

Raghav Rathore
Raghav Rathore - 25.05.2022 15:16

How many rat u have

Cottage Grove Matron
Cottage Grove Matron - 23.05.2022 05:02

Would love to learn how you build the bedding barrier!

D G - 10.05.2022 19:32

Great overview of a cage set up. Really useful hints and tips. Thanks 👍

•CocoaGerbil• - 10.05.2022 10:33

Can you give me an exact description of the bedding please so I know what to look for

penta - 08.05.2022 01:41

worked malo spoofer update soon

Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 03.05.2022 16:58

nah your rats are your whole personality
