Women Are Tired Of Being Masculine

Women Are Tired Of Being Masculine

The Comments Section with Brett Cooper

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@calumanderson1138 - 06.12.2023 14:35

I'm a man and im sick of being a girl boss, lets soft girl together and show that pesky government how well we run our homes !!

@jonathanosborne7509 - 06.12.2023 14:26

Love you covering this subject :) Thank You!!

@jontee3437 - 06.12.2023 14:20

Yeah this is where more women just have more of an excuse to be a lazy bitch while they expect a man to work himself to death for her. Just watch, that's where this "movement" is headed real quick. It's still a feminist agenda just a different approach that is more palatable to men. It's all about what the women what and still focusing on only the woman.

@WordsAreJustNoise - 06.12.2023 14:01

The dudes don't care anymore. Ladies fucked around found out. Why on earth would we take this seriously we ain't fools.

@chrisplissken4626 - 06.12.2023 13:32

So women ...wanna be women ..that's uhm great

@jg7286 - 06.12.2023 13:28

Just seems that women cant be made happy

@WellWisdom. - 06.12.2023 13:16

With the Draft looming over their shoulders, no wonder they are turning themselves into meek, weak, needy girls to be protected.

@Leispada - 06.12.2023 13:08

Its not like our capitalist society has nothing to do with deifying money. Like capitalism as a concept, perhaps no, but that's not what they meant to say here.
Feminism became hijacked by money, as most things do

@Chewbakero - 06.12.2023 12:50

OH NO! does this mean men have to try harder again?? awww man, i guess good things doesnt last.

@cooliipie - 06.12.2023 12:35

A welcomed change

@forest-dweller - 06.12.2023 12:30

Unfortunately (for everyone), men are also tired of being masculine.

@T.H.E. - 06.12.2023 12:29

It's funny to watch culture go round in circles

@ermacjones4821 - 06.12.2023 12:27

If you're a guy, you'd have to be impossibly stupid to ever get married or have kids at this point.

@TKayke - 06.12.2023 12:14

Why do we need to choose a set path or group? This infuriates me! I sit in neither. I am a 37 woman who has chosen not to have children, I love my work but have chosen not to pursue a management role so I can maintain a better work life balance. I prioritise some of my time for exercise and eating well but am not a slave to it. This is all my choice. I have female friends who have children but are also super career driven so are balancing the 2, some who since having children care less about work and just want to raise their family - we are just here making our own individual choices. So again I ask WHY DO WE NEED TO CHOOSE a set path or group?!

@TheBlackGentlemanGeek - 06.12.2023 11:19

So they finally want to be soft after having been shared around by millionaires who didn’t take them seriously like the way these girls thought they would. They’ve noticed men are starting to not pay attention to them with their nonsense.

These girls have been left to the side by the top guys of society, got tossed around in yachts and 10 stars hotels. These girls found out reality wasn’t like how Disney told them. So after being used like a rag, they wanna come back down with a used up vagina and emotional damage, to a good guy, who would have treated her like a queen.

The deal isn’t good.

Stay over there and carry on being passed around.

These girls are chameleons.

But simps will pick up trash as usual.

@TheLark7567 - 06.12.2023 09:46

I blame millennials XD

@tracysmith8992 - 06.12.2023 09:29

i think its just that us women want the choice to either work or not work. some women are just so afraid that the title of tradwife means being stuck under their husband’s command and almost like a live in maid. we want to love our husbands and that our husbands love us enough to support us without making us their servant. we WANT to take care of them not be FORCED to take care of them

@arjundhir3226 - 06.12.2023 08:57

With no disrespect to little too late they should’ve thought about this before they started this mess. I’m just saying they already put a barrier between male and female is going to take a long road I mean seriously long road for them to get that back I’m just saying from what I see.

@FluffyBusch - 06.12.2023 08:43

A rich man can marry a woman that works at McDonald’s and be completely happy.

A rich woman wouldn’t even notice a man that works at McDonald’s.

Thats the other issue with what feminism did. Women are still hypergamous and still want their man to earn at least as much as them.

There’s only so many men that make 100k a year. So the more money a woman earns the smaller her dating pool becomes.

Feminism will make women single, lonely, work slaves. Maybe that was the agenda all along…

@nihari_pops4890 - 06.12.2023 07:53

its so cirnge because most of our mothers lived an old school life and now everyone finds it ground breaking that just having a family is "actually possible 🤯"

@patrickdurham8393 - 06.12.2023 06:25

I'm glad I'm old and don't have to deal with or take shit from the latest crop of women. They're a sad sack of taters.

@PratosKS - 06.12.2023 06:15

I still don't trust them. Every woman I have been close to has turned out to be a horrible person. I'll just enjoy my house and my hobbies.

@nashoba8712 - 06.12.2023 05:38

Birth rates are crazy low in America
We are at such a huge decline, thats we are on downfall.

Ill bet this is another government started thing to increase men wanting to be wirh american women.

Lol, since most of us wont tough an american woman to begin with 🤣

@0422Juls - 06.12.2023 05:27

I dont think it has shit to do with women wanting to be more "feminine" or less "masculine"
I think women are using the benefit of being a woman to discover that they can do whatever they want, including being a housewife, without people looking badly on them. I think it's loud because theyre trying to normalize it, which is fine.
But mostly, I think younger generations of women are wanting that lifestyle more because making a living and worrying about money and making money is a lot harder now due to the insane inflation and near-great-depression bs that's been happening.

I feel it, but I dont consider myself a "soft woman"...honestly that's such a cringy gen z term to say Bleh.
I love being feminine at times and dressing up and using makeup, but I also love dressing down and not using colours and makeup. I work in a warehouse and drive forklifts and I absolutely love it more than I thought I would ever love that kind of work. It's tough as hell but Im getting paid well and I get profit sharing and amazing benefits, including plenty of time off after giving birth. Im happy because the people at my work are amazing and I get paid well.

Most places arent like that and most places hold a lot of toxicity and disregard for employees.
THIS is the reason women are taking advantage of the dream of a housewife. and honestly... Ill be honest, I do actually see it as lazy and sad for most cases because I know what it's like to just stay at home and do chores vs working for a living.... but I also understand it. I dont really blame them so much. This world sucks. and the newer generations are being born into worse and worse worlds with no light on the other side in view.
It would be nice in theory to just relax and pretend everything is ok and hide behind 4 walls at home, not ever having to deal with toxic workplaces and stuff. Only ever having to be around the people you choose to have at your house and the pretty and lovely things you have. And a bonus, you get to have a clean house that's to your standard. Just a bit of tidying everyday and more time for hobbies....although I think there's also a reason women fought for more options....because many didnt just like house wiving either.

It sounds nice to them to just leave all that hardship off to someone else... their partner who is willing to take it all one because the men were raised to put up with toxicity for generations...and if they dont, theyre seen as pathetic by society and themselves.
I wish that no one had to deal with it.
I wish all workplaces could be as healthy and well paid as the one Ive found.
I wish the world was less depressing and one worth living in..

...although I think there's also a reason women fought for more options....because many didnt just like house wiving either. It's one thing. One thing and nothing else.

I personally love working a fulltime job (my current and well paid healthy job that is)
My benefits allow me to take care of myself at the bare minimum and sometimes more. I love working an everyday job because it helps me feel fulfilled and offers more opportunities to learn more and better myself. There's also a lot of variety within my work and around my workplace every so often, as I take part in union stuff and annual event help throughout the year. There are so many different opportunities that I wouldnt have if I just became a basic boring housewife. I dont think that priority will ever change for me.
And, I still have weekends to work on my hobbies and do what I want... plus vacation time to travel or work on my hobbies more or focus on myself in general.

But like I said, I think the world needs to work on having more healthy workplaces like that.

@pradg7362 - 06.12.2023 04:55

These are absolutely fake women. Saw a trend to go against the feminism movement to get views.
Sont buy into it.

@mariow7818 - 06.12.2023 04:45

I love it when an ad is so easly recognizable that you read off script someone else wrote. O would like it if ads were more personal and with your honest opinion in them. Instead of reading from script and just going with it what others provided you. I get that ad company might have wrote that you need to inculde everything they want but then its a sloppy job on their part.

@anthonyt1427 - 06.12.2023 04:27

Brett I think what would be fascinating to find out is if the government, large corporations, media and everyone else found out is the projected numbers and it scared them.

1. For the government, there are less men enrolling in the military. Usually that was the masculine thing to do! There’s also a projection of over 40% of women being single alone and childless within the next decade! You add to that men declining in ambition and becoming less educated and that’s a social recipe for disaster.
2. Corporations, yes marketing states that women are the spenders in relationships (or single boss babes), but… there’s also a huge increase since the pandemic of men subscribing to OF and AC draining their resources which inevitably will cause an issue if the middle class isn’t investing (historically that’s been men within society) so while it seems great to have the rich get richer, business have also lately started to understand economics (and not just making a dollar) which means this isn’t sustainable in the long term and could present a ton of financial issues for stability in the future.
3. Media! This experiment with the media has also had a huge backlash in so many aspects. I could break it all down, but I have no desire to be cancelled so I’m going to let it go!
4. Younger generations being more socially aware of the current state or older generations and saying you know what. I don’t want to be old single or anything like you older people. You all looked like you had fun and try to talk up your experiences while you’re miserable inside and outside.

@tiny.terrorist.negotiator - 06.12.2023 04:23

I love my career. It is my calling, my passion, it is what ive always wanted to do. I still raised my kids but after they went to school, i went back into the workforce. I am a teacher. I wouldnt give it up for anything. I also take care of my body, i eat right and workout. I need my strength to keep up with 23 kindergarteners 5 days a week.

@Castaway_ - 06.12.2023 04:19

her transitions are so good it's like I'm getting rick rolled every time.

@dawngunther528 - 06.12.2023 04:14

The Feminist movement has been hijacked by the richest White men in the world. Those in control want women in the workforce for TWO reasons. 1. Double the tax base. 2. Get women out of the home so the government can raise our kids, hence the saying, they want what is "best" for our kids from cradle to college. Governments historically use the youth to mold into their pawns.

@ShaferHart - 06.12.2023 04:00

If only they could also undo their body count too.

@Chronis6251 - 06.12.2023 03:58

Thank you so much. Love this video!

@newschaser6414 - 06.12.2023 03:47

Yeah, no girlboss. ❤😊

@GTRNights - 06.12.2023 02:52

I have to disagree with it not partly being Capitalism's fault. In fact, they are the original ones who saw profit in breaking up the nuclear family with this whole "kids should move out at 18" stuff. Because if you break up households, they all have to buy an entire household worth of stuff. Having 4 generations living in the same house and using the same stuff was choking capitalist profits.

Also, I do not give one single solitary flying squirrel's nutsack about this new "soft girl" BS. These women are going to find that it's faaaar too late. Men like me are already checked out. I am now with a foreign woman who is all the things a woman is supposed to be and more and I have no need to go back to western garbage, no matter what new cloak the golddiggers want to wrap themselves in. "I just want to stay home and spend HIS money all day" is still golddigging and I see right through it.

Too late, too bad, so sad. Feminism made men wise up to your games and your nonsense. There is no going back. The veil has come off and it can't be unseen.

@banjax80 - 06.12.2023 02:44

What I am seeing is more of a transition from it being cool to be a boss bitch and now it is cool be brat. They don't want to be a stay at home mom and wife. They want to be sugar baby.

@arsvivendi2636 - 06.12.2023 02:42

the women that are engaging this trend are NOT stay-at-home moms. they are twenty somethings living off of their boyfriend and doing fuck all all day. let's be clear.

@beyondfubar - 06.12.2023 02:16

Interestingly this is an area real women will destroy pretend or trans women.

@auslee2431 - 06.12.2023 01:30

people are dum*. they can't live like that if they keep wanting things. the more you want the more money you need. when you need money you get jobs you don't like that makes you unhappy. hahaha!! not sure why people refuse to understand this.

@breadbread8103 - 06.12.2023 01:27

Spread the word about God

@johnjames5842 - 06.12.2023 01:17

So its commie-tradwives, hard pass

@ultimatetomato4600 - 06.12.2023 01:03

lol this is what Jordan Peterson and Christopher Hitchens had been saying years ago. Yes women should have all options open to them, but sacrificing time with your family for a career of overtime, why would you want that? Hell i'm a man and i don't want it either.

@stevens2706 - 06.12.2023 00:12

Hello?! Wake up!! Men don't want masculine women, and no guy wants a "girl boss babe"!!

@danielanthony9621 - 06.12.2023 00:07

This is interesting. The flip side is that Gen z men 'if you can call them that' are to comfortable with their feminine side. There are always exceptions but its not looking good. Just my opinion

@libertygrange - 06.12.2023 00:07

But have people accepted traditional and masculine men yet?

@avabradley9741 - 05.12.2023 23:41

I love this girl she’s like a mini Candace. Good goin’… xo

@Gumlass1 - 05.12.2023 23:35

The "soft girls" also need to start restoring the things that used to make it desirable for men to support them.

@kelvyiturralde8111 - 05.12.2023 23:32

I really do love how they blame Capitalism when women didn’t have to work under capitalism for 300 years nearly

@laujam4650 - 05.12.2023 23:30

I just want to get married, travel and be a housewife❤❤
