How To Actually Use DLSS 3 Frame Generation!

How To Actually Use DLSS 3 Frame Generation!

Mostly Positive Reviews

10 месяцев назад

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Arminius - 30.10.2023 19:55

how will DLSS and FG on the 4th gen RTX cards work with older CPU's?

José Antonio Gata Luján
José Antonio Gata Luján - 29.10.2023 19:56

nvidia se rie en la puta cara de la gente con los precios, y "engañando a la gente" con su ia y software pa decir, ehyyyy, q ahora los juegos no se optimizan, q lo optimize la ia....... vamos vagancia total

Joshua Minke
Joshua Minke - 25.10.2023 10:08

frame generation causes insane stuttering for me. i dont know what im doing wrong. games become unplayable when i turn it on

josh dingle
josh dingle - 22.10.2023 22:25

the latency also depends on the game i get about 40-50 fps 35ms latency in a slightly demanding room in portal with rtx with my 4070ti with dlss quality and no frame gen and when i turn on frame gen it goes to about 80 fps 40-60ms latency which is honestly totally playable for a single player puzzle game like portal

Matt Stein
Matt Stein - 20.10.2023 05:50

tbh I needed high vram for work and got a 16 gig 4060ti and since gaming comes second to making money, it works for me, but I play 1080p 165hz. Pricing is insane but everyone has diff use cases for different cards :)

vidfreak56 - 19.10.2023 16:41

This is entirely your opinion and not something everybody agrees with or even wants (its not a matter of doing it wrong). Dont tell me i have to like it just because you find it "OK". Most people dont want this technology. They want an increase in framerate not fake frames. What matters is the quality of the frames and whether or not you can notice the difference between actual high frames and generated frames. Some might be able to and will not choose to use it. Id rather real frames than fake frames. And in most games if you're seeing high input lag w/o FG then thats due to the rendering being delayed (usually buffering of some sort to smooth the experience), its not because its the whole PC latency (average pc latency is CPU-GPU ONLY). Thats on the game engine itself and isn't necessarily indicative of all games and how they will perform. So how much "difference" Youd notice w/ the added delay will entirely depend on how much latency is added in the game in question and the quality of the frames. DLSS varies from game to game and i use it sometimes and other times leave it off due to image quality.

LOL Linus TEch Tips isn't representative of all people. They are sell outs and want to help sell nvidia tech to consumers. 9/10 its never apples to apples in content creator comparisons and they do it wrong and get the conclusions entirely wrong.

I dont mind the technology for those that can't get over 60 fps and need it, but i do mind it for those that shouldn't need it and can run at high frame rates and i dont want it to become the norm just because GPU devs dont want to innovate anymore and take the easy way out for high profits on cards that are only marginally better than previous generations. This isn't helping anyone except the low end of the player base.

By the way i can notice the difference between the two and ive hated FG when i switched it on.

Marino Šimić
Marino Šimić - 18.10.2023 22:40

This is partially true. DLSS 3 super resolution is its own thing. It is an upgrade to DLSS2. Then DLSS FrameGeneration is its own thing. And Reflex is its own thing. Reflex works with DLSS2 but FrameGeneration doesn't. Also frame generation doesnt work with DLSS3, without RTX 4000, which itself can work on non 4 gen cards. It is a mess.

Zazoreal - 17.10.2023 11:06

Everything has it's drawbacks along with it's advantages. The more tools we have the better.

cmn - 17.10.2023 07:52

I would not say people hate Frame Generation but they do hate when people mischaracterize it. For example you PROVED even with this sub-par tool that ~85 "FPS" with framegen has ~55ms of latency and REAL ~85 FPS to have ~30ms. At a TRUE and REAL ~130 FPS that latency would have been ~15-20ms so YES ~40+ms is BAD. Now I'm not saying its NOT usable especially in single player games. I don't notice it BUT for people who are ALL about REDUCING latency with higher FRAMERATES - Frame Generation IS NOT REAL FRAMES AND they DON"T reduce latency. Its a frame SMOOTHING technology. Also its kind of infuriating when people are RANTING against monitors and especially TVs over 5, 10ms of latency but when NVIDIA has tech that ADDS 10-20+ms of latency at a displayed "FPS" now it doesn't matter.

Doctor Git Gud
Doctor Git Gud - 14.10.2023 21:08

very good video, i played cyberpunk with pathtracing on my 4070ti and the latency was just too much with framegen enabled, the 70 fps was playable no doubt but if you stop looking at things and just wanna have a snappy gameplay experience high latency is just a nogo, so yeah using framegen to increase from 60fps upwards to avoid latency is actually a really good takeaway from this video thanks man

iamspencerx - 12.10.2023 16:38

The problem with frame generation is that the players who need it can't use it because it requires a high framerate in first place, also if I'm not buying a 600€+ GPU just to have to use upscaling and frame generation, those tricks should be for 200€ GPUs

Beast - 11.10.2023 12:20

you need 50 fps minimum for frame gen to work properly, if you can maintain 100fps (with frame gen) or 120fps (with fg) you need to change your refresh rate accordingly and then cap your frame rate to 50 at 100hz, and 60 cap for 120hz...this will reduce latency even more

D. A.
D. A. - 09.10.2023 16:14

If you come from a 3060 Ti it makes no sense to buy the 4060. Now, if you come from a computer that is several years old, in my case one from 2009, it makes sense for me to buy the 4060 for several reasons:
- the VRAM is the same as the 3060 Ti, so the frames per second are very, very similar, without turning on the dlss or RT, being a little higher on the 3060 Ti.
- consumption is lower in the 4060.
- and, at least here in Spain, a 4060 is cheaper than a 3060 Ti, so if they are very similar in numbers, since the 4060 is not an innovation, beyond DLSS, I think a 4060 is always worth it. when you don't come from a 3060 Ti.

I9IIEIIYIIEIIS - 09.10.2023 00:00

we LOVE frame Gen -- we HATE corporate greeeeed

LassMiRanda DennSieWillJa
LassMiRanda DennSieWillJa - 08.10.2023 15:14

we dont hate FG, we hate FG+Vsync. Then we are talking about latency. I play on a TV for example

eric silva
eric silva - 08.10.2023 04:50

I play on a 60hz 43inch tv with vsync of and frame limit to 60.
I wonder if frame genaration help on those situation the game can't reach/keep 60 fps? or this is only good if you already over 60fps on a +144hz monitor?
If the game is running like 30-40 fps and FG push it to 60, does feel better? or make things even worst?

SoSad &Awful
SoSad &Awful - 07.10.2023 16:35

DLSS Frame Generation Greyed Out for me and i cant fix that help pls

doltBmB - 07.10.2023 12:02

In theory it is for taking already decent performance, and pushing it so that you can max out a high refresh monitor.

Volen Todorov
Volen Todorov - 05.10.2023 08:37

5 years ago people were denying the benefits of 144hz refresh rate, nowadays they cry about 10-15ms input delay
