The Beautiful Horror of Deep Space

The Beautiful Horror of Deep Space

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@justiceSolstice - 09.01.2024 21:27

Lol they'll be pulled into a star, and erased.

@matthewboire6843 - 09.01.2024 20:20

Space is awesome and horrifying it the same time

@kittenvontacos4153 - 09.01.2024 11:13

space is scary because we know we cant really do space travel safely yet and the rest is a ton of unknown. imagine being sent to space back then? its less scary now. believe me the earth can be equally as deadly without the right protection. youre on another level bro, people arent thinking like this. its shocking how incredibly shallow people are. i like how you used video games and movies , for real though , great video.

@cameronrobinson3933 - 09.01.2024 09:26

I'm happy to know this is a thing because once in a great great while I will have a dream where I'm drifting in space inside of a spacesuit but there's no shuttles or planets or space stations or anything near me I'm just by myself in space. It is a strange fear because I love space and I love sci-fi and if I ever had a chance to safely go to space I would love to do it but the idea of drifting in space in my space suit for some reason terrifies me. The scene in the movie Gravity where Sandra Bullock is spinning out of control going wherever to me it was one of the freakiest things I've ever seen in a movie despite the fact the movie is mostly BS

@NT_1 - 09.01.2024 05:21

I highly recommend yall to watch the movie Sunshine 2007!

@tubalord3693 - 09.01.2024 04:10

I’m kind of the exact opposite I see space and I think how amazing I’m not doomed to this meaningless rock there’s so much out there that I can learn about and so much I have to explore people fear, eternal life I relish it because it just means I get to see more

The only ones who fear eternal life are the ones who are limited in their imagination Don’t get me wrong I know eternal life is impossible. Even the universe itself will die.

@tubalord3693 - 09.01.2024 03:51

I like the idea that were the spoiled brats of the universe, and every other alien species had to fight through hell to just survive because their own planet was trying to kill them

So spoiled that we are our own worst threat

@shadowfox8084 - 08.01.2024 21:16

We aren't alone in the universe aliens are real

@entropybear5847 - 08.01.2024 19:52

I almost blocked your channel for using this AI generated thumbnail that looks suspiciously like every other spam AI channel. Thankfully I checked your channel and noticed I've watched your other content before and it's probably legit. Please think carefully about how you present your content in future, you may end up having your channel blocked by potential viewers and subscribers because you appear like spam content.

@MrBlindTony - 08.01.2024 17:57

Tarkovsky's Solaris is shit. And it is not my words. But words of Stanislav Lem himself - the author of the original novel. And he is the most qualified person to evaluate the movie. Novel is a masterpiece by the way

@QuintTheSharker - 08.01.2024 17:35

If you’re afraid of dark and endless space, just remember you’re IN dark and endless space right now

@_laryssa - 08.01.2024 14:55

Personally I'm really scared of other planets gravity's for some reason? I've had countless nightmares about looking up to the sky and there being an inexplicably massive astral body orbiting earth and pulling me from the ground in an extremely fast pace. Planets that normally would be light years apart, just right next to each other, naturally, sucking me from the surface of our planet.

@Knautschfriese - 08.01.2024 05:36

I played Elite Dangerous for about 2300 Hours. When i explored Somewhere at the other Side of the MilkyWay, it becomes scary and lonely sometimes. The next living Person, or Space Station is realtime about a Week away. When i looked to the Stars, there where only a few like some drops of white Paint on a black Canvas.

@lucasjames7524 - 08.01.2024 05:08

It's nice to be on our little, cozy planet. May we be good to each other, and make our stay here as good as it can be for each other and everything else here with us.

@Notsogoodguitarguy - 08.01.2024 03:05

I think there's a simple reason why space is so horrifying - the human mind is not designed to be idle. And, in space, in the unending vastness and darkness, you can do basically nothing but be idle. And if your mind is idle, then it begins to freak itself out. I imagine it like a dark version of the White Room torture method.

@BonevSpeedruns-mb5rd - 08.01.2024 02:25

I'm truly sorry for anyone who doesn't find this topic fascinating, I was on the verge of tears throughout the video. Truly beautiful stuff

@Spent_Jungus - 07.01.2024 21:48

Gen z completely hijacked the word phobia. They have no clue what the word means and what living with an actual phobia is like. Other words that they've changed the meaning of:

@nonamegonzalez5711 - 07.01.2024 19:06

I was feeling pretty depressed until the very end

@MR2car - 07.01.2024 18:26

You guys need to hear about the "Wall of Fire", it's my personal favorite existential threat. Basically just like Earth's magnetosphere protects us against cosmic rays, the Sun's magnetosphere also does it but on a bigger scale. We know this because one of the Voyager probes left our solar system and it came across a "Wall of Fire". There is a low density plasma (fire) field at the edge of the sun's magnetosphere, like a shield protecting us from outside cosmic rays, creating a bit of diffuse fire in space. This might mean that interstellar space is way more hostile than inside our solar system. Life might be stuck on Earth forever if we can't find a way to protect ourselves from this phenomenon.
The Wall of Fire lives rent free in my head, because it might mean we're emprisoned on Earth, unless we become robots.

@jthablaidd - 07.01.2024 17:33

Let’s hope that probe doesn’t crash before aliens can get it

@noneofurbusiness906 - 07.01.2024 13:19

beautifully scary

@Mike-ht6rf - 07.01.2024 12:39

Great video.

@justamanofculture12 - 07.01.2024 11:05

And then you realize the universe is in a "Constant state of Expansion" too 🗿🗿🗿

@tomkerruish2982 - 07.01.2024 10:30

Space madness? You coveteth my ice cream bar!

@deweylazy7853 - 07.01.2024 06:37

Definitely no photos of pasties LOL

@michaelmcconnell7302 - 07.01.2024 01:26

My introduction to the terror of floating in open space with nothing for thousands of miles was Ray Bradbury's short story Kaleidoscope.

@welcomemcnall - 06.01.2024 07:10

Incredible video as usual. Extremely insightful. I think the movie Ad Astra captures some of the spirit of what you talk about here really well, like the realization that in spite of its vast and enticing unknowns, there is no home for us in space like the one we have here on earth, and the biggest discovery we find out there is how good we had it back home

@tivaspotato - 05.01.2024 20:21

sometimes i feel so small in the universe but then i am reminded of the fact that my mother tongue, javanese, is carried billions of kilometres away from earth with the slim chance of it coming into contact with another intelligent life form out there. idk, it just fills me with a jumble of emotions that i can't describe. it just makes me want to cry happy tears.

@misad6308 - 05.01.2024 15:02

"The sun is eventually going to become a red giant and then, it will die."
Yeah, yeah, but that's still far off. Ever heard of what Coronal Mass Ejections do to technology? The last time we got hit, random fires started out, people working with electrical instruments got shocked by their equipment, satellites got damaged and telegraph workers unpligged their machines because the induced current not only could power them just fine, but adding the batteries overloaded the network! And that was in 1859! Imagine what spontaneously induced electromagnetic current could do to us now that stovetops, cars and jobs run on it.

@cygnus1129 - 05.01.2024 08:13

I'll take death in space over crush depth in a submarine.

@ahcangela8549 - 05.01.2024 00:36

Pedantic correction, but despite the name there are other human (and android) inhabitants in the space station of Alien Isolation. They just happen to also want to kill you.

@bengetsbetter4646 - 04.01.2024 18:09

In the Lord there is no fear but faith!

@kyattoresu - 04.01.2024 08:55


@HandsomeManNamedTony - 04.01.2024 04:50

I feel so happy knowing that we sent a time capsule into space. I hope we're never forgotten.

@Anny-me9ny - 04.01.2024 00:58

Laika is not a hero, she is a victim.
A hero is someone who willingly confronts agony or danger. Laika was not willing. She suffered a long and miserable death. Those scientists are cowards.

@donnaquixote7538 - 04.01.2024 00:05

Personally I find it somewhat comforting to study the night sky and the planets and the stars when the night is clear. ✨ It puts things in perspective and it's reassuring to know that beyond the Earth, there are impressive things which humanity probably won't mess up. That said, I'm somewhat of a transhumanist and do believe in responsible advancing of technology and the human condition. 💗 Happy New Year 2024 to you and everyone else reading this! 🎇

@Jezzascmezza - 03.01.2024 21:01

Jacob Geller-esque

@DoctorX149 - 03.01.2024 18:43

I used to wonder how anything inherently temporary mattered. I always thought, we must find a way to reach for the stars and preserve ourselves somehow. I still think we should try--but this mindset bled into my own life. I spent much of my childhood obsessed with the idea of trying to become immortal. Maybe that obsession is still a part of the reason I'm going into a career in Neuroscience.

And yet, I have fallen in love. I deeply love someone who has little interest in trying to live much longer than the healthy lifespan we know of a century-odd years. I have seen my parents grow older, and realized that whatever Neuroscience does discover, it will probably be too late for them. It will probably even be too late for me. The moments I share with these loved ones have become so precious to me. If I knew life on Earth were to surely end in a few hundred years, I would sob for what was lost. But I would still spend my life exactly as I intend to now. That brings me a lot of peace.

I guess this is my atheist spirituality. The deep wonder I feel in the boundless cosmos is my God, and walking into the night staring at the sky is my prayer. I hope for humanity to reach the stars and become a fact of our Universe. But if it doesn't, our lives are still so, so meaningful. Thank you for making a video that helps capture some of these feelings. Like the sunset you watched in Outer Worlds, even if our history is but a blip, it will be meaningful.

@fuffoon - 03.01.2024 15:18

I saw a documentary on space madness with ren and stimpy.

@netherhuntr7546 - 03.01.2024 09:37

I'm running an Alien RPG campaign and thought this video would provide me some useful tidbits of fear that I might be able to bring to the setting to spice things up. Upon finishing the video I am left in a mental space of wonder. Your words have given me much to think about and the concepts that this video has provided, I feel will be invaluable to not only adding that dash of non-xenomorphic fear that I've been look for but also an emotional response and message that I feel will deepen the session. Thank you and I look forward to being a subscriber and seeing more.

@jaelmayer - 03.01.2024 09:28

forgive us laika for we not what we do for we are young we are foulish perhaps you should not forgive us prhaps we do not desseve forgivness

@MrJames_Bondage - 03.01.2024 06:46

Am I the only one thats not bothered by deep space? I find it gorgeous and soothing......its the ocean thats terrifying

@thehomiecaleb9066 - 03.01.2024 00:04

if the universe is so big, why wont it fight me

@Tramicful - 02.01.2024 18:12

I'm not sure what is it but something about your videos gets 100% of my attention, it's deeply engaging. Love the documentary style format you do. Great work!

@frederikagen8892 - 02.01.2024 14:03

Amazing video love all the different stories you bring in :)

@quitlife9279 - 02.01.2024 13:22

All of us are already on our own personal one way trips toward certain doom, and yes, we are all driven to insanity by it, some more so than others. The most insane delude themselves of the fact entirely to live amongst fantasies.

@Sebastian-hg3xc - 02.01.2024 13:18

disliked for using non-scientific (imperial) units.

@BassByTheBay - 02.01.2024 11:50

If you truly want to experience the horror of deep space, watch the movie Ariana... but only if you aren't feeling suicidal.

@DoglinsShadow - 02.01.2024 08:22

Excellent video. Emotional, too.
