Lost Ark: Stuck on Tier 2? Here Are Some Great Ways to Reach Tier 3!

Lost Ark: Stuck on Tier 2? Here Are Some Great Ways to Reach Tier 3!


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@Azg4l0R1 - 09.03.2022 21:47

you didnt mention on azure wind that it was 30+ SECRET quests

@volkansanbayk5158 - 09.03.2022 21:59

Cool mate ty

@dawsoxl6936 - 09.03.2022 22:46

just hit tier 2, this will help :D

@somedude1324 - 09.03.2022 23:00

Tier 2, stuck in t1 with this rng crap.

@Sup_ERS_Tar - 10.03.2022 00:54

Thank you, mate.

@SevenSieteSeven - 10.03.2022 01:35

Literally just got to tier 2 today! Thanks for the vid

@strilence4life970 - 10.03.2022 04:40

"do azure wind, it's a very short quest line" - are you joking?

@Shandout - 10.03.2022 14:27

Pretty cool. TY! Didn't know that this one quest chain is actually gated behind a dialogue option.

@MalcolmIreland - 10.03.2022 17:13

just a heads up if youve already been to Fomona you can go back on an Alt character of a different gender from your main and do the quest- slightly different but gives the same rewards. you can give the rewards to your main via your roster storage.

@senpaulo - 10.03.2022 17:37

amazing video

@socratismichaelides3553 - 15.03.2022 11:32

I am pretty sure you missed all the content on Azere island. There is a ton of hidden stuff

@JebesNikove - 16.03.2022 20:33

Done most of these (skipped Azure cause man that island :D) and I'm stuck at 1050gs :/ Now each day when I do chaos/guardian runs I can do 1 try on armor and every other day 1 try on weapon. I usually fail both so ye good stuff. Gotta love the korean mmo gear progression :D

@nicolaspizarro9657 - 17.03.2022 19:02

Don't share the tower point of view, I like to keep those materials to lvl up the alters

@Tropicocitwo - 18.03.2022 05:48

Never do the tower on an alt - the ilvl gating means your alt will have to be as high/higher than your main in order to do so, which means somehow funnelling gear to an apparent "alt" in order to then catch up to it with your main. Just use the islands and play the game normally!

@choengchaiphachonyut7509 - 25.03.2022 11:27

best clip i have seen, cheers

@tangomcphearson74 - 18.04.2022 13:58

grr....... what IF you have used both of your power passes on Female characters? I'm female and don't enjoy playing male characters - so I didn't make one.

@bhutchisonbh - 18.04.2022 15:16

Awesome video mate. Was gutted to see the mount on Azure Island can only be used there:(

@bhutchisonbh - 18.04.2022 16:14

Just failed 9 attempts to get my last piece of T2 to 15...thats a lot of time and effort involved for absolutely nothing - even if your caping for Lost Ark you have to admit the honing system is complete bullshit!

@inthaniak - 24.04.2022 04:06

why is every guide about this about how to earn resources on your main? my main had those resources, easily. the prob is getting them on ALTS to get em to a tier where they can help? or did i missunderstand something here

@kvostavabrato - 28.04.2022 16:22

thanks for the video. I just want to add that Azure is quite long with a looot of hidden quests. People that want to do it should really check out another guide or video on it. (only for Azure isle, everything else is great)

@user-lj8yq9vs8t - 22.07.2022 13:50

Azure Wind is a very short questline? Am I doing a different one? The one I did had an enormously long list of quests, it also needed Heavenly Harmony from Harmony Island. And I needed Song of Spring from Shangra. This is the only questline that I am stuck on because Harmony Island wasn't popping.
