ОтветитьThat last one was on point
ОтветитьAP Chem without organic chemistry wasn’t that bad
ОтветитьNah where I went to school AP Euro and AP WH were fuckin bangers
ОтветитьAP Human Geography: A class that got so much hate in a year that they actually stop offering it the next year(cause it was a new high school so they somehow had that class for 2 year before getting rid of it)
Plus I’m pretty sure everyone who took that class (including my super smart friend) failed the test cause from what my friends told me the teacher also sucked
I take AP Euro that’s facts it’s just a lot of DBQ or LEQ but my teacher is pretty good so there’s at least that
ОтветитьAP Latin- learning a language that's dead
ОтветитьI’m in AP human geography right now and oh my god the hatred I have for it.
Ответитьhate to be that person but actually in physics we leared that gravity ISNT actually the thing that we think it is; it's just something that we use because it's just helpful enough to find and derive equations but it doesn't really even exist, at least as the number we use right now
ОтветитьWorld history is the realest one ever omg
Ответитьstop i wanna take ap chem but everything i see about ap chem is how hard it is
ОтветитьHe burns AP Lit as if that's not the best part.
The worst is filling out those sheets with Theme, Tone, Audience because a) i know that already, and my explanation works much better in a cohesive essay and B) some of those are barely relevant to the point I WANT TO MAKE!
ap enviromental science is the worst bc its not even true
ОтветитьAP world history is accurate
ОтветитьI want to take all of them 😎🤩
Ответить#1 thing you learn in AP world history- how difficult it is to spell bureaucracy.
ОтветитьJokes on you cuz I’m taking ap stat and calc ab next year
ОтветитьAP psych is so funny
Also I’m literally talking AP psych planning on taking AP physics, US history and maybe an AP English class or two I went to leave hs with at least 4 AP classes 1 sophomore year (AP psych) 2 junior year (AP physics and US history) at least one senior year (unknown currently)
in my country AP means Araling Panlipunan
ОтветитьBah, APUSH is obviously about how James K. Polk was a the "Napoleon of the Stump"! SMH!🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
ОтветитьFrom someone who took AP Chem, AP Bio and AP Calculus BC, AP Art is BY FAR the hardest AP I’ve taken. I would spend 70-100 hours on each piece and they had to be insanely well composed, plus the writing for the class is 50% of your grade, and you have 500 characters to explain the meaning of the piece and artist statement…. And I took the easier one (AP 2D). For anyone who’s not thinking of doing art in college, don’t do it, it’s SO time consuming and you can get an art credit by other classes.
ОтветитьAP Physics: Maybe the roast wasn't that impactful tbh. It's a pretty damn useful class.
ОтветитьNah ap compsci was ridiculously easy
ОтветитьWhere AP physics Electronics and magnetism?
ОтветитьIf AP art history is the only thing I’m good at then I’m screwed lol
ОтветитьAP latin: A class where you just read about Julius Caesar conquering gaul
ОтветитьIma have to disagree with you on Art HIstory. Art may be kind of a pointless subject but history is one of if not the most important subjects in all of schooling
ОтветитьYou forgot ap chinese: class that you spend 9 years preparing for just for more of the same
Ответитьhello so how is history useless at all?
ОтветитьI took APUSH (got 4/5) in 10th, AP Lang and APWH (got both 5/5) in 11th, and now Gov and Lit in 12th. Love all of em.
ОтветитьThe ap euro one made me cry because of how true it is
ОтветитьIt is not AP it is AGP advanced, gifted program, not advanced program😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
ОтветитьAP t : APT APT
AP h : Hetalia
As a junior planning to take AP Chem next year, that AP Chemistry description is very concerning...
ОтветитьWelp guess I’ll fall asleep with my eyes open next year dammit
ОтветитьAP physics also teaches you how to do physics which involves calculus without calculus
Ответитьlmao AP human geography is a required class at my school and I actually rly enjoyed it
ОтветитьAp human is the class they offer the freshman to make them feel accomplished
ОтветитьNo way AP drawing is the hardest class I have ever taken 💀 don’t take this class unless u wanna go to art school
ОтветитьSir you forgot APCG
Ответитьis it bad that i think calc AB and BC are 10x easier than AP stat 😭
ОтветитьAP Music Theory was spot on.
Ответитьtell me u didnt take ap bio without telling me:
ОтветитьWhat AP Class do you hate the most? Mine was AP chem :P
P.S: Happy Halloween! : D