THE DBD Anniversary Event Burned Me Out...

THE DBD Anniversary Event Burned Me Out...


4 дня назад

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@danmanbest454 - 12.07.2024 15:28

same man, i am burned out of dbd too!

@xmaster497 - 12.07.2024 23:53

For me this anniversary event was a disaster too. I am so sad to see how worse dbd becomes every day

@Xzlupy - 13.07.2024 04:21

As a killer main I do agree that the event was definitely killer sided as it removed a large part of survivor gameplay like saves and mind games on pallets but I do not mind that the PTB came out at the end of the event as its not a full chapter. Also with the 2v8 game mode coming out on July 25, it wouldn't be the best decision to push a new licensed survivor right before such a highly anticipated game mode as it would likely take away from the hype of Lara Croft in DBD. Good video regardless !

@viciousveras1648 - 13.07.2024 06:13

There's a lot that I could comment about the video, but I'll try to touch the 1 argument that bothered me most, BECAUSE people didn't understand the special event - Party Chest- .
Did you know that, when the timer of the event was over, ALL chests would open, saving 30 to 140 seconds of search time with chests? You could have ignored it (like you said killers did) and still get the benefits in the long run
Or how about when the chests opened, it would stun the killer in a 8 m radius for 4 seconds? You could literally know where the chests were, start a chase around them and stun the killer for free. Even if the killer interrupted opening the chest, you could use it as a stun grenade.

People missed out on possibly the most powerfull effect of - Party Chest- because they didnt read the whole description or ignored the stuns because they didn't think of using ir besides the "treasure hunting" aspect
It was the only event 100% for survivors and they flopped the use

As for the burnout, unfortunately it happens, DbD can get repetitive or feel like a chore and I've felt that twice already; Gave the game a 1 year break each time and came back feeling better (and each time comming back, taking the game less seriously).
Taking a break really is the most healthy option

@user-yn8um9zl6e - 13.07.2024 08:49

i'm fully understand your frustration, i never seen non sweats on both sides in event because everyone wanted more bloodpoints but i guess its just part of playing games, you get tired of something and little things that you usualy wont even notice starts to exhaust you (sorry English is not my native language) any way I liked the video I hope you fell better soon

@Thecboy8576 - 13.07.2024 11:07

I couldn’t play survivor during this event it felt boring bc of how there was no counterplay and I earned only 20k bp but when I switched to killer it was too easy I felt bad for the survivors and when all 4 escaped it’s because they were swfing gen rushers it was way unbalanced to the killers side and the only way to counter it is to run meta

@Culuf - 13.07.2024 11:10

Survivor main problems. I barely played as survivor at all during the anniversary event. It was killer sided. So I went with killers. I counted hooks until everyone was at final stage but not dead. I let everyone go unless they suicided by accelerating or their teammates just sucked and didn't pull them off. I drew out the matches as long as possible. That's how I always play. Points are better than being a sweaty competitive try-hard always going for the 4k. Unfortunately, that fact is not well known by the community.

@maxthemachine3894 - 13.07.2024 12:49

this event made me play the game again and I loved it

@DontPrayForMee - 13.07.2024 12:55

oh no
Killers stronk in EVENT MODE
What a shame. Bcz wo event most killers struggle and suck ass

@Philscooper - 13.07.2024 13:12

would've been better if everyone actually used cobblers and not "saved them for a friend" with their pea brains
use them and get more you lazy fucks

but no i had to grind twice or even triple as hard, even dcing because nobody bought cobblers, just to get enough cobblers for the year

@nooblangpoo - 13.07.2024 14:03

to me, DBD is fun to watch, ass to play.

@wyzlight2028 - 13.07.2024 15:04

If you don't wanna play, then don't, nothing you do will make the devs change anything, Otzdarva proved that, making a video ranting about dbd is quite literally just a waste of time and energy.

@sperguette8669 - 13.07.2024 16:41

I came back for the anniversary event to grind cobblers as I also heard cross progression is coming so all my 2017 xbox stuff will come back.

@anonymousxd8228 - 13.07.2024 20:44

i only gave survivor hint that i want to have a challenge to be done and then they helped me in exchange of there freedom xD

@CoolAdera - 13.07.2024 20:57

Всем поебать

@nakedslayer6685 - 13.07.2024 21:43

I literally refused to use that auto hook just because I actually wanted to practice killer

@hotbeachbabe3967 - 13.07.2024 21:56

nobody gaf

@SlothSandwhich - 13.07.2024 22:43

I just farmed blood points. I just want a ton of items for ace

@magical571 - 14.07.2024 06:10

it will pass. the matches right now are perfectly normal: if you are a survivor, you'll get to do 5 gens but maybe you won't escape, and If you play killer you may get babies or you may get a korean swf on steroids and gfuel lol.

@SasakiKanata - 14.07.2024 22:25

As much as I loved the Anniversary and finally finished the survivor grind with having all survivors at P3 and my main now hovering around P23...on god, was it horrible. I played in a 2-4-man swf 90% of the time, having fun with friends did make some of the suffering bearable. But that doesn't help how horribly balanced everything was and how horribly sweaty killers were. I even got accused of gen-rushing when I had a medkit, no gen speed perks and the killer didn't see me while they were chasing a teammate over the entire map for a minute. But aside from that, the killer powers were outweighing the survivor powers way too much. A one-time pallet is fine by me, I can miss that obviously. A shortened stun...alright, the killer still has to break the pallet if it was a normal one. But straight up breaking pallets and the bluetooth hooking was way too strong.
As fun as the party effects were, they were also horribly balanced. As mentioned in the video, the speed boost only helped the killer. I feel as if they should've done it so survivors get a 30% haste while killers only get 20 or 25% instead of 30% as well. It simply didn't change anything except that we were zooming over the map. The healing/exposing one felt somewhat fair, given that you potentially could get unhooked, run somewhere safe and don't care about being exposed. Well, the totem and boon ones were HORRIBLE. Yes, they were great for BP, but I had more than one game in which the effect popped off and I was either downed, hooked, my teammates took every chest/totem or the killer took every totem. There should have been a limit so that after you got a chest/totem, you wouldn't see the auras anymore and couldn't get the party effect anymore. That, plus the fact that the chest event didn't work with the killer, again, as mentioned in the video, made certain events simply unfun and unnecessarily stressful.

@Hippic - 14.07.2024 23:04

So what I get from your video is you wanna bitch about them making an event with lots of free stuff, talk about having it a little too good. 🙄 if you don’t wanna play, don’t play! Boring ass Minecraft instead with all their events… oh that’s right they don’t have any 😂

@Just4Fu757 - 14.07.2024 23:04

I agree that Killer came out better this Event, as someone who usually plays both sides I mostly played Killer this event just cause it is better for my bloodpoints, however we cannot forget that there are Events that are benefitting survivors more too, like for example the Halloween Event last year. For these timed gamemode, its always gonna be fun first and balanced second which I totally understand.

@subblivion4471 - 14.07.2024 23:24

Killer gets one sided event once in a blue moon and survivor mains get bothered by it.

@ItsNoahVG - 14.07.2024 23:27

Ive been taking a break since the last day of it and playing minecraft as well.
The event was killer sided but thats not to say survivors werent also being sweaty with bnp builds and pts and deja vus etc.
The player base a s whole is just in that meta mindset and its boring.
Im just not having fun with the current meta as a whole mixed in with the very toixc fanbase. Im feeling a lot better now
